Creme Brulee

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Brittle, Natural And Artificial Flavouring
Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Malt, Nuts, Smoke, Smooth, Spices, Creamy, Nutty, Vanilla, Brown Sugar, Hazelnut, Tea, Toffee, Honey
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 55 oz / 1628 ml

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31 Tasting Notes View all

From T2

A silky, decadent sweet treat. Velvety vanilla plays with caramelised hazelnuts in a gorgeously golden brew. An intense aroma enhances a refined and delicate infusion. Creamy and dreamy, this buttery caramel delight sings the song of after-dinner contentment.

Ingredients: Black tea, natural and artificial flavor, hazelnut praline (sugar, hazelnuts) [CONTAINS TREE NUTS.]

1 teaspoon per 200mls, brew 2-3 minutes in water at 100 degrees Celsius.

Serve: With or without milk, a little drizzle of honey is heaven.

Flavour: Caramel, Sweet, Vanilla

Strength: Medium

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31 Tasting Notes

3 tasting notes

As my first posting on Steepster, I want to start with my favorite tea which I was introduced to by my daughter, Devvyleys (on Steepster), when I visited her in Sydney, Aus. Being a new tea enthusiast, my tea notes won’t be so much from the descriminating palate point, but more to the pleasure each tea gives me as I try them.
The taste of caramel is what of course brings such pleasure from Creme Brulee. It is a black tea and very smooth if steep time is kept to about 3 min for a first steep.
Being a southern girl and having been brought up on iced sweet tea, I find that with hot teas I still prefer to have them sweetened some, and I use Stevia in place of sugar.
While this is for me a great relaxing tea to enjoy while reading, it would likely make a wonderful dessert tea and I imagine it would be especially good with almond cookies (biscuits to Aussies) or banana bread.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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37 tasting notes

Unfortunately, my crush on this tea has ended, it really has not stood up to the test of time. I find that it is far too easy to over brew it leaving to a very bitter tea with a sickly sweet aroma that doesn’t translate into the tea.

When made right it is still a deliciously sweet tea that really is quite divine but given that a couple of seconds make the difference between delightful and having to be thrown out I feel like it’s not worth the bother anymore.

That being said the addition of milk does seem to negate the over-bewing and create a nice milky desert tea. Given that I’m not a fan of milk in tea though it doesn’t really help me much.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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63 tasting notes

I do really like this tea, but worked out after a few migraines that my problem was with the hazelnuts in this blend. Hazelnuts aren’t listed as a flavour on the description for this tea, but is mentioned when you look at the ingredients. So if you are sensitive to them, then just be aware. I’ve switched to Terrific Toffee also from T2, and it is a fantastic replacement!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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6 tasting notes

Favourite flavoured black tea by far, more like a dessert, caramel and vanilla distinctive but not over powering

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16 tasting notes

Maybe it’s because I can’t smell but I didn’t taste anything different from in this tea, especially not anything resembling creme brulee. I ended up adding frothed milk and sugar which it took very well to, but it’s not a very special dessert tea. I also found it had a strange aftertaste I had to wash out.

Drinkable, but disappointing. I’ll brew it again longer and shorter (apparently its optimal steep window is narrow), along with some plain black tea to compare it to, and write another note. Thankfully I just got a free sample packet, which the lady was very happy to provide!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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10 tasting notes

This has to be my all time favourite tea, it completes my morning <3

I really love milky, sweet teas, and I think that this tea is THE favourite because it takes milk and honey really well. Indeed, it tastes ‘incomplete’ without them.
It’s best piping hot, although if I don’t finish my pot in the morning I have been known to bung it in the fridge for the afternoon.
It always cheers me up, a large mug of creme brulee, a good book and my nutbag cat are the best thing for a rainy afternoon like today. GAH, is summer a foreign concept, New Zealand?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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5 tasting notes

smells a bit funky, like all caramel tea does, but is delicious with some honey and milk.

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6444 tasting notes

Made this as an eggnog latte and it’s not as sweet as I wanted and is coming off a bit flat because of that.

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17027 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 11: Tea 4/7

So… this is very similar to Melbourne Breakfast.

I liked Melbourne Breakfast so I did, also, like this tea. However, I was a little disappointed because I just felt like it was so similar that I might as well have just stuck with Melbourne Breakfast. I want to try new things! C’mon T2, let me see your range.

Really the only difference was that it was just a litttttllleeeee bit smoky.

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1783 tasting notes

Advent Day 8

Crawling my way out of 15 or so hours of nauseating migraine. It’s becoming a more frequent occurrence. Probably a brain tumor or something. Curling around this cup while munching on crackers. This tea is alright. I think if you told me it was a vanilla tea, I would have agreed. I don’t get much of a difference between this and my memory of a vanilla tea. As it cools it gets a little flat at the start of the sip. Guess I better finish this cup fast!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Mastress Alita

As a diagnosed chronic migrainer for decades now, I absolutely know those days… all too well. Much sympathies.


My husband has them but fortunately they are rare. He gets an aura, speech difficulties, and sometimes numbness in the hands. Nouns leave him.

We found an essential oil called Migraine Relief at Rocky Mountain Oils. It doesn’t touch the headache but all other symptoms disappear almost immediately, whereas they used to linger. He takes over the counter migraine pills that are really just aspirin or ibu with acetaminophen and caffeine for the headache part.

I hope you find something that works well because they are MISERABLE.


Oh, my friend started taking feverfew and St. Johns Wort and hers went away entirely after literally decades of having one a week. Everyone is different. I sure hope you get relief!

Mastress Alita

For me, I was having upwards of 15 a month. Nothing would touch them. Suffered for decades, and living alone, I didn’t know how I’d continue to hold a job. Then in 2018 a new class of preventative treatment known as CGRP-inhibitors (I had been watching the studies since 2005_) finally hit the US market. Took some strong arming between my medicinal providers and insurance (_of course, harumph) but those injections cut my attacks down to around 5 a month, and the severity and duration of the attacks I do get by a lot. Complete game-changer. Very thankful for the development of those injections even though it was a very long wait, and I was one of those “have tried everything and given up all hope” sort of patients.


Thanks y’all! A friend was telling me about feverfew today and all I could remember was it was an herb that started with an F. Thanks for the reminder. I’ll look into that oil too. I had my diffuser going with a menthol oil last night, but I’m not sure if it even took the edge off.
15 a month sounds like hell! I’m glad those injections for for you!


My friend talked me into doing the Whole 30 diet, and after a month of no sugar, I found that anything over 10g of sugar would give me a headache. It’s a very strict diet for one month to see if certain foods are affecting your health or energy levels. I know I feel much better not eating sugar these days, but everyone is different.


I had been lowering my sugar intake for a while now, but the holiday offerings are spoiling that. I noticed things tasted too sweet after a while of low sugar. I should try some sort of elimination diet for the house to see what foods make us feel best. I joke about a pumpkin pie cleanse each year, but now I’m imagining a month of only sushi!
I ordered some feverfew and that oil and talked to my doctor who wrote me a prescription for migraine meds. This ended up being a two day migraine episode. Pretty sure I’m in the clear now.


Glad to hear you’re feeling better!

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