10 Tasting Notes


I’m on my fourth or fifth pot of this and am absolutely in love. I opened one of the little packets it came in put it all in my steeper and just kept brewing pot after pot. I’ve been brewing it for less than a minute each steep, since that seemed to work best for other steepsterites and it still hasn’t become astringent! While I don’t taste the honey much, if at all, I love the taste of the oolong. It’s rich, but not overpowering, and just gives a wonderful soothing sensation after drinking. Once I run out of all the oolong samples I bought from Teavivre I will definitely consider buying a larger amount of this one. yum yum yum. Even all my roomates liked it, and they don’t drink much tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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Lovely oolong tea. While I don’t taste ‘milk’ I do get a smooth feeling while drinking the tea. I think I need to drink more oolong before I really rate this one, but it falls kind of flat to me since I just drank their premium dragon well which was fantastic. That makes me believe that I am probably a bit biased right now. I will drink it again some other time, and then maybe drink the flavored version and see which I like better.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Seri 13 years ago

I forgot to mention that the way the tea leaves expand is stunning. I put two teaspoons into my diffuser and by the time they had steeped my infuser was practically full of fleshed out tea leaves. You can see the entire leaf!

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YUMMM! Just got my package and ripped right into this one. The first brew was a delightful green tea. It reminded me of the green tea served at sushi bars in Japan, except higher quality. The leaves were also so large and long, I was so surprised. Both the tea and the tea leaves smell wonderful.

At first it had a typical green tea smell, then as it cooled it somehow smelled spicier, I’m not sure how to explain it. The flavor was rich and woodsy.

The second steep was more seaweedy and grassy, but not in a bad way at all. I’m very glad I bought a lot of it because I can see it becoming a staple. Would recommend it to anyone who likes green tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Amandine Rose by Teavana
10 tasting notes

I went into teavana yesterday, hoping to try the almond biscotti. I walked right up to the counter and asked for it, as I was advised by fellow steepsterites, in order to avoid any hassling salespeople. It worked wonders! When I asked for the Almond Biscotti the sales lady told me that they it was now Amandine Rose, since it was still a Ceylon Almond tea I didn’t mind. (I had a scrumptious tea from a little boutique in Spa that was a Ceylon black tea with almonds. However, I finished it off before I found this website, and so thinking I could never have it again I threw away the packaging without writing down what it was.)

Anyway, they brewed it up for me and allowed me to smell the dry leaf. YUMMM! The smell was exactly what I was looking for, a rich Ceylon with comforting almond tones. Once I got my cup I was pretty stoked to try it. Like some other reviewers I got no rose out of it whatsoever, but I did enjoy the almond flavors. It’s a very comforting tea, but I’m glad I only bought a cup, and not any loose leaf to bring home. On a side note, I was pleasantly surprised by the price, she didn’t give me a receipt, and along with what I’ve heard of them I was a bit concerned. When I looked at my credit card statement it was only $3.18 or so, considering they gave me a very large cup I was pretty content especially when that’s a pretty normal price for something at starbucks.

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This is an absolutely lovely tea. It brews into a nice yellow golden color, and has a delightful floral smell to it. The taste is light and floral. I was also really impressed by how the tea leaves expanded in the sachet while brewing, I’m excited to rebrew. I definitely recommend this as a relaxing afternoon tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea smells phenomenal! The reason I bought it was because I got to smell some of the dry leaf in the store. It has a smell that promises a sweet fruity flavor once brewed. Unfortunately I personally feel that the smell remains once brewed but that the flavor isn’t quite as strong as I was expecting. To me it tastes like green tea that has a little bit of something else, but I can’t pin the other flavor because it is so subtle. Maybe it’s the watermelon, since I personally don’t think watermelon has much flavor in general. I liked the tea though, especially the smell, I just can’t claim it tastes like much other than a light green tea.

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drank Ceylon Orange Pekoe Tea by Twinings
10 tasting notes

This tea isn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t buy it again. I liked it well enough hot, with or without honey, but it didn’t stand out to me. I’ll probably leave it at my parents house just to have a bit of variety in tea. On a side note, the only orange I noticed was maybe a hint of orange blossom in the smell once brewed.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

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drank Fleur de Geisha by Palais des Thés
10 tasting notes

My first tasting note :)
I had this tea hot at a restaurant over the summer and loved it so much that I simply had to find the store and buy some. I wanted to reserve the tasting note until I had a chance to really enjoy the tea at home though.

Last night I decided to try making an iced version, after seeing other steepsterites say that it tastes better cold. So I brewed 4 cups of water (32oz) up hot at 160 degrees (closest thing I had to recommended temperature), let it steep with two of the tea bags for 3 minutes, let it cool, then poured it in a pitcher with ice and stuck it in the fridge overnight.

As an Iced tea the green tea flavor is dominant in my opinion, but I love subtle green teas so that isn’t a problem for me. During the actual sip I noticed the green tea first, then a slight sakura/cherry note. The cherry flavor came out more in the aftertaste than the actual sip. Oddly enough in my second sip the cherry flavor came first, then the green tea, and then a subtle note of sakura at the end. I noticed that after drinking my mouth had a bit of a dry feeling, which wasn’t bad, just very interesting. No bitterness though!

After I had made my batch of Iced Tea I also decided to try resteeping the teabags to drink hot. I was a little worried because they smelled really bitter, but I thought I’d try it anyway. I used the same parameters (but less water) and it still wasn’t bitter! woohoo!!! I didn’t notice much of a difference in flavor from the first and second steep. All in all I’m glad I purchased it, I like the green base, and the hints of sakura and cherry are intriguing.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Waterlilies Fruit Tea by Teavivre
10 tasting notes

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I have always loved tea, but I never knew how extensive the tea world was until I found this website. My eyes have been opened! Suddenly there are all these teas that I want to try, and I’m paying a lot more attention to the teas I already have. I’m so glad I found steepster and the lovely community it entails.

Tea is therefore the latest addition to my long list of hobbies haha. I’m very happy though, I have a feeling it’s going to stick with me :) Along with tea I like to crochet, read books, play video games, scrapbook, watch Asian dramas, make jewelry, cook (Soup especially), and do pretty much anything else arts and crafty.


Miami Florida/ Oxford Ohio

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