The first sample I got to out of my first Taobao order. The leaves were quite dark and had a slightly leathery camphor aroma with a good bit of earthiness which came out after a rinse.
There was a slight leathery quality to the flavor in the first steep, but that quickly left this tea. The texture thickened up pretty quickly after that, with a good earthy flavor and some mineral sweetness. I also got something that could have been a fruity note – like plums or something, in the early steeps.
By the fifth steep or so, the profile became a little bit easier to nail down, less vacuous. It was mostly dirt – in a good way, mind you, with a pleasantly sweet finish that occasionally seemed floral to me, but was more often just another earthy layer. This went on through around steep 11 or so, when it started to get just a little bit drying on the finish. I squeezed about 5 or 6 more steeps out of it, which were all pleasant, though lighter than the meat of the session.
Flavors: Dirt, Earth, Floral, Leather, Sweet, Thick, Vegetal