Earl Grey Creme

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Marigold Petals, Natural And Artificial Flavouring
Bergamot, Marshmallow, Drying, Lavender, Cream, Vanilla, Floral, Artificial, Creamy, Earth, Astringent, Flowers, Fruity, Honey, Sweet, Citrus, Chocolate, Wet Earth, Perfume, Smooth, Butter, Tannic, Anise, Tannin, Orange, Sour, Earl Grey, Gardenias, Orange Zest, Dust, Tea
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by sageeyes
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 15 oz / 430 ml

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215 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Compared to the Earl Grey from Lupicia, I think that this one is less well balanced when by itself. I like to use 2 tsp. of this with 1 tsp. of the French Vanilla Assam (from 52teas) in 500 ml....” Read full tasting note
  • “Michelle packed a potent packet of this in a pouch of precious prizes (sorry—-y’all know me and alliterations). Wordplay notwithstanding, I think this is my favorite EG blend to date. Heavy on the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Decupboarding this now because I’ve only got about a teaspoon left, so if I don’t do it now, I’ll forget to :) Last night I coldbrewed this in the fridge. I don’t think I’ve ever done that with an...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made a gallon of this iced using the hot brew method:1TBSP to 16oz hot water and then chilled it overnight. I’ve been trying to “use up” this tea, as it was the first I bought, and I’ve found much...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

A smooth and rich combination of classic Earl Grey black tea and Bergamot oil with a touch of dairy-free creaminess coming from the vanilla pieces and cream flavoring added.

How to Prepare
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 195-205 degrees and steep tea for 2-3 minutes. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.
Traditional blend of Earl Grey black tea with bergamot oil, blue cornflowers, vanilla pieces and cream flavoring (dairy-free). (by Oolonga)

Ingredients from the envelope label: Black tea, natural & artificial flavoring, marigold petals. (By SJBP)

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215 Tasting Notes

863 tasting notes

Compared to the Earl Grey from Lupicia, I think that this one is less well balanced when by itself.

I like to use 2 tsp. of this with 1 tsp. of the French Vanilla Assam (from 52teas) in 500 ml. water to soften the bergamot (which I’m really sensitive to). Prepped this way it doesn’t need milk or sugar – and there’s only a tiny bit of astringency that creeps into the end of the sip as it cools.

I really think I want to try infusing this into some chocolate truffles. I bet it would be amazing!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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3011 tasting notes

Michelle packed a potent packet of this in a pouch of precious prizes (sorry—-y’all know me and alliterations). Wordplay notwithstanding, I think this is my favorite EG blend to date. Heavy on the cream, light on the bergamot.


Sounds like my kind of EG!


My EG issues come from the notion that if you are a tea lover, you’ve got to love EG. Cap’n Picard and all that. Most of the time I don’t love EG all that much :) So this is a nice compromise.

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323 tasting notes

Decupboarding this now because I’ve only got about a teaspoon left, so if I don’t do it now, I’ll forget to :)

Last night I coldbrewed this in the fridge. I don’t think I’ve ever done that with an EG before. This one has a history of tasting artificial to me, but I figured why not, what the hey.

It’s really good coldbrewed. I did about 18 hours, I think, about 3tsp for maybe 24oz of water.

The liquor is a really pale, light gold. It’s strikingly beautiful for a black tea, and not at all what I expect an Earl Grey to be. I have to save the rest of this pitcher – I want to take photos tomorrow. (In other news, my photographic lightbox came in, along with a couple studio lights. I’m so excited to start playing with them!)

But yeah. Actually a really good tea like this. I wouldn’t buy it again, but I’m glad I figured out how to drink it (although how come I always figure out how to make it good just as I’m running out? Not fair.).

Iced 8 min or more

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558 tasting notes

Made a gallon of this iced using the hot brew method:1TBSP to 16oz hot water and then chilled it overnight. I’ve been trying to “use up” this tea, as it was the first I bought, and I’ve found much better teas I enjoy and still have 4oz to work thorugh.

This makes a smoother iced tea than I remember. I love the sweet bergamot flavor from the “creme”. I will have to try this with a plain Earl to see how it compares.

Only 1TB/gal steeped in 16z water then 112oz cold water added? Or 1TB/16oz for a total of 8TB?

Meghann M

2nd one: 8TB to 1 Gallon, but I used my perfect tea maker that is 16oz so it was 1TB/16oz and then I’d empty it and start over. I think I need to cave and get the larger iced tea size Perfect Tea maker or Bodum’s Iced tea pitcher that Rishi and others seem to carry.


Meghann M- quicker easier solution would be all 8TB steeped in 16oz then adding 112oz cold water. Then you can have a gallon ready in the same amount of time it’d take to make a cup:)

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51 tasting notes

Finally got into a Teavana for the first time. Wasn’t thrilled with the selection; most of what I went in there to try was out of stock. However, I did pick up some of this tea to try, and want to see how it compares to my current fav, Creamed Earl Grey by Tealish. Currently watching the final episodes of Downton Abbey Season 2, and distracted by the butter tarts that I am shoving in my mouth. I’m not going to rate this tea today as it would hardly be a fair review, but will say that it was an enjoyable enough experience with the butter tarts, and of course, my beloved characters of this show.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Butter tarts, Earl Grey & Downton. That’s a great day.

Terri HarpLady

I haven’t watched Downton Abbey (yet), but sounds like you had the perfect munchies & tea for it!

