Two Tigers

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 335 ml

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From The Devotea

A blend of Indian and Chinese teas. Nice and strong. Available from all three The Devotea distribution centres (AU, US, UK)via

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22 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Watching the Cardinals play the Brewers from the couch.
Currently 3 – 2, Cards leading.
Nothing like tasty tea & baseball on a Sunday afternoon.

Cameron B.

I love lazy Sunday afternoons. I’ve been just hanging out on the couch, drinking tea and browsing Steepster while watching random movies on TV. Lazy is the best kind of afternoon! :D

Terri HarpLady

Yes it is!
I’ve been drooling over yixings again…I have one in my shopping cart, to be dedicated to Dian Hongs, most likely…but their system is being updated, so I can’t place my order until tomorrow….lol


Terri are you getting the one on sale @Teavivre? I got one and so did TeaFairy. It’s so cute

Cameron B.

Yum, I need a Dian Hong pot, too. They tend to be my favorites, especially the bud variety. :D


<3 Dian Hong

Terri HarpLady

no, I’ve been drooling over this one for awhile
I wanted one that was different from the other 3 I have :)


OMG that is gorgeous!


That site is making me naughty. * hides TeaFairy’s eyes * I like this one but it’s too big I think (so pretty):


OMG TOO LATE, I SAW, I SAW!!! Just want.


I knew you were gonna see that. I love that one Terri is getting.


Me too. Sigh.


It reminds me of really beautiful brocade fabric.

Terri HarpLady

exactly! That’s why I love it!

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871 tasting notes

Another one from Terri HarpLady.

This one is pretty good. I anticipated it to be a bit stronger tea based on the title. I would say it is mild to moderately bold. It is thick, creamy, and smooth. There is a very slight sweetness to the tea. I am getting a metallic tinge in the aftertaste but it is not unpleasant. Given the name two tigers, I feel like this tea is actually two different teas. The first half of the sip is very gentle, it is the smooth and creamy part. The last bit of the sip has a very small bite to it, more like a nip. Slightly rough, with a bit more boldness and with the metallic tinge. To give it a ridiculous metaphor, it is like the first part of the tea is the gentle loving mother tiger, who is nursing her baby. The second half of the sip is the baby tiger starting to get curious about its surroundings, wobbly on its feet, and has to have your constant attention at all times- ridiculous, I know :)

It becomes much more creamy as it cools.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Robert Godden

I like your metaphor. Here at the Devotea, we shall probably repeat it a good few times. Glad you enjoyed it.

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612 tasting notes

Fitting considering I spent last night watching, among other things, a documentary on tigers (while my little black cat snuggled on my blanketed stomach no less) and today’s Valentine’s Day (also Lupercalia and the full moon, woot). Just like the other Devotea blends I’ve tried, smooth as all get out while still full of deep black tea flavor. No trace of bitterness here. Agree with some other reviews about there being an earthy minerality, but it’s never funky because much like Finbarr’s Revenge everything stays very clean tasting as well. I get the smoothness and depth of the Chinese tea at the front, and the Indian qualities come out at the back, as it cools. Surprisingly friendly brew, probably a lot more pleasant going down than actually encountering two tigers, one from China and one from India, ambushing you! It did get me wired though, more than the others for some reason.

Now to go prepare for Valentine’s Day festivities. Dorkily enough we’re going to the museum a couple blocks from our house to participate in the Internet Cat Video Festival, ha.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

That sounds really fun!

Robert Godden

Thanks for allowing our tea to share a snippet of your life. That’s my favourite kind of drinker review!

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421 tasting notes

Wow if the 1910 English Breakfast eases you into your day this tea will roundhouse kick you in the face to get your day going! I mean that is the best way possible too! It’s a very strong blend of teas that is very rich and full bodied. A good strong cup of get up and go! So go get up and get some.

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27 tasting notes

Thanks, Nicole, for the sample of this you brought to the NYC meetup at the beginning of August. I brewed this a bit light (2.10 cupweight acc. to Upton tea scale, 14 oz boiling water) for three minutes and got a tea that was light but flavorful. I have rarely enjoyed drinking a strong black tea without milk as much as I’m enjoying this cup. Fragrant, almost Earl Greyish/smoky quality seems to be the Indian side; earthy, minerally depth from the Chinese side. Interesting conversation between the two; somehow it reminds me of the sweetness you can sense in hay and wood.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Robert Godden

Thank you for your kind words ( Robert from The Devotea)

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788 tasting notes

Orange Tiger
4 Parts chilled Two Tigers
1 part Contreau
1 part Simple syrup

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359 tasting notes

Those two tigers are head to head and create magic in my cup this morning!

Thanks to the wonderful and very generous Terri Harplady, I finally get to experience what Devotea is all about.

I chose this tea first cause with the name, I assumed it would be a good tea of the morning. If this stuff is an accurate representation of the company, well I am impressed!

The smell first. My grandfather was a farmer and worked really hard. At noon, he would come to eat lunch and my grandma always prepared a nice pot of strong black tea with sugar for him, just the way he liked it. The aroma took over the whole kitchen and I loved it so much as a child. My grandpa would let me have a few sips, winking at me.

The smell of this tea just reminded me of those special days, and I am already thankful for that…It’s super fragrant.

