Irish Morning

Tea type
Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “GCTTB ick. i didn’t realise this had coconut in it. Not that i mind coconut, but i find in a lot of blends it goes rancid too quickly for me. Something about the coconut in this one just made...” Read full tasting note
  • “Given the success I had with Tealux’s Cream Irish Breakfast yesterday evening I decided to follow it up with Irish Morning today. I definitely prefer the other. This one is a little more weak, more...” Read full tasting note
  • “Just got this one from Tealux so gave it a try. I don’t normally drink black teas. I find them too strong for me and this is listed as a strong tea. However, when I brewed it I found it wasn’t...” Read full tasting note

From Tealux

Not only for the early risers on the green island! A strong black tea with the intense taste of a decent lacing of rum really peps you up. The soft, sweet cream flavor cannot be missed in this classic, since it perfectly rounds off the taste experience. The special, abundant decoration of this black tea leaves nothing to be desired. The color combination of the Irish national flag of white coconut shreds, green wild strawberry leaves and orange-Read more

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3 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

ick. i didn’t realise this had coconut in it. Not that i mind coconut, but i find in a lot of blends it goes rancid too quickly for me. Something about the coconut in this one just made this a big ’ol cup of NO for me. oh well, at least i tried it!

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284 tasting notes

Given the success I had with Tealux’s Cream Irish Breakfast yesterday evening I decided to follow it up with Irish Morning today. I definitely prefer the other. This one is a little more weak, more watery if you will. I did follow steeping instructions and I even overleafed a bit because I had about 3 tsps and I only used 16 oz water. I did combine two steeps though, which is something I didn’t do last night. However, as much as I love coconut flavouring, the shreds of coconut in tea tend to go off quickly and even when they are not off there’s something about the smell and taste I do not like. As soon as I smelled the tea I knew there was coconut in there because it had a faint smell of something acrid. like milk gone sour or something. I don’t know how to explain. Like rancid. But it was barely there and only huffing the ziploc bag a few times I picked it up so most people would likely not notice it. If only my palate was as good as my nose.

I have a thing for smelling things. All the time. I smell all food stuffs all the time. I don’t mean to say that I go around my fridge just sniffing things. But before use, everything gets sniffed. I open a leg of lamb, I smell it. I open bread, I smell it. Not to check if it’s off because everything is fresh at chateau nxtdoor but I am used to smelling things so it’s become a habit I can’t break. I’m pretty OCD about it. It’s gotten to the point that I probably couldn’t eat or drink something without smelling it. I sit at the restaurant, the salad comes, I smell it. The wine comes, I smell it. You get the picture. You do this for YEARS and I assure you, you will have a fantastic scent memory.

So yeah, I am not enjoying the aftertaste of the acrid coconut in here. I will certainly finish the pot that I made, but unlike Irish Cream Breakfast, for me this will be one I stay away from. No rating.

Much thanks to TheTeaFairy for the chance.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Haha! I have smelling OCD too!!! Nothing enters my mouth before the smell test, lol.
I just got this tea and haven’t tried it yet…I agree on what you said about coconut in tea, it seems to “turn” somehow and render a sour taste, I love coconut but rarely find a satisfying cup.

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661 tasting notes

Just got this one from Tealux so gave it a try. I don’t normally drink black teas. I find them too strong for me and this is listed as a strong tea. However, when I brewed it I found it wasn’t strong at all. It was mellow for a black tea and loved the rum flavour.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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