Banana Fluffernutter

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
Freeze Dried Banana Slices, Marigold Petals, Marshmallow, Natural Flavours, Organic Flavours, Organic Honeybush
Peanut, Chocolate, Creamy, Marshmallow, Cake, Sweet, Banana, Candy, Cream, Smooth, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Another from Tiffany:)!   Thanks very much.   I have ALWAAYYSS wanted to try this blend and I know how rare it is to snag Necessiteas blends.  So I was especially appreciative of seeing this one in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mastress Alita’s Monthly Sipdown Challenge July 2022 → A tea paired with a biscuit/cookie Chocolate chips cookies for breakfast this morning and I have no regrets. Pulled a few scoops out of the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Preparation: Latte with oatmilk and honey. Also, honey drizzled on foam too. Tasting note: Yum, the foam is like a banana-y marshmallow and the tea is rich, chocolate, nutty banana. This is a nice...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to amandastory516 for this sample! I get a lot of dried banana in the flavor, which is quite fun. I also get a desserty flavor underneath. I don’t think it quite accomplishes the...” Read full tasting note

From The NecessiTeas

Do you banana?

If you haven’t had a Fluffernutter, then you are missing out! It is a wonderful concoction of marshmallow fluff and peanut butter in a delightfully tasty sandwich! These were my favorite growing up, but my mom made them even tastier by adding (in my best Minions voice) BANANAS!! If you love the classic combo of peanut butter, toasted marshmallows and banana, imagine that in a cup of tea! Make sure to add banana to your next Fluffernutter, you’ll thank me!

Use 1 tsp per 8 oz boiling water, steep 5-7 minutes.

Organic honeybush, freeze dried banana, marigold petals, peanut butter chips, freeze dried marshmallows, natural and organic flavors.

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16 Tasting Notes

4339 tasting notes

Another from Tiffany:)!   Thanks very much.   I have ALWAAYYSS wanted to try this blend and I know how rare it is to snag Necessiteas blends.  So I was especially appreciative of seeing this one in that amazing package of teas.  The blend itself looks good enough to eat with big peanut butter chips and tiny marshmallows.  Also some banana to go with the honeybush.  I will say I have always been a fan of banana & peanut butter sandwiches, and also peanut butter & fluff sandwiches, so this tea has a lot to live up to.  Really, it’s a great dessert tea with all of these sugary ingredients.  A little nutty, a little bit of banana, a lot of sweet.  I really wish for more of those flavors though.   I could try going dry leaf overboard, but I don’t want to go through this tea that quickly! I’m glad it’s one of those teas I have been dreaming about I can check off the TRY list though.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 19 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 10+ minute steep 

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2172 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s Monthly Sipdown Challenge
July 2022 → A tea paired with a biscuit/cookie

Chocolate chips cookies for breakfast this morning and I have no regrets. Pulled a few scoops out of the freezer so I could have them fresh and hot out of the oven. Can’t say whether chocolate chip cookies traditionally go with banana fluffernutter, but the combo tastes pretty good to me.

The aroma here is strictly roasted peanuts, but the taste is banana all the way! I wasn’t sure if I was going to get all the flavors, but I’m really pretty excited to experience at least the majority. No marshmallow coming through for me, but the banana/peanut mix is tasty.

Cookie recipe if anyone wants it →

Thanks to vallhallow for sharing this one!

Flavors: Peanut

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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150 tasting notes

Preparation: Latte with oatmilk and honey. Also, honey drizzled on foam too.
Tasting note: Yum, the foam is like a banana-y marshmallow and the tea is rich, chocolate, nutty banana. This is a nice dessert tea.

Flavors: Chocolate, Creamy, Marshmallow, Peanut

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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2594 tasting notes

Thanks to amandastory516 for this sample! I get a lot of dried banana in the flavor, which is quite fun. I also get a desserty flavor underneath. I don’t think it quite accomplishes the fluffernutter vision, but I definitely enjoy it with some milk. I didn’t include any marshmallows in my cup, but it still has some creaminess, which I enjoyed. The rebrew is strong and lovely as well. I’d consider purchasing this one.


I like adding oat milk to this one. The creaminess rounds out the flavor nicely.


Ohhhh that’s a great idea! I’ve been pretty impressed with the Necessiteas rooibos options, so I’m going to have to make an order and experiment!

