I waited way too long to write this tasting note, which is my fault, and now I don’t remember the nuances of the blend…
I do remember thinking that is was very good though – one of the best tasting T Kettle blends I’ve tried yet, actually. You could argue it’s inspired by DT’s “Movie Night” but I’m actually gonna give T Kettle a pass on that one because the two blends are incredibly dissimilar – this one being herbal and more nutty and sweet and the DT blend being a green tea with a buttery apple profile. To me, it very much seems like they’re actually drawing inspiration from different things.
It’s weird to me that this is a “medium caffeine” rating – it’s a tisane comprised mostly of fruits and nuts, but there are cocoa beans so it actually shouldn’t be totally caffeine free because of that – but steeped cocoa beans have a pretty minimal amount of caffeine all things considered. “Low Caffeine” would make sense but to call this “medium” seems like a stretch – and it makes me feel like maybe the caffeine ratings being used are a bit arbitrary and not concluded from actual caffeine testing. I know the overwhelming majority of companies label their caffeine that way, so it’s not surprising – but just something I noticed.
But yes – the taste. Not too sweet, but sweet leaning with a bit of a fruity hibiscus forefront but followed by this caramelized nutty and cocoa profile. The kind of thing that on paper maybe seems like it would be too much or that wouldn’t go together, but just strongly enjoyable. Wish I could remember it more clearly. This is 100% a blend I would order though – it’s unique and interesting IMO.
Also, I can’t remember where I saw it (maybe FB) but someone said that they thought this was the EXACT same thing as Forever Nuts… it’s not. It’s pretty widely known that “Forever Nuts” exists in other forms carried by other brands – but this isn’t one of them.