Irish Morning

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Coconut, Creamy, Strawberry
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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From ESP Emporium

Not only for the early risers on the green island! A strong black tea with the intense taste of a decent lacing of rum really peps you up. The soft, sweet cream flavor cannot be missed in this classic, since it perfectly rounds off the taste experience. The special, abundant decoration of this black tea leaves nothing to be desired. The color combination of the Irish national flag of white coconut shreds, green wild strawberry leaves and orange-Read more

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8 Tasting Notes

431 tasting notes

Now this is good, smooth, sweet, and strawberry. Need I say more? :-)

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
elaynecrain 14 years ago

OMG, I love Irish Breakfast, so this sounds very promising. :)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 14 years ago

@Elaynecrain I can tell you, you will not be disappointed if you order some.

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618 tasting notes

The description of this tea makes it sound so good! I was looking forward to all of the individual flavors. I’m tasting just black tea.. a breakfast blend of sorts. No strawberry or cream or rum. If you sat this cup in front of me, I would really think that it’s a plain black, not flavored.

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223 tasting notes

Thanks QueenOfTarts!

A fairly good black tea, but I can’t really taste the flavours in this, apart from a little berry in the aftertaste. I can’t really identify the other flavours though, but this is an OK breakfast tea if you want something plain.

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17 tasting notes

Also known as Morning Explosion around here. A burst of sweet, creamy black tea flavor.

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688 tasting notes

Having a tea the same colours as the Irish flag sounded cool. So I got this tea. The scent is more on the strawberry side, with some coconut. There is a sweet, creamy berry flavour. Not sure what I was expecting, but the tea is more smooth in the second cup.

Goes well with lemon pastries.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Strawberry

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Nichole/CuppaGeek 10 years ago

I like this one and it can be picked up super cheap on Amazon sometimes.

Lariel of Lórien 10 years ago

Amazon sells teas now?

Liquid Proust 10 years ago

Amazon has about everything now! That’s how I bought my BANA tea starter kit

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553 tasting notes

Another tea picked up from Amazon for about $2 for about 2 oz. For the price, I’m impressed with it. It’s a gentle black tea and it was a tasty way to start the morning. You can taste the strawberries but not so much the coconut. It’s almost got a creamy factor to it as well. Overall, I’m pretty happy with it.

Flavors: Creamy, Strawberry

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42 tasting notes

When I first opened this tea the aroma of Starburst-like strawberry wafted to my nose. It was very sweet and juicy. When I took the first sip the strawberry flavor was still there but more subtle and not as artificially sweet as I feared. It remained juicy and sweetly strawberry. I didn’t taste the coconut, at least not as strongly but the tea flavor was good. I enjoyed this tea. It would be perfect for a spring or summer afternoon.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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