Yogini Undefined

Thanks! It was pretty awesome! :D


Someone just asked me today if I watch that show! What channel is it on?
What network I should ask. Thanks!


Out of stock? Booo!

P.S. I love Downton Abbey!!!! They need to make more episodes. I’m extremely impatient.


OMG! I just remembered the scene where the Dowager Countess of Grantham sat in a swivel chair for the first time and about freaked out! LOL! Best reaction EVER!!! Gosh, I just love Maggie Smith.

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377 tasting notes

Stopped by to see my friend who works at the South Park location. This is one that I have had the pleasure of wafting but had yet to taste. So I grabbed a cup. I do like a good earl grey so I anticipating a good experience. Seriously a good brew. The vanilla mellows but doesn’t completely cancel out the bergamot flavor. As it cools there’s a hint of chocolate maybe that’s part to the base black tea. There’s maybe even a hint of maybe creamsicle. I have to admit that there was a fantastic empty cup aroma…a sign of a good one :) This may have to be added to the collection.

Autumn Hearth

May I ask who the friend is? I worked there up until April, so just curious.


I had the privilege and JOY of working at Teavana for over three years sampling, selling and passing on the joy of tea and art and artistry of tea-making. There are many stars out there, and combinations one can make of the tea selections and yet EACH day without fail, Earl Grey Creme was my go to tea every morning. My husband and I love that tea. Still do. And yes, it has a fantastic empty cup aroma. Amen on the hint of chocolate and possible hint of a creamsicle ice pop. Good call on that one. :) But no Popsicle sticks were ever in the bag. CHEERS.

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470 tasting notes

I am one tea closer on my quest to try all the Earl Grey Creams. I got a sample of this from Marcel Duchamp, thanks a bunch!

This is STRONG for an EGC. The bergamot is really assertive, but I like a good in your face earl grey so I don’t mind it. Usually the cream tempers the citrus aspect, but this is one of the less creamy earl grey creams that I’ve tried. There’s a hint of vanilla, but this is kind f a reverse of the usual EGC: in most the vanilla/cream is in the forefront followed by bergamot. Here there’s bergamot first and then a whiff of cream!

It’s not bad by any means, it’s a nice change of pace from my usual EG cuppa. I’ll admit that I turn to EG blends far more often than straight EG: cream, smokey, mint, jasmine, rose, lavender, lady grey… but rarely just a straight Earl. This almost fits that profile, really I wouldn’t know it was a cream blend if the label didn’t say so! I got two ounces of their standard EG for Christmas that I have not tried yet, perhaps it’s time for a taste test to see how it compares to this one!

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 248. This one comes to me thanks to Tea Sipper!

I have been a bit curious about Teavana’s Earl Grey and variants thereof, but never enough to actually seek them out. But Tea Sipper included a sample of this, so I get to try it.

My first impression immediately after it was finished steeping was that of cleaning solution. Uh oh. There is just something about the bergamot that seems off. I feared Bitter Bergamot Syndrome in the taste of this one, but actually it turned out alright. I mean, it’s not terrible, but it’s not really good, either. Despite the fact I used slightly more leaf than I normally would for this cup, the flavor is kind of bland. The cream is nice in the aftertaste but not great in the main sip. The bergamot is kind of meh and more typical of mediocre Earl Greys, not fruity and citrusy and lovely. All in all, not a bad cup, but not one that I will look for again.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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772 tasting notes

Wow, I have no idea how old this tea is, but I just used most of it to make a pot. 6 teaspoons uses a lot when it’s being kept in one of my little papered tins. Only one or two servings left, I think. I probably overleafed it, but I’m sure that this tea is at least a year old. I’m trying to get through some of my opened packages before I open some new packages. I have 4 huge tubs full of tea (2 unopened, 1 opened, 1 trade tub). Going to sort the unopened tubs so they’re more equal in number in each and by company, I think. We’ll see. I need to go through and make sure all my tea is logged in Steepster so I can get a more accurate accounting of how much tea I have.

Added milk and sugar to this. Had a bit of trouble getting it back to the couch. I pulled an all-nighter last night and I’m at the point of awakeness that my hands are shaking. :p That’s REALLY going to impress my therapist that I see in 2 hours.

This tastes like what I think a egc should. Not my favourite flavour though, I’ve grown tired of bergamot in general.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Had some adverse effects, probably from the artificial flavouring. Threw the rest of it out.


I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

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1120 tasting notes

To me, this is a tea for blending: by itself, it just makes me wrinkle my nose, but it makes an interesting addition to some of my other teas. This time, I added a pinch to my second steeping of Teavana’s MateVana and found the combination pleasant, though I can’t say exactly why.


I will have to try blending this! To me, this by itself is one of my all-time favorites. (But I’m a huge fan of earl greys so I’m probably biased.)


A lot of people seem to really love this one, so I wonder if earl grey just isn’t my thing. But I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve had any others aside from cheap dining hall teabags. I imagine it’s even better blended if you like it by itself!


I know this tasting is old, but I just wanted to add that Earl Grey is totally an acquired taste, in my humble opinion. It’s sort of like people who develop a taste for coffee. Earl Grey tends to be the “learned taste” of the tea world.

That being said, I think this particular Earl Grey is amazing when blended. I just made a blend of this with another Teavana tea (the Zingiber Ginger Coconut) and a little coconut milk and it is amazing. I also enjoy this Earl Grey very much as part of an iced tea mix. It adds just enough of that “tea” flavor but doesn’t overpower the fruity herbals I use to make iced tea.

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