Xin Gong Yi (New Craft)

Tea type
White Tea
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Cream, Hay, Lemon, Sweet, Astringent, Drying, Pancake Syrup, Vegetal, Chocolate, Creamy, Thick
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaBrat
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I really like white teas and this sunny and bright afternoon seems like the perfect time for it. It’s been a while since I’ve had this but clearly there is no reason to hoard it, since it won’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “Very good tea!! thanks for sharing Amy! yummmmm. Light, bright, and very sweet without any additions. Fresh tasting, remnicent of something floral. Could that be the rose? I can’t tell. I also get...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea swap sample provided by @Amy Oh This turned out to be a very interesting experience. I didn’t really expect such a dark colour and bold aroma from white tea. That being said, I wasn’t confident...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a lighter tasting tea in my opinion. It has a hay-like taste and… Not really sweetness, but sorta. It has a roundish mouth feel. It’s not refreshing feeling, it’s more hardy it seems....” Read full tasting note

From Red Blossom Tea Company

Our Xin Gong Yi white tea was harvested early April 2011 from Fuding County, Fujian Province. The hand-picked leaves consist of a bud and single leaf combination. The buds contribute florals and texture to the tea, while the leaves give it complexity.

Xin Gong Yi means “new craft”. What distinguishes it from traditional white tea crafting techniques is the higher degree of enzymatic oxidation Xin Gong Yi leaves undergo. Traditional white teas are only oxidized to 5%, whereas new craft takes oxidation above 30%. The resulting leaves take on a beautiful mottle of green and autumnal reds and oranges, and the brewed liquor is decidedly more golden than the muted beige of traditional white tea.

The higher oxidation also creates bioflavonoids and aromatic compounds. The nose is reminiscent of rose water, raisins, and dried apricots. The taste is sweet without being cloying, and distinct without sacrificing roundness. This tea is one of the best examples of new tea craftsmanship that we have come across in recent years.

About Red Blossom Tea Company View company

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20 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

I really like white teas and this sunny and bright afternoon seems like the perfect time for it. It’s been a while since I’ve had this but clearly there is no reason to hoard it, since it won’t stay fresh forever! I don’t know if I got the rose water the last time I tried this, but I am definitely getting it today. A delicious sweetness in the finish as well.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1759 tasting notes

Very good tea!! thanks for sharing Amy! yummmmm.
Light, bright, and very sweet without any additions. Fresh tasting, remnicent of something floral. Could that be the rose? I can’t tell.
I also get something honey like, bakey even. I tend to notice that when there are claims of “apricot” so it makes sense to me!
There is something savoury in there as well but I need to sit down with a gaiwan before making any declarations on that…
I made it through three steepings, each a little softer and sweeter than the last, becoming more like spun rather than raw honey.
Overall… A lovely tea. I highly recommend!
Steepster won’t let me rate this for some reason. I’d give this a solid 91!


glad you liked it. :)

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326 tasting notes

Tea swap sample provided by @Amy Oh

This turned out to be a very interesting experience. I didn’t really expect such a dark colour and bold aroma from white tea. That being said, I wasn’t confident enough to write tasting notes, because I was so focused on just enjoying the tea.

So I’ll pass on rating it, and maybe purchase some in the future. It seems like the sort of tea you’d have to make a few times to appreciate.
On a scale of I hated or loved it, this is somewhere between this is really cool and I liked it a lot (not loved it).

100ml gaiwan, 5g, 6 steeps
(Sorry for the vague tasting notes!)

195 °F / 90 °C

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309 tasting notes

This is a lighter tasting tea in my opinion. It has a hay-like taste and… Not really sweetness, but sorta. It has a roundish mouth feel. It’s not refreshing feeling, it’s more hardy it seems. There is a long finish of the hay tone.

Over all, I like it but it’s not a favorite. I’ll keep it as a some variety in my whites, something to mix it up with.

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16384 tasting notes


Steeped this one up last weekend over a Zoom tea call with three IG tea friends. It was a nice conversation, though short, and I focused more on that then the notes of the tea. However, the deep orange liquor and thick soup was stand out enough to still pull some of my attention and I had the last few steeps after our call and I recall those more clearly. Really autumnal in feeling with more snow chrysanthemum, mineral, hot hay, and slight vegetal notes. Just a good solid body to the tea, even in its last steeps as it was fading.


Song Pairing:

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1442 tasting notes

After almost a year long hiatus where I drank mostly puerh, black, and green tea, I thought maybe my love for plain white tea would have simmered down. Thanks to OMGsrsly, I can now put my doubts aside.

I love you white tea. I love you so much. the milkiest Milk Oolong, the nuttiest Dragonwell, and the sweetest black dessert tea have nothing on you. Marry me.

Flavors: Cream, Hay, Lemon, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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2291 tasting notes

Stolen from the box I have half-ready for Sil.

Tastes more like a black tea than a white.

Steeped 1 minute at 195F.

It’s really good, but I’m still not really into tea, so I won’t keep it. It just smelled good, so I wanted a cup today.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

i woke up at 9 today….an hour later i went back to sleep for 4 hrs…


i can’t even think about tea lol


:D I haven’t been on Steepster lately at all, but I had some tea and felt a need to post.

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15267 tasting notes

Really enjoy this one as far as white teas go. it’s MUCH cheaper than my all time favourite white, so no complaints there and it’s something i may look to pick up again. in the meantime i’m super happy omgsrsly introduced me to this one :)


I have been having trouble getting the steep right with this one.. Someone did recommend a different approach but I cant remember what it was and its not in the notes – what parameters are you doing? It was hard to get me to like it as much as a good silver needle. and what is your favourite white?


2 mins ish at about 175/180. my favourite white that i can recall anyway is ivory himalaya from MF. (that being said i am very much a black tea girl so my taste buds may be way different than yours hahaha)


Did you get the whole bag of this one? If not, want more? :)


haha it was in a foil package thingy


Ohhhh. I must have the bag around here somewhere…


Ok, once my bags arrive I will portion some out for me and send you the rest. :P I’ve written on the bag so I should remember…


january sounds like a good month for that lol


Yeah yeah. The bags won’t come till the middle of December, so you’re safe. For now…

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338 tasting notes

Interesting. tried this as i love whites, the leaves are more spindly like its almost an Oriental Beauty.

aroma from the steeped leaves is more vegetal than i thought. from the cup there is an underlying sweetness, a syrup.

Tried it as recommended, 4g 90c 2:30 western style. I think this might have been too much (the 4g & temp). there is a hint of sourness, which reminds me of a too-strong white. next time i’ll try it the white way, 80c 3g 3mins.

I let it cool. interesting tea. very much like a white, but with a slight sourness that hangs around on the tongue, less floral than a yin zheng, but with similar characteristics.

Tried it straightaway after at 80/3g/3mins, it was similar to a yin zhen, again more sour and less sweet. I preferred a good silver needle, ,i must confess.

Made me feel nice. slight astringency.

I think i will need to experiment more with this tea, at the moment im on the fence with it, so it gets an 80 from me.

Flavors: Astringent, Drying, Lemon, Pancake Syrup, Sweet, Vegetal

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1792 tasting notes

Ohh, this is a tasty white tea. It reminds me more of a black tea, as it has malty chocolate in here that tones down the hay-like notes that are typically present in white teas. This is the kind of white teas that I tend to go for the most. MissB, you just knew I’d love this one, didn’t you? Thank for you much for including this in my package!

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