Taiwan Oriental Beauty (Bai Hao) Oolong Tea

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Honey, Raisins, Roasted, Roasted Nuts, Sweet, Fruity, Grapes, Honeysuckle, Vegetal, Floral, Loam, Muscatel, Stewed Fruits, Nuts, Peach, Malt, Pear, Pineapple, Spices, Hay, Sugar
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Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec 5 g 11 oz / 319 ml

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  • “Yoga, then Chinese Flute radio on Pandora, candles lit, and tea with hubby. He likes this one! I never thought I would see the day! Mr. Tetley-with-milk-and-sugar is drinking oolong plain and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m revisiting this one today and am a lot more impressed with it than the first time I tried it (May). Since then I have become a lot more comfortable with oolongs and gotten a lot better at...” Read full tasting note
  • “Drinking this straight after a cold third steep of Verdant’s Mi Lan Xiang Honey Phoenix. I’m noticing that this tastes much softer. The flavors blend and meld into each other. The autumnal taste...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have been waiting with great anticipation for my Teavivre samples to arrive. Though they actually did several days ago, with my recent accident I’m still less than mobile and my poor wife must do...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Xinzhu (Hsinchu), Taiwan

Ingredients: Tea buds covered in white tips, with one or two leaves

Taste: A mellow, sweet taste

Brew: 3-4 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 185 ºF (85 ºC) for 1 to 3 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea contains plenty of polyphenols which can increase the function of enzyme for breakdown of fats,Read more

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81 Tasting Notes

3509 tasting notes

Yoga, then Chinese Flute radio on Pandora, candles lit, and tea with hubby. He likes this one! I never thought I would see the day! Mr. Tetley-with-milk-and-sugar is drinking oolong plain and liking it enough to keep refilling his cup and to tell me that yes, please, he would like a resteep. I am gurgling from all this tea, but I was feeling rather dehydrated after our jaunt in the rain and thunder today to set Fluffy free over an hour north of here, then shopping in Raleigh. I need this before the coming week hits – back to (home)school, orthodontist appointment for youngest, and a Stampin Up workshop for 21 people to conduct.

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Rellybob 13 years ago

Do you use a particular curriculum, or do you make your own? I am researching a couple years early for my toddler; are there any curriculums that you didn’t like?

ashmanra 13 years ago

In the early years, I found the little books from Dr. Ruth Beechik very helpful – A Strong Start in…various subjects. She shows how you can teach your children without spending a fortune on a curriculum. ( Some require text book, teacher book, quiz key, test key, quiz book, test book…and that is for one subject!) You Can Teach Your Child Successfully was a great book. To teach mine to read, I loved Alphaphonics and very much disliked the Abeka style of teaching reading. They do it backwards, in my opinion. I loved Saxon for math, very thorough. For a philosophy of the way to teach, read The Charlotte Mason Companion: A Reflection in the Gentle Art of Learning. Using the narration and dictation methods worked wonderfully for us. And if your child is male you may especially want to read Better Late than Early, a great book on the different rate of development of boys and what they need and when. For the early years, I loved Learning Language Arts through Literature – great program and works beautifully with the Mason method. Later on, the Abeka curriculum offers the most demanding, most thorough grammar and composition program you can get. All of my children are very good writers, and I credit the toughness of that curriculum. It was recommended by a professor at The College of William and Mary as being the best and hardest be out there, so of course, I bought it! :) There are thousands of great choices!

gmathis 13 years ago

I need to take your Stampin Up course by correspondence!

ashmanra 13 years ago

That would be fun! Maybe we could Skype you in sometime! :)

Rellybob 13 years ago

Thanks for the info! :)

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709 tasting notes

I’m revisiting this one today and am a lot more impressed with it than the first time I tried it (May). Since then I have become a lot more comfortable with oolongs and gotten a lot better at knowing how I like to steep them – I gave it less steep temp and time and what I have here is really tasty. MUCH more like a black tea than a green, which is something I appreciate in a roasty oolong.

That said, it’s not the most remarkable tea I’ve ever had. For me, this would be an every day sort of tea, rather than a special occasions, knock-your-socks-off kind of tea. I’m used to the latter with Teavivre, so this one has me a bit flummoxed but I DO like it. I don’t think I’ll keep it in stock as I’d rather deal with a black than an oolong, but this could be a nice one for those who find black teas too harsh or oolongs too green. It hits the spot, that’s for sure!

