Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Earth, Flowers, Milk
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dustin
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Oolong Flower Power

A top quality oolong from a spring harvest in Anxi, Fujian. Before withering, the tea leaves are scented using a special method. The origin of this tea lies in Taiwan.


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4 Tasting Notes

1780 tasting notes

When I was in Dublin last year, I was scouring the area for tea shops and came across Oolong Flower Power. They had hundreds of jars of tea to choose from and I took two selections home. All the tea is under their shop name. I asked the guy working at the counter about it and he said they have a vendor who they buy all their tea and coffee from, so I get the impression that they don’t do any blending or flavoring themselves and that these teas may be available by other companies who buy from the same vendor.

Anyways, onto the tea itself! I think I overleafed this tea a bit in my effort to use up the last of the tea that didn’t fit into the tin, but it seems to have turned out alright! I’m not familiar with milk oolongs (or regular oolongs for that matter) so I’m not quite sure what to expect. The first sip tasted slightly floral to me. It is extremely smooth and creamy… almost buttery, a taste that is pronounced after each sip. There is also a slight after sensation as if I drank something grassy even tho I don’t really taste grass in the sip. I’ll have to update later as I resteep, but so far it’s really nice!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Jealous of your trip to Dublin! Also Milk Oolongs are tasty :D


Nice review. Hope you liked Dublin! I still miss it sometimes. The pictures looked familiar and looking attheir other stock, I’m pretty sure the tea is from Oxalis a Czech company. http://www.oxalis.eu

There are some companies here who sell their teas. I know of one company locally that sells some of them, and I know another co pany in Romania that seems willing to ship to Canada, at least, as well I have seen others as well. The tea shop looked nice!


I did like Dublin! I got to go for a month and it was awesome. We thought about moving there for a year, but the hubs wasn’t as thrilled with it as I was so I think it is off our list. I think we’d both love to visit again tho and I know I would love to visit all the tea shops again!

Thanks for the link YYZ! Their apricot and cream cheese sounds like an interesting tea.


I’m glad you got to stay there at least a month! I liked the time we stayed there though I did get the joys of experiencing 58 days of rain ( our back yard was turning into a bog), though many of those days were that Irish specific ‘soft ’ days. I hope you do get a chance to visit again at least. Ironically I ran into someone who’s family own a pub syndicate, and run Gibney’s in Malahide which was often a meeting place for people I worked with.

You have the opportunity to live somewhere else for a year, that sounds amazing. I’ve always learned the most and had the best experiences when I’ve had the opportunity to live away from home. Where else is on your list?

Just out of interest the other companies I know that sell Oxalis teas are http://theloosetea.com, though they only have a limited selection and http://www.ctscorner.ro/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=19.

The apricot and cream cheese does sound really good. They have an excellent selection of fruit teas.


I had hoped to see a good amount of rain while I was there. We have been in a drought in central Texas for a long while now, so it would have been nice to see it raining somewhere in the world. We got a couple of good downpours, but mostly we just heard from all the locals how we came during such an unusually beautiful sunny spell. :/

The other places we have thought about moving to for 1-2 years are Los Angeles, Sydney, Korea or South America.

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16 tasting notes

This tea to me, taste very creamy with a rich taste. I would definitely drink this with a pastry!

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11 tasting notes

I’ve recently tried this tea and found it has very mild smooth taste, a little bit milky. This milky taste is not a matter of adding milk onto your tea but it’s so natural that it seems to be the part of the tea. I like drinking it in the morning as it helps me to wake up and get little positive (especially early in the Monday morning ;D)

Flavors: Earth, Flowers, Milk

170 °F / 76 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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