Rosy Earl Grey

Tea type
Black Green Blend
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Bergamot, Rose
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Warning: graphic content ahead. Younger Steepsterites and those with heart problems should skip the following note. Reader discretion is advised. I just had the most horrific tea moment of my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Rose! Jasmine! Earl Grey! It’s like a fairy tea sister offered to send a magic tea with all my best loved flavors in it. Wait! This really happened!! Rabs sent this tea to me!!!! :) I LOVE...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I am almost, almost done with my rosey teas, or at least the ones that acutally are rosey. I mean, I still have a few that sprinkle a few rose petals into the mix, but nary a rose flavor is to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Second tea of the morning………. I have not had this one in a while. It combines so many of my favorite scents into one lovely tea. There is rose, Early Grey, and jasmine, and I think the tea base...” Read full tasting note

From Teas Etc

This inspiring blend of Jasmine green tea, Earl Grey black tea and rose petals has become one of our most popular.

While I’d like to take all the credit for creating the blend, I can’t. On a quest to find some consistency, a customer from NYC, Beverly, called with a request that I make up something with the combination of these ingredients. A conversation or two later our Rosy Earl Grey, (aka Beverly’s Blend), was unveiled.

Aromatic with a smooth floral character Rosy Earl Grey is tasty hot or iced.

Ingredients: Jasmine green tea, black tea, flavor, rose petals

Origin of Rosy Earl Grey : Sri Lanka, China

About Teas Etc View company

Direct trade quality loose leaf tea for more than a decade. World Tea Championship winners in 2008 & 2009. USDA Certified Organic. Based in US with buying office in China.

66 Tasting Notes

314 tasting notes

This is another reliable, forgiving “great to drink at work” tea! I’ve been drinking this a lot. I brought a big bag as my “stash” to keep at work and it’s become very popular with my co-workers too. It smells so wonderful, brews up beautifully in the water from our water cooler’s hot water spigot and it can handle oversteeping!

It’s also a good “palate-cleanser” after a heavy lunch. Very refreshing and sweet—like a rainshower in the summer surrounded by hothouse blooms.

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more

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259 tasting notes

I was fortunate enough to get a sample of this delightful tea from the magnificent RABS (thank you so much!). It was labelled an “8” out of a possible “8” in the Geek package and I’ve been holding off on trying the two remaining 8 teas for a very rainy day—or for one of those dark nights of the soul.

Today I decided to indulge myself and opened the delightful package. I love this tea. It’s not a simple rose tea nor is it a simple Earl Grey. It manages to surpass Earl Greyness by an abundant bergamot taste and the rose makes for a delightful adjunct—both visually and, more importantly, in terms of taste.

I highly recommend this and must order a full package. Great job, Teas, Etc. I’ve never had another tea like this so far and, in a world where copy-cat teas seem to be the rule, I really like this original.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec

I’m so very pleased that you enjoyed this! I have 3 teas left to try from the Shakespeare box, but am also waiting for a time to really focus on them. I’m hoping that next week will be the perfect time — I truly hope!

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382 tasting notes

Time for my quarterly return to Steepster! I actually had a revelation earlier this week that one of the reasons that I don’t come by here often is because the dashboard takes forever to load these days. I hit the steepster link, go off to do something else while it loads, proceed to completely forget about it and finish off whatever tea I was drinking in the meantime.

In any case, we’ll see how long this return lasts. Probably until I finish my current research paper which I am at this moment procrastinating on while writing this note. I think I’ll probably stick to only logging new teas as I try them rather than logging all the tea I drink unless I get a strongly different impression from it than previously.

In any case, I’ve been wanting to try this tea for a while, since I loooove earl grey the best. Even more than the crazy ass teas from 52teas. Although I love those too, of course, just NOT AS MUCH :P Anyway, I was really wary of it, but I know Rabs loves it, so I had always been planning to try some. Sadly, my finances have not been great of late. Yay for being at a public university in California! Motto: We Have No Money.

I finally got a bit of a break when mum sent me a check for Valentine’s day with instructions to buy tasty chocolates for myself because she was busy. I think that we all know that “tasty chocolates” is a universal code for “nifty tea and possibly some posh beer.” So I grabbed several Teas,etc. teas. Including this and coconut custard, which I had also been coveting for a while.

Now, this is a black and green (and bunch of other stuff) blend, which has historically been problematic, but I tend to get around this problem through the highly scientific method of treating it like a black tea and selectively forgetting that the green tea is there. I recommend this method for anyone as chronically lazy as me.

Now then, to the tea itself. This is, to put it frankly, AMAZING. I can’t believe that it has all that stuff going on in there (jasmine and earl grey and rose, oh my!) and yet it all manages to come together somehow without anything becoming too overpowering. That’s right, I am getting the rose and the jasmine and the earl grey in basically equal amounts! I am freaking out here guys. I am going to have to keep this on hand ALL THE TIME, I am not even lying. As with other “augmented” earl greys though, I don’t really see this as a substitute for normal earl grey, which I need in the mornings to function. However, I really love having this throughout the day, or making a big pot of it, since the different flavors mean I won’t get tired of it even if I’m drinking it for several hours.

tl;dr version: A++ would drink/buy again!

Addendum: I think my other reason for slacking off on Steepster is my chronic inability to write short tasting notes. WHY IS THIS SO LONG.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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119 tasting notes

I was in the mood for something citrus-y again (after drinking Paris) and so I grabbed this out of the selection that LiberTEAS sent me.

