Strawberry White Tea (851)

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White Tea
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180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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13 Tasting Notes View all

From SpecialTeas

A High-grade China white tea flavored with strawberry. A treat for nose and palette.

Ingredients: White tea, strawberry bits, flavoring

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13 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Looking back to the first time I tried this – I really didn’t like it – but I just had a cup and it was toned down quite a bit – for the better – I don’t know if it’s because it’s aged OR if it’s a better batch – it’s BETTER but still not awesome. Upping rating a tad because this is better than the last time I had it!

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807 tasting notes

Thank you Mercuryhime for this sample. While its not my all time favorite tea by any means I didn’t find it as bad as most. I enjoyed its breakfast cereal flavor – I did have it for breakfast though. I feel I did over steep it or perhaps steeped it too hot as there was a bitterness but I won’t hold that against the tea – that was my fault – was too sleepy still while making it.
I would try this again. Don’t think I will run out and buy it (yeah right I order online but you get the drift) but I would not refuse it either!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

It’s a little better cold, but I think I prefer the Strawberry Seduction which i also sent you.

In any case SpecialTeas has been eaten by Teavana, which is sad cause I liked SpecialTeas even if not all their teas are amazing. :)

Azzrian 13 years ago

Yeah I saw that … good thing I didn’t fall in love with them huh!

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3294 tasting notes

From the HHTTB

Very lightly scented, not much flavor. I would probably get more strawberry flavor if I sweetened it, but I didn’t.

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15618 tasting notes

not sure if this is because it’s an old tea but um no. gross.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

LOL, I hate when that happens!

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea. I have tried the Strawberry White tea from SpecialTeas in the past, but that was quite a few years ago, and I don’t know how similar this will be to my memory of that one. I remember enjoying that Strawberry White quite a bit, but after reading some of the tasting notes on here… I am thinking maybe it isn’t the same tea! We shall see… we shall see.

No no no… this is NOT the same strawberry that I remember… Perhaps they changed their recipe somewhere down the line? I guess we really will never know since SpecialTeas no longer exists.

This isn’t bad exactly, that is to say, it’s not the worst stuff I’ve ever tasted. It is drinkable and I can finish the cup… but, it isn’t something I’d brew again.

And I’m kind of shocked, really. Because my memory of the strawberry white from SpecialTeas was that of a really delicious strawberry flavored white tea, and this tastes nothing like I remember. It tastes oddly floral, and normally, I’m all for floral notes, but here they taste bitter and sharp. Almost soapy. Almost.

Now that I am sipping more of it… I don’t know if I will finish the cup. I’m liking this less the more I sip on it.

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310 tasting notes

I’ve had bad luck with any tea that contains strawberry or cherry, but this one is ok. Just ok. In the bag it smells like Special K Red Berries cereal. Once brewed, I taste the white tea and a gentle strawberry flavor. One of the better strawberry teas I’ve had. Still… I can’t quite get over the occasional resemblance to strawberry cereal. That is mostly a problem with my head though, not the tea. Thanks Batrachoid for sending this one in the swap!

BTW – I used a ton of tea and might have grabbed more of the big chunks of dried strawberries than I was meant to for one cup. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Batrachoid 14 years ago

I had the same problem. I think the batch this came from must’ve settled before it was packaged or something. There must be as much strawberry as tea!

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516 tasting notes

Thanks Mercuryhime for letting me try this tea!

I have to agree with the consensus, that the strawberry flavour comes almost exclusively with the aftertaste, and takes a back seat to the strong floral notes of the white tea. It’s nice though, reminds me a lot of David’s Strawberry White, but I prefer this one. I got to watch it unravel in my Steeper and the leaves were huge! What a treat :D

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525 tasting notes

The scent of the dry leaves is very strawberry and yummy smelling. However, upon brewing, the strawberry takes a backseat to the strong grassy floral flavor of white tea. It took me a few brews to realize how much leaf, how long to steep and what temp of water to use. Ideally, you want less leaf than you’d expect and only steep for 2 minutes max. Fortunately, it’s good for multiple infusions but it’s really not my favorite. I treat it like a slightly fruity plain white. I don’t drink this when I’m looking for strawberry flavor.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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40 tasting notes

I was sadly disappointed with this tea. I had recently discovered whites, and was really excited because I love the SpecialTeas black strawberry tea. Sadly, I found this tea to be weak and bitter, despite my many manipultions of the temprature and steep time, and just not good. Sorry SpecialTeas! I still love you!

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec
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Oolonga 15 years ago

I gave it the rating of 30, pretty close, huh?

Oolonga 15 years ago

Just forgot to mention… please don’t rush to judge all whites by this one, there pretty awesome teas out there.

Chrislovestea 15 years ago

I won’t! I love white teas, and I know this one was just a dissapointment. :(

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4346 tasting notes

Hmm.. I thought this was a green tea for some reason until I logged into Steepster and it was a white tea. I don’t drink many white teas, but this one isn’t bad. I actually like it more knowing now it is a white tea. The strawberry flavor isn’t enough! I am glad to be able to try any SpecialTeas though. thanks again, joeCool!

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