I tend toward black tea, but have been known to try any tea once and I love coconut, so I thought this was a match made in heaven. I absolutely disliked this tea so much. It tastes like malibu rum tea. I tried putting less or more tea in, higher and lower temperatures and longer and shorter steeping times and nothing seemed to work. The closest I got to drinkable was by doubling amount of tea and adding some assam for more tea flavor. It just tastes like an herbal chai and the coconut overwhelms. I wanted it to have more cinnamon and star anise and have more tea flavor.
I think I finally have a handle on why I don’t like this one. It doesn’t have enough tea flavor and what tea flavor there is tastes bitter. The three spices that predominate, I don’t like in my teas (ginger, black pepper and licorice). The coconut tastes very fake and artificial. Even cream and sugar doesn’t seem to help this one. I vow to never make it again . . . yuck! It embodies the unholy trinity of all that I hate in a bad tea: bitter low quality tea, fake fruit/spice flavor added, unbalanced sip where the flavors instead of slowly blooming on your palate are like a heat seeking missile of awful taste.