Gourmet Herbal (No. 1237)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Lemon, Spicy, Sweet, Lemongrass, Lemon Zest, Vanilla
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 15 oz / 458 ml

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22 Tasting Notes View all

  • “It’s like math in my mug, this tea – all rectangles of different sizes and lengths. Smells a touch lemony, however it’s the flavor that sells it. Lemon meringue all over again, with a touch of a...” Read full tasting note
  • “The name of this cracks me up. (What happened to the first 1236 herbals?) It’s like the guy who named his boat “Lucky 2.” I am excited, however, to be drinking an ingredient called Moldavian...” Read full tasting note
  • “I often find that lemongrass takes over my palate when it’s included in a blend, but was inspired to buy a sample bag of this when I saw that it also had vanilla in it – one of my favorite flavors...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is either from MissB or Sil – so thank you! I’d put off having this one for far too long as I’m not fond of many herbals, but it looks like this has nothing I dislike in it, which is nice! My...” Read full tasting note

From TeaGschwendner

Lemon myrtle and lemon grass add a kiss of creamy citrus to a sugary vanilla background.

Ingredients: Lemon grass, lemon myrtle, Moldavian dragonhead, elderberry blossoms and vanilla bean pieces.

Preparation: Two level teaspoons per 8oz cup filtered, boiling water. Allow to brew 5+ minutes.

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22 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

It’s like math in my mug, this tea – all rectangles of different sizes and lengths. Smells a touch lemony, however it’s the flavor that sells it. Lemon meringue all over again, with a touch of a twist. Maybe a bit more vegetal here (only slightly), which seems to work with everything. I love this tea! I should note, the ingredient list is wild – two herbals in here that are firsts for me.

3 tsp in 12 oz., following the instructions on the bag.

Flavors: Lemon Zest, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

LOL. My tea! You might as well take some more for yourself, since you liked it so much!

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2037 tasting notes

The name of this cracks me up. (What happened to the first 1236 herbals?) It’s like the guy who named his boat “Lucky 2.”

I am excited, however, to be drinking an ingredient called Moldavian dragonhead. I feel tough just thinking about it.

My first note on this recorded surprise that I liked it as much as I did, and I agree with what I said before. It isn’t an overly lemony lemon tisane, and the vanilla isn’t enough to push it into the cream or chiffon camp. It’s got an herbally lightness to it that is more grassy sweet than sweet-sweet and the vanilla supplies more mellowness than actual flavor. It’s not a fruity lemon, but it’s a pleasant one nevertheless.


Moldavian dragonhead sounds like something out of Harry Potter. Very cool.


Apparently it is a blue flower that looks a little like a Texas bluebonnet, but what a sexy name!


So excited! This one is coming my way. I think I got it 50/50 for the lemon description and the moldavian dragonhead. :)


Next time I try this I’m really going to look for the Moldavian dragonhead in the mixture. Apparently it tastes like lemon, though I mostly taste the lemon myrtle in this and lemongrass to a lesser extent. It would be interesting to isolate some dragonhead and see what it tastes like by itself.


Snortlol at notes!


LOL. What if it had actually been 1236 less stellar, retired herbals… I like companies that this, though, since I have good recall when it comes to numbers (easier to remember than names). With Mariage Frères, I started out just memorizing the numbers of the blends I wanted to try.

In other OCD news, TG’s number 1236 appears to have been cut, but number 1238 is a very evil-looking hibiscus tea!


Oooooh, there’s actually a 1238, and there was actually a 1236? The plot thickens….

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237 tasting notes

I often find that lemongrass takes over my palate when it’s included in a blend, but was inspired to buy a sample bag of this when I saw that it also had vanilla in it – one of my favorite flavors and usually able to hold its own as well.

I was pleased that the bag had a generous amount of leaf in it – after five minutes I had a deeply golden green-brown liquor with a fresh citrus aroma. Sure enough, on first sip the lemongrass was definitely the most vocal component of the mix, but I could also sense the vanilla there, softening and rounding out the high notes. I’d call it a soothing and successful blend.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

This is either from MissB or Sil – so thank you!

I’d put off having this one for far too long as I’m not fond of many herbals, but it looks like this has nothing I dislike in it, which is nice! My initial impression was that this was straight up lemongrass, until I realized that the lemony flavour wasn’t quite right for that. I can’t really taste any vanilla, but I also may not have had any vanilla bean pieces in this cup – the smaller pieces in my baggie remain there. This was all large chunks. Despite the lack of vanilla, this is actually fairly tasty. It’s nicely lemony without being bitter, and quite refreshing. I’m drinking it room temp, which puts it more in the “iced” realm, and I think that’s how I’d prefer this, though I feel like it would be pretty tasty hot with honey, too. Pretty pleased with this one.

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836 tasting notes

Great balance of sweet and savoury flavours. Nice lemon taste. A bit of a spicy note. Lemongrass flavour is very well balanced.