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1781 tasting notes

Sipdown! Is it sipdown or sip down? Hmmmm….
Got to try this tea thanks to AmandaStory sending a sample! I overleafed this cup a bit and it’s much more flavorful than my first. I’m not quite sure what a fluffernutter is. I’m guessing a marshmallow peanut butter combo? I’m having this with a bit of creamer, Oat Yeah I think. It adds a lot of sweetness to it. The sip tastes very banana nutty with a slight graham cracker taste coming out at the end of the sip. The finish is very similar with the banana and nuttiness taking turns being more prominent. It’s a very tasty cup. Probably not anything I’m moved to buy, but very fun to try!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1968 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this tea a lot lately, and just finished off a 2oz bag. Simmered it in oat milk on the stove for 10 minutes, and added a shot of banana matcha from 3 Leaf. Sooooooo freaking good. Tastes like a piece of freshly baked banana bread.

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4334 tasting notes

Home – 9:30 PM

Another one from VariaTEA! I don’t drink many honeybush blends, mostly because they’re not super common. This has cute wee marshmallows in it!

I dig it. The banana flavor is admittedly very much like banana Runts, but I’m okay with that. I do get a lovely fluffy creamy flavor as well. I’m not sure I would specifically call it marshmallow, but the effect is similar. The honeybush base is woody and smooth, and I suppose sort of gives a suggestion of peanut butter. But only because I know this is supposed to have peanut butter!

It’s tasty. The flavor is quite light overall, but I’m okay with that for a caffeine-free evening blend.

Flavors: Banana, Candy, Cream, Smooth, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

This one was always missing something for me. It’s a nice caffeine free option but I always wanted banana fluffernutter and it always fell short :(

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16975 tasting notes

One of the many teas that I received from the amazing VariaTEA today. Seriously, she passed along more than eighty tea samples to me – single handedly pushing my cupboard into the 600+ tea mark! Tea friends are amazing, and also sometimes kind of crazy.

I picked teas today by just randomly picking from the box, which is how I wound up drinking this one. Here’s the thing, I don’t know that I’m familiar with what a fluffernutter actually is? I mean I’m like 95% sure it has marshmallow in it but other than that I’ve got no clue. It was good though! The taste was very rich and sweet and it put one very solid image in my head that I just couldn’t break away from; this basically tasted exactly like those banana marshmallow five cent candies that you used to be able to get at the convenience store. Very sweet and more of an artificial banana flavour but still so good; definitely has this nostalgic quality for me. I could also taste the honeybush; sweet and woody with a very slight peppery undertone to it as well. I actually liked the pairing a lot; that woody/peppery combo kept this one from being too sweet/sugary.

Thanks VariaTEA!


Hahahahaha ha ha I saw the box before it went out :) have fun!


A fluffernutter is a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich.

And also we hadn’t swapped in a while and there were teas I really wanted to send and I had much smaller boxes at first but I had to keep upsizing until finally I only had a big box so I figured if I was gonna send that I might as well make it worth it and just stuffed the shit out of it.

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15596 tasting notes

this tea makes me angry every time i have it lol. it’s not really banana…not really marshmallow….it’s just this weird sort of i dunno what to call it tea to me. I’ve tried to boiling water…cooler water….standing on 1 foot….no matter how i make it, it’s just…“whatever” bah!

Evol Ving Ness



I can’t help but laugh at the fact that a tea actually makes you angry haha.

Evol Ving Ness

sad because we all had high hopes for this one.


@Fjellrev – yeah well, what can i say? it’s SUPPOSED to work!

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6444 tasting notes

I made this earlier but it got cold since my brother’s girlfriend is here and we have been baking cookies all afternoon. We started with peanut butter cookies while we waited for the butter to soften. My brother-in-law, who has a severe peanut allergy, is at the Fire Hall today so we’re taking advantage of his absence and having ALL THE PEANUT BUTTER (between this tea and the cookies)! We then made nutella cookies and then my sister requested Salted Caramel cookies. Now that the butter has softened, the plan is to make chocolate chip cookies and Cappuccino chocolate chip cookies but we’re taking a break and I am finally drinking this tea.

It’s okay. Banana-y. Honeybush-y. Nothing really screams peanut butter and other than the sweetness, there is not much marshmallow either. It is a nice enough tea but I am always left wanting more.


Thanks, I already said I wanted some cookies today. :D

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