Island Fire

Tea type
Black Tea
Apple, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cornflower Petals, Cranberry, Flavouring, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel, Papaya, Pineapple, Rose Hips, Rose Petals
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Lexie Aleah
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From Pinky Up

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3 Tasting Notes

16017 tasting notes

So many layers of flavour! I picked this one out last night because I felt like the tin was literally staring at me, and cinnamon seemed like something nice and relaxing for the evening. I had sort of forgotten that, yes, this is a bold red hot cinnamon flavour (like cinnamon hearts) but it’s also kinda fruity too – and the papaya was surprisingly strong in this cup. Most surprising, though, was the floral undertones. Didn’t remember this being floral and floral with cinnamon was… unique. Not bad, but unique.

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