Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea

Tea type
Fruit Green Matcha Blend
Chamomile, Citric Acid, Green Tea, Hibiscus, Matcha Green Tea, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel
Red Wine, Artificial, Herbs, Metallic, Orange, Raspberry, Red Fruits, Fruity, Hibiscus, Sweet, Tart, Grass, Stewed Fruits
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Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by teaqueen
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 346 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

From Stash Tea

“Blends thirst-quenching pomegranate with the zing of natural raspberry flavor and green tea. With Matcha.”

Cups to Grams:
8 grams makes 3-4 cups
25 grams makes 10-15 cups
50 grams makes 20-25 cups
100 grams makes 45-50 cups
1 pound loose makes 180-200 cups
Ingredients: green tea, chamomile, hibiscus, orange peel, citric acid, natural raspberry flavor, matcha, natural pomegranate flavor

Steeping Instructions: 1-3 minutes at 170-190 degrees Fahrenheit

Caffeinated: Yes

About Stash Tea View company

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17 Tasting Notes

4336 tasting notes

I’m not sure why Stash adds any other ingredients to this, since it is just hibiscus… and maybe a bit of raspberry & pom. Maybe a hint of chamomile. But wouldn’t the raspberry & pom have filled in just fine for the hibiscus? Served the same purpose? The steep time & temp was even low. Okay, I’ve had worse teas that have been murdered by hibiscus. But I’m just so sick of hibiscus!

2 min, 30 sec

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21 tasting notes

Not bad. Although pretty tart (hello, it has pomegranate in it), I can drink it without sweetener. I get the fruit notes all the way, but I definitely don’t get any green tea flavor, especially considering this has matcha in it. Not my favorite, but not the worst.

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58 tasting notes

Fruit-flavoured green tea isn’t my thing. This one was too strong, too fruity. I need more grass and less spazzy flavour, I think.


if you still have this tea would you be willing to share just a sample? :)

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104 tasting notes

Part of my Stash Assortment. I really enjoy fruit flavored green teas. This was fruit a little too much red wine flavor for my breakfast tea.

Flavors: Red Wine

2 min, 0 sec

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2065 tasting notes

Fruit flavoured green tea sounds like a winner for this morning. But first aroma noticed was rather herbal! What is wrong? Ah, apparently chamomile, hibiscus is in. Citric acid? Why? Anyway – to the tea. I brewed about 80 °C (+) water, it is green tea after all! It doesn´t want to steep at all! It does not change colour much, right now it is some weak red, rather orange. I will keep it there for bit more than suggested 5 minutes.

Aroma – as I said, herbal, now getting some arficial notes of pomergranate, oranges and raspberrries. But it is so artificial I am getting a headache from it. Chamomile in backgroud, and still really strong.

In taste it is metallic, with little fruit notes. No green tea! It is in even? Tart, but not from pomergranate. Everything so weak. Raspberries? Where? Maybe one for whole batch? Matcha? Nonewhere! Even liquor is clear! This iis queer. Chamomile and hibiscus so dominating, fruit notes almost nonewhere and no green tea. I wonder if it is even in.

Not a winner, just plain NAH! Bit better than Arizona I had two months ago, as this was not so sweet. By derk. Thank you experience of good and worse teas. This is unfortunately second group.

Flavors: Artificial, Herbs, Metallic, Orange, Raspberry

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

Ha, I might have sent this off to you before I tried it for myself, otherwise I wouldn’t have included it! Btw, I haven’t been able to access my messages, but I received your package. Thank you so much! I like that you included your own herbal tea.

Martin Bednář

Derk: it is completely okay that you included it. It’s new for collection at least.
I am as well super happy that you receive my package! I Hope you gonna enjoy all teas. Please let me know how are they!

Mastress Alita

This is one of the worst bagged teas, by far. The flavor is just so bad.

I do like Arizona iced green tea with honey, though. I used to buy the big jugs it back in the day, when I was slowly weaning off pop. Now I just brew my own iced tea, but it made for a great “gateway” during that transition period between pop-drinking and tea-drinking.

Martin Bednář

Mastress Alita: I usually don’t mind bagged tea. I expect lower quality. And sometimes it is pleasant surprise. But as I had the experience with US tea bags they tend to be sweet.

Martin Bednář

And I make difference between tea bag and loose leaf in ratings.

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1650 tasting notes

What in the ever-living duck is this. The bag smells revolting, artificial, medicinal. Dumb and brave — not a winning combination. Here we go.

I’m getting a really strong artificial-medicinal-raspberry/pomegranate acrid smell. Chamomile mixed with hibiscus, which I don’t typically like.

Yeeup, definitely red medicine tasting. Vitamins. Grossly tart, not smooth. There’s no reason to put citric acid in this other than for preserving a poor excuse for tea that you don’t expect to fly off shelves. Where’s the green tea?

This holds my second lowest rating. It would be the lowest but smelling it doesn’t make my stomach turn, it just pisses me off, hehe.


Flavors: Artificial

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

YEAH, I remember this getting one of my lowest ratings too. ick.


Dang, that’s the lowest ever rating I’ve seen for a tea, Will Be sure to steer clear of this one.


Yeah, tea-sipper, it’s a gnarly one.

LuckyMe, you and i have seem to have some overlapping preferences but different palates; trust the Steepster rating on this one!

Mastress Alita

Oh ya, this is one of my lowest rated teas as well. I hated this one.

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5 tasting notes

I’m actually pretty impressed with this tea. I like that it has some matcha, and I will probably drink it again.

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1267 tasting notes

This is another bagged tea that I felt like revisiting recently. It of course can’t hold a candle to the whole loose leaf Green Pomegranate from Art of Tea that I really enjoy, but before I had that tea, I remember I drank this tea quite a bit. Going back to it now (steeped sans bag, for two minutes in 175 degree F water) I find it drinkable, but pretty underwhelming. I like fruity green teas, but I like the fruit flavors more subtle and delicate so I can enjoy the notes of the green tea base, and it is impossible to taste any green tea in the base in this blend… I feel like I’m just drinking a fruity herbal. The base of the tea just tastes of hibiscus, though it isn’t quite as tart as most hibiscus teas I’m used to, sweetened up with a lot of artificial raspberry and pomegranate flavors. It has a decent enough fruity flavor, but I wish it had more of a green tea base.

Full review: https://teatimetuesdayreviews.wordpress.com/2017/03/28/tea13/

Flavors: Artificial, Fruity, Hibiscus, Raspberry, Sweet, Tart

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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484 tasting notes

Old sample from Tea Sipper. Thank you!

I’m not tasting any green tea here at all. It pretty much tastes like a flavored hibiscus tea. I wish the raspberry were a little stronger.

Boiling 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2 tasting notes

I have been cold brewing this tea overnight, and it is tart and tasty midday. I have tried this tea hot, and it is fine, but it seems to shine for me when it is cold.

Flavors: Fruity, Raspberry, Tart

Iced 8 min or more 24 OZ / 709 ML

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