Turmeric Ginger

Tea type
Herbal Spice Blend
Lemon Oil, Lemon Peel, Licorice Root, Orange Oil, Organic Ginger, Organic Lemongrass, Organic Orange Peel, Turmeric
Ginger, Licorice Root, Turmeric, Citrusy, Earthy, Orange Zest, Spicy, Earth, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Licorice, Orange, Sweet, Citrus Zest, Bitter, Lemon
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 317 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “As threatened I made this up with lemonade. For reference: one quart prepared instant lemonade and one quart Turmeric Ginger tea brewed at boiling (the stronger the better). Serve over ice. This is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Soooooo NOT a combo I would reach for in a store…but…I’m game…BRING IT ON! VERY intensely scented/flavored Turmeric AND Ginger…thankfully I can smell a little Orange. After infusing – the wet mix...” Read full tasting note
  • “My right arm is in a sling right now (thanks, bursitis!) so this will be short (I hope). Ginger is the most noticeable thing here, both in scent and flavor. There is a bit of lemongrass in there,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow! It has a little burn to it … reviewing in more detail for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, and my chief observation is that it’s nice to find a medicinal herbal that doesn’t have lemon as its...” Read full tasting note

From Rishi Tea

Ingredients: Organic ginger root, organic turmeric organic licorice root, organic lemongrass, organic orange peel, organic lemon peel, essential lemon and orange oils.

Sweet licorice root and zesty orange peel lend depth and structure to this remarkably intriguing, yet balanced herbal tea. The combination of turmeric and ginger is an ancient Ayurvedic formula for longevity, stamina and balanced circulation.

Water: 212°F / Boiling / Leaves: 1 tablespoon per 8 oz / Infusion Time: 4-5 minutes / Ingredients: Organic ginger, organic orange peel, organic licorice root, organic lemongrass, organic turmeric, and essential oil of lemon. Origin: Rishi blend.

About Rishi Tea View company

Rishi Tea specializes in sourcing the most rarefied teas and botanical ingredients from exotic origins around the globe. This forms a palette from which we craft original blends inspired by equal parts ancient herbal wisdom and modern culinary innovation. Discover new tastes and join us on our journey to leave ‘No Leaf Unturned’.

40 Tasting Notes

23 tasting notes

Earlier this year I attended the Fancy Food show in San Francisco. Turmeric seems to be the ingredient/component of the year. It is everywhere. The awareness of the touted healthful properties are definitely being advantaged in many aspects of the food industry.

As a result of the visit we created a Turmeric Lime dressing for one of our Teahouse salad offerings. I also purchased some of Rishi’s Turmeric Ginger and a new released Turmeric Chai which I’ll review in a future note.

I have always been a fan of Rishi. They use high quality components all organic. You can trust that you are getting a worthy product.

The Turmeric Ginger is definitely an invigorating brew. The ginger is nice and strong and you can feel the burn in the back of your mouth and even down your throat. Truly a ‘blend’, the flavors are otherwise well rounded with nothing else standing to the forefront. Turmeric has a dusty flavor and thankfully, licorice, which I don’t favor, does not even make itself much known.

Enjoy this tisane and feel healthier for it.

Flavors: Ginger

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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258 tasting notes

I bought this tea because I have Ulcerative Colitis and ginger and turmeric are both pretty well known for their anti-inflammation properties. Plus, I absolutely LOVE ginger.

This tea delivered pretty well for me. The first few sips up front have a sharp bitterness to them. I believe this is part of the turmeric oils sitting on the surface. After the first few sips, that bitterness mostly fades out and I am left with a bit of a bite from the ginger and the trademark throat coating of licorice. Fun bonus though. The licorice coating comes with a lemon flavor. It kind of makes a candy lemon flavor on the throat.

I am not sure how much it will help with my inflammation levels but it won’t hurt. Plus, I really like the flavor of this one. If you aren’t into ginger, turmeric, lemon and licorice this certainly won’t be your tea. But if you DO like those things, this tea should work for you.

Flavors: Bitter, Ginger, Lemon, Licorice

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 6 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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3 tasting notes

Personally, I think this tea is alright. My husband and mother have both expressed their dislike of the spiciness – but I kind of like the little kick. It’s not something I’d drink daily, but I like having it around for when I get the craving for it. I also want to add that this tea smells pretty great…almost like Froot Loops!

Flavors: Citrusy, Ginger, Lemon, Spicy

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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33 tasting notes
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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7 tasting notes

i ordered this tea mainly because my mom was looking for a tea to kick her cold, but i ended up drinking more of it then she did! Absolutely love this tea. It has a nice spice to it from the ginger and the Meyer lemon balances it out quite nicely. It also smells AMAZING!!! Defiantly going to buy this again!

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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38 tasting notes

To be fair… the rating/ review is for the over all tea not for its taste alone. I seem to be catching bronchitis again :( so am taking this opportunity to review a lot of herbals.

