Summer Vacation! I decided to do another bagged tea revisit. In general these are always such a disappoint, as I continually discover that the grocery store teas I used to be fine with back in the day I just can’t tolerate now that my palate is more sensitive. But I’m always willing to give them a second chance.
I do like Moroccan Mint blends, and this one actually uses Young Hyson Chinese green tea rather than gunpowder green (Moroccan Mint is one of the only times I actually find gunpowder green somewhat tolerable, it definitely isn’t my favorite kind of green) so that already improves it a bit for me. It’s also a mint/spearmint blend and includes a touch of lemongrass, and the last Moroccan Mint blend I tried that included a touch of citrus (it had lemon verbena) really worked for me, so maybe I’ll still like this one as much as I remember I used to? Then again, Stash has not had a very good revisit streak with me… I think I’ve only still liked one Stash tea upon revisit, with all the rest scoring very lowly with me upon revisit. Hmm…
I decided to do this one as one of my quart mason jars of iced tea. Prepared hot brewed first, then left to fully chill overnight before drinking. Call me shocked, it… still holds up! I mean, it’s by no means the most amazing Moroccan Mint tea I’ve had or anything (Steven Smith Teamaker’s full leaf Fez is far nicer), but as far as cheap, bagged tea goes… I can actually drink this and not think to myself, ugh, this tastes nasty, like I usually feel when I’m drinking cheap bagged tea. The spearmint leads as the dominant flavor, and is really refreshing as an iced tea. It’s nicely minty and lingers a bit on the tongue, and I feel I get that slight touch of citrus.
You’ve done okay with this one, Stash.
Flavors: Citrus, Menthol, Mint, Spearmint