I’ve had this tea many times prior to joining Steepster, and a couple of times since. It was actually my drink of choice last summer, when I was working in a relatively small, almost windowless office. For all that, I’ve never got around to writing a tasting note. I feel like something fresh to drink this morning, though, so I decided to grab the opportunity.
The dry leaves are one of the things I like most about this tea. Large, flat pieces of dried lemongrass, and nothing else. They range from a gorgeous grassy green, through shades of brown and cream. The scent is almost undescribably fresh — lightly lemony, slightly grassy and hay-like. Opening a new packet, the scent immediately reminds me of summer. It’s just that kind of smell.
I usuaully leave the bag in this one, until it’s a medium yellow-green. The infused leaves smell strongly citrussym with more of a lime note than they posessed dry. The lemon is still detectable, although slightly less so. The overarching note is a delicate sweetness, contributing a wonderful hay-like aroma. I love this tea. It makes the sun seem that much closer, even on a grey, miserable day like today.
To taste, this is just as you’d expect. Citrussy, sweet, and very mellow. It tastes very rounded, very smooth, and it’s so easy to drink. There’s a very slight tang from the citrus in the aftertaste, but it’s more than welcome after the sweetness of the initial sip.
If it were possible to bottle summer, you couldn’t get much closer than this.
I started to salivate, reading this.