This is a medicinal tea, that rishi has made very approachable by making it taste like a bright lemony ginger tea rather than medicine. It’s very effective at doing what you want it to do (make your throat/ stomach feel better/ be warm and comforting) while tasting vastly better than most herbals that do the same. That being said, I am on team ginger rather than team peppermint 90% of the time.

The complex citrus notes (lemon grass, orange and lemon I know from the label are in there) really liven it up. It’s pleasant enough to drink even when your not sick, I drink it a lot after I work out for the anti-inflammatory properties of tumeric to try and not get sore the next day.

I take daily tumeric/greens supplements, so I know exactly how nasty this COULD taste (everyone I know gags at the smell and is HOW CAN YOU DRINK THAT?). An believe this is my favorite way to take turmeric. Ginger is always best fresh in chai or stir fry though! But it’s better than Yogi’s lemon ginger I reach for when I am so sick all I want is to shove hot water down my throat.

Taste alone I would rate this in the 70s. But its easily and B when the artistry and effectiveness of the ingredients is considered. If you ever find a tumeric tea thats an A in taste, please send me a gallon of it!

Taste: 75
Effectiveness: 90
Price/Value: 80ish

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1 tasting notes

With tumeric having so many healthy benefits, I was looking for all different ways to take it. I randomly found this tea at my local Coop and decided to try it. SOOO GLAD I DID! The lemongrass and orange really helps the spicy of the ginger. It’s definitely a full flavor tea but so yummy on a cold night or after dinner with a little honey.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon, Orange

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6106 tasting notes

So one of the perks of working in customer service, especially front desk as in my current employment, is that you actually get to know people. Well enough that people now ask me how many teas I brought to work today (one day I had at least 6 of my Timolinos lined up at the front to make a gorgeous rainbow – people kept asking if they were for sale… :P DavidsTea should really be paying me for this advertising, since I keep directing people there to buy them if interested…). Anyhow, one of the regular ladies apparently also quite likes tea! And gets her brother to bring tea over (by the carton) from the US when he visits. This is one of her favourites, so she brought me an individually-wrapped teabag to try out. I was super curious, because I’ve read quite a bit about turmeric tea in the last while, but haven’t bothered to try it quite yet – so this was my chance!

Now to the tea – the teabag was one of those silken types, and had I more time, I probably would have transferred it to an infuser, but I was in a rush, because work. Anyways, it was yellow and powdery from the turmeric, and powerfully gingery. Steeped, it smelled kind of herbally, and I was kind of concerned about how the flavour would be… with good reason, because honestly, it was a bit strange. EXCEPT! Omg, the aftertaste. I don’t normally like licorice root, but combined with the ginger in this tea, it was so good. It took a few seconds to hit, but when it did, it was powerfully sweet and gingery before fading into a lingering sweetness. I will admit to gulping the tea solely for the aftertaste, so I really didn’t savour it at all. It wasn’t objectionable, though, just fairly boring other than that lovely, perfect ginger sweetness. A resteep brought out more ginger, and the sweetness was still good, but 2 infusions was probably enough for that teabag.

Overall, if you’re drinking this to sip, it’s maybe a bit boring. If you’re going for health properties and/or the ginger sweetness? Probably a good choice.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve seen the turmeric ginger combo in tea pop up a lot in the last month or so. Got to try some from an Austin company. It was super interesting but not my thing.

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1714 tasting notes

I’m trying not to get sick, but some of those presick symptoms of congestion, tiny cough, and a slightly sore throat are starting to pop up. I wanted a tea that I thought might help that and luckily I have a sample of this kicking around that I picked up in bulk at Central Market grocery store! This tea is really hitting the spot right now. I can taste the tumeric, which compliments the ginger quite well. The ginger is pretty strong and there is a sweetness that comes on at the end of the sip with some orange and I’m attributing the sweet to licorice root. This is such a weird savory and sweet combo that I’m really digging right now. This is a sip down, but I’m feeling like I should keep this on hand for those sick or almost sick times when I want something more complex than my usual go to plain ginger drink.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Hope you don’t get sick!

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1501 tasting notes

Love turmeric in your tea? Then I’m your kinda gal. Or, maybe one you want to swap with, as I’ve just discovered I have four teas with the main ingredient as turmeric. Yay!

This one I picked up while ‘on vacation’ (read: took a break from my family while my daughter’s Dad visited for a week) during my first ever visit to Whole Foods in Canada. Kinda wish there was one closer…

This smells like orange licorice, if there was such a thing. Is there? Like, bright, shiny orange? If so, I’d eat it… and it would remind me of this tea.

Flavors: Licorice, Orange Zest

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I don’t know how I feel about turmeric tea, but I do love Whole Foods…


I had to translate turmeric…ok yes I love Turmeric now I know this is what we call Curcuma in French :) but never I had it in a tea but seems really interesting.


Oh, yeah…this one will clear your sinuses and the rubber cement out of yoru throat!

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