I personally love Japanese black teas, but they are hard to find (and often quite expensive) especially when trying to avoid foreign shipping. But I had this one from a (now dated) Tealyra order and it is lovely! Of the Japanese blacks I’ve had in the past, there is always this really fruity quality to them that I personally love, and this one is no exception. It leads with strong, malty Assam qualities like baked cinnamon raisin bread and autumn leaves, with a fruity end of the sip that lingers on the tongue that is a little like muscat and cherry. Sometimes the fruitiness presents with a sort of effervescent feeling that reminds me of wine, particularly in the aftertaste.
So far I’ve only been steeping this hot, and since the leaves are hard to come by and a little pricey, I’ve been getting a resteep out of them, as well (which I typically don’t do). The resteep doesn’t have the strong flavor notes and tastes more like a general black breakfast tea, so sometimes I’ll add a little lemon or honey to it. But that first steep is perfect just as it is.
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Bread, Cherry, Cinnamon, Fruity, Grain, Malt, Muscatel, Raisins, Red Wine, Smooth