Dirty Knees

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Pu'erh Tea
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From Pugs & Pigs

This beauty of a pu-erh tea was produced by Langhe Tea Factory in 1999 as a medium-grade shou brick from low origins. Despite being destined for exports, it was only lightly fermented and loosely pressed. 4 bricks in a regular CNNP paper package with no individual wrapping. Nothing to write home about, but the recipe proved a good aging candidate. 22 years later, dry storage really scrubbed this one clean and pretty for you. Now that’s good shou pu-erh!

Back in 1999, the Langhe factory was operating under the huge Menghai Tea Factory banner. Production was massive and, dare we say, pretty hard to track down. Trucks full of leaves would come in every day from all areas of Yunnan and sorting would be dubious at best. We were told the lot we selected was from local Menghai material and harvested a week or two before production. The bricks are stamped 11th May 1999.

To be fair, this is probably one of the smoothest shou you’ll ever have. It’s light, sweet, fruity, clean, and very nice on the stomach. Two decades of dry storage will do that for you. Aromas range from old barn wood to beetroot to wet rocks and all around the earthy spectrum, also boasting a refreshing eucalyptus-like finish. Being both very complex and generous, one sample will easily give you more than a dozen fun infusions.

3 $ flat rate shipping on all orders up to 10 tea samples.

*domestic orders only. 5 $ for US orders

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1 Tasting Note

16374 tasting notes

Gongfu Sipdown (1371)!

I spent a portion of Sunday talking to VariaTEA and a few other IG tea nerd friends about tasting notes/descriptions and I think this tea is such a great example of one of those teas that evoke a specific feeling/memory. It’s so thick and burly with camphorous notes of potting soil, petrichor, syrupy raisins, and wet decaying wood but as I sip on these early infusions the thing my mind keeps wandering back to is helping my grandma in her garden as a small child on summer vacation – hands and knees caked with wet dirt after summer storms as we planted flowers or harvested sugar snaps! It’s a very powerful and nostalgic memory and flavour association! Kudos to whoever named the tea because, frankly, they nailed it!

(Also – steeps for SUCH a long time! Ten+ infusions easy on this beauty!)

Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsitYvBw0g/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eruW1KHcxc&ab_channel=SylvanEssoVEVO

Cameron B.

Pugs?! :O

Roswell Strange

Haha I mix your IG and their IG names up all the time!

Cameron B.

OMG they have dots and everything! My bad, ha ha…

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