Thanks again for the samples, Octavia Tea! The idea of a strictly peach oolong does seem AMAZING in theory. As it’s marketed as a peach oolong, I don’t see or taste much in the way of peach or oolong. There are too many other ingredients here. I see the occasional long piece of oolong leaf primarily after the tea is steeped. Otherwise, it’s a fruity cup with plenty of lemongrass, tiny apple cubes, hibiscus, and an occasional orange slice. The description also mentions peach, so maybe they are indistinguishable from the apple cubes. I used 1 3/4 teaspoons to make sure I had a decent amount of the ingredients in the cup. Overall, it certainly tastes fruity, but a bit too much of the hibiscus drowns out those other flavors, definitely overpowering any oolong flavor. This one certainly tastes better in the summer than it would in the winter. Since lemons are cheap right now (ten for a dollar!), I added a bit of lemon to the second steep and it tasted delicious with that citrus wedge that was already in the infuser.
Steep #1 // 1 3/4 teaspoons for a full mug // 18 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 minute steep