It says “a blend of Indian and Chinese teas” in the description…Assam for sure, and I am assuming Yunnan cause this tea offers boldness and mellowness at the same time.

First I taste a “bang” from the Assam and a light astringency, but I immediately get some comfort and softness from the earthiness and sweetness of the yunnan, (if that’s what it is).

There’s a very light touch of smoke in this tea, and though I’m not a fan of that usually, in this case it’s not offensive, it rather brings all the flavours together.

I am delighted I got to try this wondrful tea, thank you so much for choosing it for me Terri :-)


this story is beautiful. My grandpa has a special place in my heart.
Im in love with this tea. Do you know that AmazonV decided to make it tea of the month because of my constant whining.


Haha! Didn’t know it was a favourite of yours, now I’m gonna read your review…


Please excuse my lack of knowledge but what is AmazonV? (Lol, I’m Canadian, remember?) Is that a special place for tea on Amazon that I’m unaware of???


(Haha, What the heck is “plwa” and what is it doing in my comment ????)


AmazonV is a Steepster member. She works for Devotea US

Cameron B.

I’m going with “perfectly lovely wonderful assam”. Yep.


Lol, the minute you said Amazon, I was like, OMG more tea available to me please!! I know who you are talking about now :-)

Cameron B.: Hahahah!!!


pls read the comments of my note TheTeaFairy. you, Canadian friend is cracking me up (good laugh only);-)


OMG more tea available to me please!! " you are priceless ;-)
you need more tea???!!!!i can send you some. i now have an experience


Boychik, I read all the comments, lol, it’s good to be persistent :-)

Noooooo!!!! I don’t need more tea!! (345!!!) I just want more all the time, it’s a curse!!!


i dont think im far from you, i didnt log all the teas. i dont want to scare myself with the number


….i just got more tea. i’m afraid…


Lol, how much more???


Sil, don’t be afraid. Just accept it and enjoy. And we all know how good you are at sipdowns.


teafairy… i WAS at 205…aiming for under 200 by this weekend… bonny put me back up at 231 lol boychik…yes but sometimes sip downs are solo tiring…especially when you have like 131 small cups to drink hahaha


…and uh i might have one more swap, two travelling tea boxes and uh two orders still on their way bwahahaha


(i also really wanted to place a WP order tonight but i’m still sick and so sleep is taking over lol)


Poor girl…will you ever get rid of that flu/virus??


You made this one sounds wonderful!


I thought they decided to discontinue this one??


Thanks TeaTiff, it’s a wonderful tea…

Teabrat, I got it from a swap, but read the comments on boychik’s link just above.

Terri HarpLady

I love this one too. What is this about it being the tea of the month?


@terri harplady i re-blended it for the tea of the month club – the website appears broken so i can no longer handle orders outside email until i have time next weekend to find a new host. :( 1 left i think

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1598 tasting notes

Oh man, this is so strong! I ended up adding milk to it just so I could sip away at it, and it tastes like smoke, and ash, and dark black tea. I was ready to fall asleep so we’ll see how zippy this makes me!

Then it’s time for Orange is the New Black!

Thanks Sil! 225!!!

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493 tasting notes

this is a sample from Terri HarpLady – thank you.
Afternoon tea. yes, i needed that cup not to fall asleep, it gloomy outside. I wish i could nap. this is how i felt before my cup of Two Tigers
But this tea is amazing. its the best of the both worlds: Chinese Black and Indian Black.
This tea is incredibly smooth and sweet with some smoky notes. I love smoky teas. this one is not harsh but rather welcoming to put all flavors together. Like a final touch. lovely tea. Goes to my every day growing shopping list.
Thank you so much Terri for the opportunity to try this wonderful tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

i cant find it on US site. Was it retired?

Robert Godden

I’m afraid it was retired a few months back, both in the USA and Australia. Whilst very well reviewed, it was not a big seller. It may well re-emerge one day as part of the Tea of The Month club or as a special one off.


please, bring it back. i love it!


two in stock – leftovers from tea of the month


Cannot checkout problem with PayPal message problem to connect to PayPal
Help pls

Terri HarpLady

Boychik, I had that problem once. I sent the devotea an email, & they sent me a paypal invoice, so I was able to sign in & pay.


Terri, AmazonV came back to me. So, now Im a proud owner of Two Tigers and Finbarr’s Revenge;) Thank you for giving me a chance to sample, i’m very happy to discover them with your help

Terri HarpLady

Yay! Glad to bring happiness & tea your way! :)

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15257 tasting notes

tea from this morning! Sadly i was in back to back meetings all day and so 14 hours ago seems like a really long time from now. I opted for this one because i’m trying to get into all the devotea teas that terri sent me before she gets another box out my way haha. Add to that the incoming orders and i’m a little crazy! On the upside, my butiki order gets here tomorrow, we’re going to see the Lion King on friday (it’ll be my 5th? time) and saturday i’m going out with my friend and her little one for wedding dress shopping.

right..back to the tea. lol this was a bold tasty cup of KERPOW to wake me up this morning but that’s about all that i remember. better tasting notes to come i’m sure, since i have a bit more of this one to play with :)


Happy times on your radar :-)

Robert Godden

Two Tigers is perfect pre-Lion King!


haha yeah…i’m super excited to see if again. I’ll be sneaking tea in with me i’m sure :)

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