Origin: Nantou, Taiwan
Dry Leaf: Ever Spring is right!!! Very fragrant little forest green pellets with lovely gardenia scent.
Method: 10 ounce ceramic Gong Fu pot
Wet Leaf: Dark forest/moss green color,,, they are medium size, two leaves on stem and Lots of the leaves seem to be cut on a bias/slant over the top which is very interesting!!!!!!! The precisely cut tops are also included in the mix as are some smaller leaves that are very tender and young but not buds. It is a mixture but all the same color.
Liquor: clear
Flavor: Wow!!!! Very thick mouthfeel!!!! Light flavors of gardenia and cream. Delicious!!!
The tea maker has really worked hard on this tea and the results are really yummy!! Second steeping was also very good. The leaves were fully opened up then and absolutely no astringency, bitterness, or stomach upset either. Fantastic floral Oolong!!!!!!!!
From the Steepster Select Box; May, 2014
Flavors: Cream, Gardenias