Alishan Qing Xin High Mountain Baked Oolong Tea, Lot 254

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Oolong Tea
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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you Sil for sharing this one with me! I’m really enjoying this as I sit in the office, blasiting this Angry Females playlist from 8tracks: ...” Read full tasting note
  • “From the BBBB Grab bag, provided by TastyBrew. This is a baked oolong, as opposed to a roasted one. So basically, it’s a green oolong that has been baked. Not roasty, not particularly sweet, &...” Read full tasting note
  • “this came my way via the BBB Box in the grab bag from Tastybrew. Not overly excited by this one, though i was hopeful because in my head baked = roasty oolong. well GUESS WHAT! it doesn’t lol. ...” Read full tasting note

From Taiwan Tea Crafts

This Lot is in fact the same as Lot 206 (Alishan Cing Xin Spring Oolong Tea, Lot 206) but this one has undergone a slow baking process to give it more body and fruity sweetness. Mr. Gao’s teas always shine when baked by our resident Tea Master.

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3 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for sharing this one with me!

I’m really enjoying this as I sit in the office, blasiting this Angry Females playlist from 8tracks: BOOM! Get stuff done!

So this tea is not roasty like I would have expected from ‘baked’ in the description. It’s green and fresh. Grassy? Also a little sweet. Yay! Thank you!



You are the queen of motivational playlists


Hahah. I’m just happy (and surprised) that someone else enjoys them too!


No, thank you :)

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3294 tasting notes

From the BBBB Grab bag, provided by TastyBrew.
This is a baked oolong, as opposed to a roasted one. So basically, it’s a green oolong that has been baked.
Not roasty, not particularly sweet, & my taste buds are still stuck in tart mode, so I’m not really doing it justice.

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15618 tasting notes

this came my way via the BBB Box in the grab bag from Tastybrew. Not overly excited by this one, though i was hopeful because in my head baked = roasty oolong. well GUESS WHAT! it doesn’t lol. this is a greeeeeeeen ooolong. But you know what? i am digging it! it really is a sweet oolong. there’s none of that oolong note that i don’t like. instead this is just a refreshing cup of sweet tea…it’s almost honeylike but not quite. I’m also getting a teeeeeny floral note at the back of the sip, but it’s only there is i concentrate on it – so i’m not lol. thanks for sharing girls!

Cameron B.

Yum, I definitely need to look into baked oolongs, this sounds amazing! :D


yeah i’m not a huge fan of green oolongs but this one is tasty..

Cameron B.

I’ve only tried one so far and it was a Li Shan, and I really liked it. So I’m fairly sure I would love this if it’s even sweeter. Thanks for writing the note! <3


(People, Sil is obviously in denial, she doesn’t want to face the truth, but she HAS crossed to the green side…shhhht…we’ll just keep pretending we haven’t noticed…that,s how much we love her)


have not!


See??? Denial….poor thing. (She has)

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