Scottish Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bread, Cream, Honey, Malt, Toast, Floral, Grass, Yeasty
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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From Simpson & Vail

At a customer’s request, we made this Scottish Blend tea as a perfect bold blend for your all day drinking enjoyment. The request was for a brew that was a well rounded blend that was bold and smooth with fruit and oak undertones. We blended teas from five countries to yield a deep amber cup with a full-bodied, rich, creamy, malty and brisk taste. It’s the perfect tea to start the morning or to accompany dinner!

Brew tea at 212ºF – steep for 3 minutes.

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11 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

I had two cups of it this morning so far… I know this tea will not last me very long at the rate I am going. It’s so good!

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6768 tasting notes

I LOVE that 5 countries and their teas are represented in this blend! This is hearty and bold with a creamy finish. This is one of their newer teas and I am so honored to try it so quickly. It will appear in the Fall Catalog soon but IS available on their website right now. This is a great WAKE ME UP Tea!

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4843 tasting notes

This is just what I expected with a Scottish Blend – HEARTY with an almost chewy kind of creaminess to it. It’s like freshly baked bread… like the chewy crisp crust of the bread. It’s awesome and it’s a great tea with which to start the day.

A nice sweetness to it too. Malty! Truly lovely.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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252 tasting notes

My favorite breakfast tea as a builders brew with sugar substitute, my mother drank this on me while I was walking Buddy so I’m a bit sad because it was the last before it was sipped down so I have to grab more.

Flavors: Bread, Cream, Honey, Malt, Toast

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457 tasting notes

I’m not sure if this blend has changed, but I’m getting mostly grassy, yeasty Darjeeling in my cup with a slight metallic aftertaste. There’s not a whole lot of maltyness here or astringency either. I guess I expect a more bracing cup from a ‘Scottish Blend’, but what I’m tasting is maybe a bit fruity or floral, but I certainly wouldn’t call it bracing or robust. The second steep is just a weaker version of the first steep. I might try with more leaf, but I think this blend is not for me.

Flavors: Floral, Grass, Yeasty

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4246 tasting notes

Thank you for this one a while back in your sale, Ost! It’s a decent black tea – reminds me a little of an assam. Bready, sweet. The second cup is like pastries. Not too much depth to the flavor though. I think I’ve been spoiled with awesome black teas lately. I wish I had more to say about this one.
Steep #1 // 1 tsp // 5 min after boiling // 3 min
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5+min

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314 tasting notes

Lewis & Clark TTB #5

I usually add sweetener to breakfast teas, but started this one plain, and I’m glad I did. It has a nice, understated nose, powerful flavor, and excellent, long finish. Slightly tart but not bitter. There aren’t a lot of extraneous flavors, but this is a perfectly balanced definition of what a Scottish tea should be.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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18 tasting notes

Hearty, woodsy, a teeny bit of fruit (pear?). I like it better with milk and sugar, but it’s smooth enough to drink on its own (not bitter, and that’s the only time I pick up on the fruit).

As breakfast teas go, this is as strong as I’ll go before crossing the line into smoky teas (which always make me feel like I’m waking up in the military or something). For this Scottish blend, no need to break out the bugle reveille and the WWII helmet. This one still has a touch of coziness.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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