This smells.
I can’t even describe to you how much I love the scent, there aren’t enough words. It smells very bright and citrus-y from the bergamont and the floral scent pops through and adds a wonderful lightness to it. Oh my gosh I can’t even contain how good it smells. It’s also BEAUTIFUL. There’s so many flower petals all throughout the forest-green leaves. Oh my gosh. I have to stop I could go on forever.

Anyways, I steeped with boiling water (as par LiberTEAS directions, though I think I might let it cool a little bit next time) and steeped for 3 and half minutes (again by the directions on the baggy, though I think I’ll go a little shorter next time, maybe 2 and a half or just 3 minutes). I’m surprised at how much the leaves opened up. They literally look like leaves from a tree inside the infuser basket. I think that’s a result of the boiling water. The resulting brew is pretttty dark. Like if I didn’t know better I would say that there wasn’t any green tea in it, but rather a lighter black tea. The aroma is a lot more floral than the leaves. In fact it’s mostly floral, and I can’t detect any citrus.

I added some sugar to it as I do with most of the Earl Grey’s I drink (a bad habit, I know), and it really helps out. I can taste the bergamont’s tart-sweetness and a really nice floral taste is left in my mouth afterwards. Not something I would reach out and buy again, but it’s pretty good! Earl Grey is my dad’s favorite kind of tea (though he usually drinks Bigelow and other bagged varieties) and I think I might brew him a cup when he gets home from work and see what he thinks….

On another side note, I have a feeling that my next batch of samples from Teavivre are going to come today. I don’t know why, but I always get a certain feeling when I know that my teas are going to come in the mail…. It’s like my sixth sense :P. I could tell with my last batch of samples that they were going to come and, believe it or not, when I got home they were in my mailbox! I really hope they do come! I’m getting some black teas this time and I’m so excited to try those. I’m also getting their Milk Oolong, which I heard was amazing and I’m getting some of their pu-erh touchas. I’m so excited!

To wrap this post up, I like this tea a lot, but I’m more of a fan of original Earl Grey’s. Many thanks again to LiberTEAS for including this in my sample package!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Glad you’re having such a great time. Wish my granddaughters would join in like you do since they love tea too. Ah well. I’m still waiting for my first batch of samples from Teavivre to arrive….taking some time! Can’t wait! I’m going to send you a pkt of Czar Nicholas ll.


It is understandable since they’re coming all the way from China. I have no complaints, it hasn’t been too too long. Thank you! I would love to try some, it sounded pretty good from your review!

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596 tasting notes

I am drinking this as a cold-brewed iced tea. Much better method of preparing this tea. I strongly advise it.

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902 tasting notes

JacquelineM sent me a little tin of this to try…thank you so much!!

It’s almost too pretty to brew. This is full of rose petals! Has a lovely rose and earl grey scent, with just a hint of jasmine.

In the brewed cup, though, that hint of jasmine becomes a whole heap o’ jasmine. There’s still some rose, and bergamot at the end of the sip, but there’s a whole heck of a lot of jasmine going on. And I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. See, me and jasmine…sometimes we just can’t be in the same room, and other days we’re best friends. Kind of like tweenage girls.

As it cools, there’s less up-front jasmine and more rose; bergamot is still playing the final fiddle. I’m thinking this is an Earl that’s just not for me. I’ll try it out again at a lower steep and see what happens.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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132 tasting notes

I have finally gotten around to trying this tea that the wonderful Rabs had sent me in a swap. She said it was her favorite and that by me being a jasmine lover and a fan of earl grey, should appreciate… of course I was intrigued and eagerly awaited this! Unfortunately, I tend to drink alot of my tea at night or in the evening when I have some time to myself and the kids are in bed; I will usually seek out the white teas so I wont be tossing and turning all night. But today I decided I will make the time and try this out. Looking at the tea I noticed a full rose bud alone with several rose petals, very pretty against the black leaves! But by seeing this I was scared this would taste overly rosey, which is not my forte. Now, putting all of that aside I steeped this visually appealing tea and took my first sip and the rose was not overpowering at all! The jasmine I would say was the strongest note, followed by the rose and then the bergamot. But here is where the magic happens… the flavors all meld together quite nicely… to the point where I simply wonder how did they do that?!

This is a very good and different earl grey tea and I thank you Rabs for letting me try this one :-)


Hooray! You’re so very welcome :D

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1015 tasting notes

Another goodie from MeghannM! Thanks!
Oooh, jasmine…rose….love! This tea smells amazing dry, just like walking through a flower garden on a warm, humid day. I brewed this baby up because I just couldn’t wait to try this! Wow, this is something. Something wonderful for sure! Honestly, the ingredients in this tea could lead to a big, scary, disgusting mess but it works beautifully.

This is like a mix of the best jasmine pearls, most amazing rose, and a delicious, balanced Earl Grey. I think I’m in love! And, the tea cup doubles as aromatherapy! I’m sitting here with my nose in the cup letting my day melt away with each deep breath of jasmine and rose.

Although this is a black tea, I have a feeling that this would be great to have before bed as the florals are very relaxing. I really needed a cup of fru-fru today!

5 min, 0 sec

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431 tasting notes

Thank you Jessica for sending me this tea.

There isn’t much more I can say about this that hasn’t already been said. It is amazing and delicious. The flavors work so well together. My favorite has to be the rose.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Yay, I’m glad you like it! I actually need to buy a tin of this to have on hand ;-)

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3371 tasting notes

Finished this sample up today! Shared a pot with a friend and it is just as delicate, just as girly as ever – and that was a good thing! I already had a tea to kick me into gear this morning, but now it was afternoon and I was ready for a gentle tea to enjoy this beautiful weather. This was a great tea for that. I really taste the jasmine in this one, but it is so nicely balanced with the rose and neither are cloying or artificial.

200 °F / 93 °C

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