Masala Chai [duplicate]

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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From Steven Smith Teamaker

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1 Tasting Note

16025 tasting notes

With buckwheat honey and almond milk.

So, this is day three with a KILLER headache/sore neck. Not sure why I’m in so much pain, I’m thinking I slept funny and just got a bad kink in my neck. Some of the only things providing relief right now are lying flat on my back, applying peppermint oil to my neck/back of my head, and drinking tea with lots of cloves!?

That’s what I’m doing right now – and the tea tastes fine. It’s super average; a good representation of a typical Masala Chai, I suppose? The cinnamon and anise notes are a little stronger than the rest of the spices. I’m primarily drinking it to ease the pain I’m in though, and not for the taste. Meh.


You could be clenching your teeth and that’s causing the headache and neck pain.

Maddy Barone

I frequently wake up like that. I think it’s because I clench my teeth and sleep with my shoulders hunched. I hope you find some relief soon.


If it is a clenching issue, a nightgurd can help




Hope you get feeling better soon.

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