So, I’m not sure whether this is the same tea as “Milk Chocolate Caramel”, or if that one was discontinued and this one made available in its place… can anyone clear that up for me? The Steepster entries are confusing.
This is also a pretty tasty, and unique, tea. However, it tastes less like milk chocolate to me, and more like molasses. I wonder if the fenugreek is contributing to the flavour and causing that association? Anyhow, a 2-min infusion results in a pretty tasty cup, although I don’t think this is one I’d pick up again. I was hoping for a bit more of a milk chocolate flavour, and if anything, this leans towards dark chocolate. I have sTEAp’s dark chocolate (and white chocolate!) teas as well, so perhaps should have brewed them up alongside for comparison purposes. Maybe when I get back from grocery shopping…
ETA: Second infusion, same parameters, still has that molasses-y taste to me. Probably won’t resteep again, as I think it has now lost most of its flavour.
What’s your fave chocolate tea?
at this moment it’s probably mousse au chocolate from MF…but there have been a few…my memory sucks atm but if i think of them i’ll hollar. haha
So far mine is The Chocolate “O”, which I am currently out of.
I second that one Stephanie….if you’re on the lookout… I knew I was having a brain fart….actually the boulder one from the tea spot is also tasty with chocolate notes….it’s just not a chocolate tea I don’t think…
Yeah, my ultimate chocolate tea is the Tea Spot’s Chocolate “O”
woot, thanks folks :D