Uniquity 12 years ago

Second steep was equally powerful, though a little less floral and sweet. Didn’t even realize it WAS those things until the qualities were diminished. Could easily go 2 or 3 more (and I’m using my Perfect Tea mug!)

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525 tasting notes

Drinking this straight after a cold third steep of Verdant’s Mi Lan Xiang Honey Phoenix.

I’m noticing that this tastes much softer. The flavors blend and meld into each other. The autumnal taste is more like leaf litter while the other is more like the crisp air of a forest. Yet, in both the honeyed note is clear. Clear but so different. Fascinating.

Today’s been an oolong-y day. Had three different teas, all dark oolongs. I suppose it’s just what I’m in the mood for. I hope it helps my tummy because I feel kinda crappy there. Must sleep soon. Tired. blargh. Long day.

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62 tasting notes

I have been waiting with great anticipation for my Teavivre samples to arrive. Though they actually did several days ago, with my recent accident I’m still less than mobile and my poor wife must do the running for two; on top of her very demanding schedule. And how do I repay my wife for her sacrifice…I stay up and drink the first sample without her. Hey, hey,… before you start hating on the Davyboy, Angel sent more than one of this selection that she actually suggested to me in my first week here on Steepster. Not only is the sample pack more than I expected, but when she first returned my PM (many of you know I offer a standerd hello with all follow/return follows) she openly offered to let me try her tea. Me being new she made several suggestions to present me some variety, yet still within what I described as my preferences, and then even sent a PM to inform me that she saw by tracking the package that it had arrived and was ready for pick-up. How splendidly thorough is that!

The sample didn’t give me a strong indication of the dry leaf smell, though I won’t hold it against it. After getting the liquor to a bright yellow with a tinge of red I was better able to secure a sniff of the leaf; it’s floral, almost fruity. This same floral note is one of the first things I noticed at first sip. Floral and light with an initial buttery mouthfeel that regretfully subsided half way through the cup. There’s an ever so slight vegetive note with just enough presence to give it a juicy feel as well, yet not too green or grassy. The combination of the light airiness of the drink and the delicate sweet notes that hint at floral and fruity, yet without wholehearted commitment, culminate into a refreshing easy drinker.

I look forward to my next meeting with this tea to see if I can learn anything more from her the next time around. It’s a pleasing tea that I would suggest to a new oolong drinker without hesitation and yet would share with another more acquainted with oolongs as well. I thank you again Angel and know that you’ve gained a future customer.

tunes-Buddy Guy=Five Long Years/Rememberin’ Stevie(Ray Vaughn)/Feels Like Rain/Every Girl I See/Ain’t That Lovin’ You/Where The Blues Begins(w/Carlos Santana)/I’ve Got Dreams To Remember(w/John Mayer)/Baby Please Don’t Leave(groovy song).

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 15 sec
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Terri HarpLady 13 years ago

Nice song list!

ashmanra 13 years ago

I love this one! I give it the full three minutes and don’t get any bitterness or astringency. If you have enough left, you might want to give it a go!

katgolik 13 years ago

Love your reviews!

Seri 12 years ago

Love this tea! Nice review :)

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15606 tasting notes

mmmmm this! This is a delicious cup of tea! I’m getting sweet notes and a small bit of cinnamon??? I’m getting honey notes as I go through a few more steepings. I will really enjoy the re-steeps of this one i think. I’m happy to see as well, that dark oolong are ok with me as there’s not hint of that that i can’t stand in many green oolongs.

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141 tasting notes

Thank you Angel at Teavivre for this sample!

This Oriental Beauty is very complex. There are so many different taste and flavors that I really like! It’s smooth and chocolaty. Slightly sweet and a little malty. Buttery, with a small amount of saltiness at times.

The amber colored liquid and cocoa-like aroma, become much much mellow on the 2nd steeping. There is very little of the creamier and thicker taste, more of sheng pu’erh – in the way of a light hay flavor.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 13 years ago

I just ordered this last week and it is on its way! Liberteas had sent me a sample and it was too good to resist.

