Sweet Cranberry Black

Tea type
Black Fruit Herbal Blend
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Artificial, Candy, Cranberry, Dust, Apple Candy
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Edit tea info Last updated by heatherelectra
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec 34 oz / 1005 ml

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  • “I made this iced with a little lemon. The combination of lemon and cranberry is extremely tart; I’m not sure how much I like this. It kind of tastes like foot.” Read full tasting note
  • “TART!!!!!!!!! Very Tart black tea, luckily I’m a fan of tarty teas so I enjoyed the flamboyant flavors of this black tea. As I kept sipping this tea, I noticed that it has rich flavors beyond...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Erin I am getting to try this tea. I would have never thought to purchase this as cranberry usually isn’t my thing unless it’s Thanksgiving and then I MUST have cranberry to serve with my...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is one of my AM go-to teas. I can’t speak to the tartness because I sweeten all my teas! I have to say that my stock of this is on the older side but it still tastes good; the black tea...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Naturally sweet blend of Ceylon black tea with blackberry leaves and cranberry pieces.

How to Prepare
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 195-205 degrees and steep for 2-3 minutes. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.
Black tea, candied cranberry pieces, blackberry leaves and red rose petals.

This tea blends well with:
Rooibos Peach Bloom Tea

About Teavana View company

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24 Tasting Notes

176 tasting notes

I made this iced with a little lemon. The combination of lemon and cranberry is extremely tart; I’m not sure how much I like this. It kind of tastes like foot.


Like foot! LOL


Better than tasting like butt… or the ladybug that was on my raspberry cheese cake last nite.


I bought this one to drink iced and hated it iced. It’s much better hot, IMO!

Meghann M

Good to know, I’ll stay away from foot tea!


oh dear, Foot?!?! LOL!


Oh no, Cofftea! That is terrible! I like ladybugs, and I LOVE cheesecake, but certainly not together.


Yeah… Idk what’s carrier, the fact that it was there or the fact that I could identify it (w/ my tongue, not my eyes) as a bug… even though I’ve never eaten a bug lol.


At least it doesn’t have protective ice. Lol.

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51 tasting notes

TART!!!!!!!!! Very Tart black tea, luckily I’m a fan of tarty teas so I enjoyed the flamboyant flavors of this black tea. As I kept sipping this tea, I noticed that it has rich flavors beyond cranberry that I can’t quite put my finger on yet. I imagine this one iced on a hot summer day like yesterday with a squeeze of lime or lemon :)
I must say I chose a bad combo of breakfast with this tea, as I had it with Nutella croissants so the chocolate and cranberry tartness was a little iffy lol but I will retry by itself.
My question to you : What do YOU think of Tart teas? Do you like them? Hate Them? Iced? Hot? I want your opinions!


Tart teas are okay, but I have to be in the mood for them. My husband, on the other hand, LOVES tartness…the more tart, the better. I think tart teas are best cold, at least for me because it can seem to tone down the tartness slightly.


I don’t tend to like my teas to be tart. It’s so easy for them to go over the line – I don’t want tartness to be ALL that I’m tasting. A little tartness is ok though.


I’m sooo close to coming down on the “hate” side of tart, but I think I’m more with Ewa on this one. I think that I need to try a wider range of teas (tart ones included) to make my official call :)


Well it’s easy to “hate” something, but realizing that something is great in its own unique way is the hard part. :) however I personally am a fan of tart :D


Nutella croissants sound amazing. that’s all.

oh and tart flavors…not in tea, but I it otherwise. I love kumquats and rhubarb, which are both pretty tart fruits. Cranberries are great too.


Nutella is amazing :)
we all have our preferences :D

Miss Sweet

I don’t like tart teas hot at all and prefer them iced as it usually helps other flavors (aside from “TART!!”) come through :)

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111 tasting notes

Thanks to Erin I am getting to try this tea. I would have never thought to purchase this as cranberry usually isn’t my thing unless it’s Thanksgiving and then I MUST have cranberry to serve with my turkey and dressing (yes it’s dressing here made from a cornbread base not stuffing).

Anyway I am sooooo grateful to Erin for sending this one it is quite YUMMY. I didn’t really get much smell out of the dry leaf but once brewed up it smells like a hard candy I can’t quite put my finger on the exact candy but it reminds me of some hard candy I had as a kid. The taste is a sweet cranberry I’m getting no tartness whatsoever and that’s a good thing I don’t like tarts or tartiness or tardiness :) hee hee any way the cranberry taste does not override the ceylon base but blends with it to make a beautiful blend. I really like this tea and did I mention the liquor is a clear reddish amber and it’s very pretty. I am ordering more of this and will try serving it iced.

Muchos Gracias Erin!!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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103 tasting notes

This is one of my AM go-to teas. I can’t speak to the tartness because I sweeten all my teas! I have to say that my stock of this is on the older side but it still tastes good; the black tea flavor is a little weak but the cranberry and blackberry notes shine through. A great morning pick-me-up.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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47 tasting notes

For some reason, cranberry really appealed today. Maybe because I plan on baking homemade bread and wrapping gifts?

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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523 tasting notes

fourth tea sampled from TTB-C

Ah gee, I am not having any luck finding a good fruit flavored tea tonight. So after the fruity-car-air-freshener tea I get Play-Doh! yep, play doh. (I see that moraiwe also detected the play-doh, glad that it’s not just me :p ).

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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15 tasting notes

A very tart tasting tea, I tried this with dessert so perhaps not a good choice as I found it very strong. Very flavorful and overall a nice tea.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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615 tasting notes

This tea has a really artificial smell and my brain keeps wanting to associate it with Play Doh. Luckily it tastes a little better, and is just a mild black tea with a tart, fruity flavor that doesn’t necessarily remind me of cranberries, but isn’t offensive. It’s smooth and I don’t pick up any bitterness, but it’s not remarkable in any way. I’m more excited that I’m down to the last 2-3 cups and then I can reuse the tin.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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2291 tasting notes

Meh. I will have to try this tea again when I don’t have a cold, but so far I don’t really like it. The dry leaves smell floral and berry-like, but brewed the tea is tart and astringent. I tasted it plain, then had to add a bunch of honey and soy creamer to make it palatable. I think I’m going to dump this out and make some Earl Grey instead – the ultimate comfort tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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77 tasting notes

I’m drinking through my old stores. Teavana’s stuff is pricey, so I tended to ‘save it for later’. Now I realize I wasn’t drinking it because it was too darned sweet and artificial-tasting. When I was a kid our doctor would give out a Charms (brand) lollipop for being a good patient. Teavana Sweet Cranberry Black tastes like that candy, as in way too sweet and artificial-tasting. Its cloying flavor was only masked when I mixed other teas with it. I’m not sorry Teavana discontinued this one.

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Cranberry, Dust

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

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