Imperial pu-erh shu

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Earth, Musty, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by scribbles
Average preparation
Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 250 ml

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “sipdown! (162) You know what goes amazingly well with puerh? Pumpkin pie fudge. Yeah…it’s barely lunch time but i’m totally enjoying a small piece of fudge with this puerh. This is a pretty tasty...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was my tea of choice at work today. I’ve had it before, but haven’t drank any for quite awhile. Trying to drink some of my older teas, trying not to hoard some of my favorites. Seven months...” Read full tasting note
  • “Free sample, I really enjoyed this tea. Its clean and tasty, very pleasant aroma. Its just barely leaning over the line towards the sweeter side of shu, so its pleasant but not sugary or...” Read full tasting note
  • “an amazing tea! when i smell the leaves dry, i smell a musty smell. when i smell the leaves wet, i smell earth and sweetness. when i smell the brewed tea, i smell earth. when i taste the brewed...” Read full tasting note

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7 Tasting Notes

15257 tasting notes

sipdown! (162) You know what goes amazingly well with puerh? Pumpkin pie fudge. Yeah…it’s barely lunch time but i’m totally enjoying a small piece of fudge with this puerh. This is a pretty tasty puerh. It lacks some of the intricacies of some of my favourite puerh, but this would do in a pinch anytime! It’s got depth to it, which i really enjoy and it held up well over a number of steepings.

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1040 tasting notes

This was my tea of choice at work today. I’ve had it before, but haven’t drank any for quite awhile. Trying to drink some of my older teas, trying not to hoard some of my favorites.
Seven months ago I wrote something to the effect that I thought this was a little pu’erh, a little black. Had characteristics of both. I still agree with that, but now that I’ve experienced more pu’erh (and more black for that matter) – I’ve decided that this is Special Dark’s little brother. If Special Dark were ever discontinued (please say it won’t happen) this would be my replacement for it.
This is more pu’erh ( really good pu’erh) and less chocolate, but definitely in the same family. I love it for what it is. It’s really, really good .


Oh! Thanks for finding a little brother for Special Dark…will have to keep that in mind :-)


(I’ve already put a sample of it in “your” box for next time……)


:-) :-) :-)

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67 tasting notes

Free sample, I really enjoyed this tea. Its clean and tasty, very pleasant aroma.

Its just barely leaning over the line towards the sweeter side of shu, so its pleasant but not sugary or sweet.

Medium-thick body, aftertaste lingers just enough between sips you don’t lose the flow. There’s something about the way it smells that’s really comforting, kind of woody, like fresh cut green wood.

This is something I would drink frequently, its very smooth, easy on the stomach, comforting without being sedating. Its complex enough to not get boring through the length of a session, but I can’t identify any unique flavors to describe it…but have to agree with the vendors description “full bodied tea is earthy and has a little woody note that also has a thick rich and smooth finish”. That sums it up!

I would have to say this is what I look for in a shu. This is a perfect daily drinker shu.

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673 tasting notes

an amazing tea!

when i smell the leaves dry, i smell a musty smell.

when i smell the leaves wet, i smell earth and sweetness.

when i smell the brewed tea, i smell earth.

when i taste the brewed tea, i taste earth and sweetness.

i rate this tea a 100 because it is awesome and i love the earth and sweet mix.

many thanks to Scribbles for this amazing tea!

Flavors: Earth, Musty, Sweet

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 7 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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3370 tasting notes

Once again, I am looking through today’s tasting notes and I see that all my “likes” are gone, though comments I made are still there. Sorry, everyone, I AM reading your notes.

This is a tricksy little shu. Yesterday it was good but a little weak and didn’t last as many steeps as my usual shu do. Today I simply added the Ernest of the sample packet to yesterday’s leaves which I thought were pretty spent, and I thought I had divided the sample pretty well in half.

Today this is a shu that just keeps going. I made three steps before leaving town and told youngest to have all she wanted. There was no bitterness or untoward strength in what I drank this morning, yet youngest said her next two steeps were as dark as coffee, but still tasty. I think she made one more after that and then left the leaves to me. My opinion of this shu has gone up due to its gentle flavor with the oily high note and it ability to resteep.


Your likes are probably showing up for everyone but you. I try to remember the newest note I liked so that I can know where to start the next time. The little red hearts only show up when they feel like it for me as well.


the like function has been acting weird for me for a while now.


Added to Steepster Bug Status Thread.

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