Flavors: Lemon, Spicy, Sweet

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

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12 tasting notes

This one is great for in the evening. Being a herbal tea, it has no caffeine and with the lemon-y and sweet aromas, it helps me keep cravings at bay.
The box suggests 8 tsp per liter, but I never use more than six. Also, this can be brewed twice, the second being only a little weaker.

Flavors: Lemongrass, Sweet

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 6 tsp 34 OZ / 1000 ML

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863 tasting notes

Sipdown sample from Sil!

Had this last night with the boyfriend to end a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. What made it so fantastic, you ask? Why, not leaving the house for 3 days, actually. Tea, the food we had in the house, reading (me), video games (him), and putting together my Cyber Monday orders. (Also known as bye bye monies…)

I’ve had the Fauchon L’Hiver blend and from the description on this I was really expecting it to be similar. Lemongrass and vanilla? Yes, please. But the lemon meringue lightness about L’Hiver just wasn’t present here – it was more tart lemon than vanilla, and I guess the white tea played more of a role than I thought in that one because this was decidedly more herby.

It was drinkable, and as the tisane cooled I definitely got more vanilla undertones, but this one isn’t the best of its kind I’ve had. Given how much money I just spent on tea though ($100+… cue heart attack) that is SOOOO a good thing!
Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

awe..i miss l’hiver…

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15618 tasting notes

had this one tonight with a little lemon, mostly because i was trying to decide if it was one that i might want to pick up while i’m in Chicago. I’ve had it a couple times now, but after every previous cup, i’ve wondered how this would do with a little honey…and tonight i remembered! :) With a little honey, this is even tastier than previous cups. As an evening herbal, i can get behind this one for sure, especially in winter for that calming hint of warmer times :)

Final Count: 99 – double digits!


You totally rocked it!!! And… I’ve got 77 teas to go before I catch up to you. Bwahahaha. Still…. how much was that in one month? 100 sipdowns?


Double digits! Congrats!


Cavo…something like 80 I think….I could go back to my June 30 last tasting log to find out lol. I think the plan now is 5 more every month until I can’t handle the lack of options in my cupboard lol so I can see how small my cupboard can be….this will also give me incentive to focus on my poor neglected puerhs.


Which is why you need three pots now? :P It’s a good plan though. I think we’ve all established that 150-200 is too much variety. I’m curious what the right amount is.


i was actually totally ok with 175 as my cupboard… it was a good size. i didn’t want it to be smaller..now that it’s smaller i’m like…oh ok i can do this.


I still have too many teas that I haven’t opened because of all those small samples floating around. :P I’m getting through them though – maybe 20 to go?


yeah that was my problem, and why i focused on all those samples.. now i’m excited to start digging in to my unopened teas! :)


Yay! New-to-you teas! :D That’s a pretty sweet reward.

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652 tasting notes

Wow, does this tea ever look interesting…not even sure I could identify all these random bits and bobs in the bag.

Brewed up, it’s lemony, smooth…not as creamy or vanilla-y as I’d like, but there’s still a note in it that does something to tone down the tart citrus aspect. It’s pretty straightforward and uncomplicated, but sometimes that’s what I need.

It’s a nice caffeine free option to have late at night! I definitely need more of those teas, I never used to worry about that but I’m realizing it does matter afterall. I surely do need a good night’s rest!

Thanks for the sample, OMGsrsly!

Cameron B.

Yeah I’m starting to nice how few caffeine-free options I have. Need to order more! :)


I can never seem to find enough that are amazing enough for cupboard status.

Cameron B.

I tend to like rooibos and honeybush so I just need to pick up more of those. When I order from Butiki it will help a lot. :P


Lucky! I am not a fan of either of those. Butiki is always a great choice though.


Yeah. I think that’s my problem too, I don’t love any of them. Hate rooibos. And I feel like I want to really love a tea if I’m going to stock it.


This one sounds interesting!


Ditto on having more caff free options.


I just have the cacao teas, and Peppermint Patty. I’m currently feeling over that one, but I think it’s because mint isn’t my thing and I only go through select phases where I enjoy it.

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2291 tasting notes

I had to copy Morgana and make myself a cup of this.

It’s an herbal I’ve had for a while, so I used a generous amount, and must have got a bunch of vanilla in my cup.

It smells like soft, gentle, lemony pudding. Tastes like lemongrass, mostly. But it’s too hot to do anything more than delicately slurp, hoping you get enough air in that your tongue doesn’t get burned. Ahh, there’s some vanilla.

I do like this tea, but it’s one, like Morgana, that I can’t see myself drinking often, though I do enjoy it when I occasionally sip it.

Edit: I totally got this because Moldavian dragonhead is an ingredient. Hahaha. That, and I like lemony things.


Yay for agreement. Lol


It’s a tea I also often forget about, but I totally finished my giant mug tonight without thinking about it. That’s one reason I’ve kept it around…

Sami Kelsh

I don’t know what Moldavian dragonhead is, but I want one.


Hahaha. I think that was exactly my reasoning, Sami Kelsh. :)

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