Another Nina’s Paris tea from miss Marzipan. After the last one seemed a bit weak in flavor, I figured I should drink my last two before they start to lose their oomph. This is a chocolate orange tea, which is one of my very favorite flavor combinations. It has the same small black leaves, and my sample has one large piece of dried orange peel in it. Dry scent is sweet chocolate, I’m not getting much orange.
Once steeped, however, there is a powerful sweet orange smell accented by a touch of creamy chocolate. The orange here is nice, it reminds me of the fragrance of orange zest. I would like more chocolate, however. The chocolate mostly manifests itself as a touch of (pleasant) bitterness and a creamy texture. I just can’t fully enjoy this cup, as the whole time I’m thinking about Three Friends. Lol!
Flavors: Chocolate, Creamy, Dark Chocolate, Orange, Orange Zest, Sweet