Pureleaf 13 years ago

Good choice ashmanra! It’s hard to believe how nicely different this tea is to other oolongs (as if you can single all other oolongs into one class:). Truth being known, I had 8 cups of this tea back-to-back. Each were very enjoyable!

wiicked 13 years ago

Did you do the blog thing?

ashmanra 13 years ago

Wiicked: not sure if you were asking me or Pureleaf, but I have gotten samples from Teavivre about four times over the salt eight months or so, just not this particular tea! But Liberteas sent me some in a swap and I loved it! Now, if you were addressing Pureleaf, it is his turn to answer! :)

wiicked 13 years ago

My samples are on the way right now!

ashmanra 13 years ago

wiicked: I think you are going to love them! Mine have all been great. I end up ordering about half of what gets sent, and friends who try it with me have wanted it, too.

wiicked 13 years ago

That’s awesome
Have you ever ordered a puerh tuocha or cake?
And how big are te samples?

ashmanra 13 years ago

I have ordered lots of their puerh, and have more on the way right now! LOL! I think in the mini tuocha samples there were about five to seven to a pouch? I had to order two packages of it because my non-tea drinking son and his girlfriend liked it so much that they wanted their own. Then I got a sample of Mengku Palace loose puerh and swooned over it. I have that on the way! The other types of tea probably have enough in the sample to make two or three 22 ounce pots at least, and that isn’t counting resteeps.

wiicked 13 years ago

Haha nice!!!

Amber 13 years ago

thanks for following me!

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806 tasting notes

used my new Breville variable temp kettle to make this and it was awesome :D

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ashmanra 12 years ago

Oh, I was just looking at those!

Sil 12 years ago

So jealous helena

Hesper June 12 years ago

Someday I shall thee, oh sweet Breville kettle.

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807 tasting notes

A very light lovely cleansing oolong! Not a “typical” oolong either.
Sweet honey notes with a lovely earthy essence but not OVERLY earthy!
Some floral notes, yet not OVERLY floral!
Some fruity notes, yet not OVERLY fruity!
LOL this tea has a little bit of everything within it yet nothing is lost, muddled, or confused!
This is a very complex BLEND yet a very easy to drink and easy to distinguish on the palate!
I feel this is an excellent beginner oolong yet satisfies the long time oolong lover!
Just beautiful!

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Missy 13 years ago

hehe that’s what I told Dylan. This is the one people new to oolong should try. It’s complex but very mannerly.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Ha! I like that! “mannerly” :)

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

I love that word, too, as it gives the tea personaliTEA!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Yes and so many of us do use personification in our tea reviews!

Invader Zim 13 years ago

I finally got my sample of this in the mail today! I’m so excited after seeing all these wonderful reviews I’ve been really wanting to try this one.

Missy 13 years ago

hehe @ personaliTEA

Azzrian 13 years ago

Zim I would not say it is Teavivres BEST but its one I could see drinking daily almost like a morning black – more of an afternoon daily oolong. Dependable and smooth.

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336 tasting notes

Wait a minute I logged this before? When??? I don’t remember this tasting note. I remember there was one oolong I tried to do, but I crapped it up so much I didn’t even bother with a tasting note, and I thought this was it. Apparently not, because it appears I’ve rated the damn thing, and quite highly too. Argh! My short-term memory SUCKS!

I’ve found I don’t much care for the roasty-oolong flavor I get a lot, so I did this for about 1 min 15 sec (especially since the water was still a little on the hot side.) It’s quite pleasant. I need to stop comparing everything to bai mu dan, but honestly, that’s what it makes me think of out of the other teas I’ve tried. It’s grassy, but it’s also a little floral and sweet in a delicate, enjoyable way. A bit of brightness on top of that sweetness too, in a way I really can’t quite define. I’m wondering what would happen if I tried it for a little longer?

Also, for the love of god, somebody please start reminding me to use bottled and/or filtered water for my tea. I’ve been trying to be more careful with all the other variables in my tea-making, but for some reason, water is the one element people talk about making a big difference, and I’ve just always been kind of punk rock about it. We get well water out here, or we used to, and I’ve found it to be the most “neutral” tasting of the waters I’ve tried, but I’ve never given really good filtered water a try.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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4843 tasting notes

Amazing Oriental Beauty! Sweet and delicious. Honey tones and hints of fuzzy peach in the background. Smooth and just oh-so-good!

I’m now on my third cup (which is infusions number five and six).

The first cup was light and crisp, with hints of honey and peach. The second cup was darker, and deeper in flavor, richer, with the honey tones being quite distinct now. The third cup was somewhere between cups 1 and 2. Six very delicious infusions from one measurement of leaves.

This is a perfect Oolong for those who typically find greener Oolongs to be too flowery or floral. This is not nearly so floral, but more of a fruit/honey taste. Absolutely delightful.

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Missy 13 years ago

Thank you for the heads up!

ashmanra 13 years ago

Another one to go on my wish list! I love Teavivre….

Plunkybug 13 years ago

I liked this one! I’m gonna have some local raw creamed honey in my next steep.

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