21st Century Tea

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by JacquelineM
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is the best tasting of the health tisanes I have purchased recently. Herbaceous, for sure, but there is something light and sweet about it. It tastes plant-y and alive! This one is supposed to...” Read full tasting note
  • “One of the last remaining I want to try from the HH teabox (that I’m not taking out completely). This was actually quite delicious for a herbal tea! First the dry leaves are amazingly pretty and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #3 from HHTTB2 Nettle is such a dinstinctive taste. It’s one of the ingredients in the Migraine Relief tea I drink too. And it has this kind of savory earthy flavor that almost overwhelms...” Read full tasting note
  • “I feel like I walked out in to my backyard and picked these myself! Well, not quite, but it’s very herbally and earthy to the eye! I was especially surprised by the Red Clover Buds/Blossoms! I...” Read full tasting note

From Mountain Rose Herbs

It is easy to overwhelm ourselves these days, both mind and body. Between the air we breathe and the stresses from working or raising a family, it is easy to become run down. This comforting and strengthening infusion is carefully blended to offer support to our immune systems. Both helpful and tasty, enjoy a cup and relax. Contains: organic Nettle leaf, organic Red Clover blossoms, organic Elder berries, organic Alfalfa leaf, organic Red Clover herb, organic St. John’s Wort, organic Sage, and organic Ginger root.

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8 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

This is the best tasting of the health tisanes I have purchased recently. Herbaceous, for sure, but there is something light and sweet about it. It tastes plant-y and alive! This one is supposed to aid the immune system and help you from feeling overwhelmed and run down. Oh, I can sure use this! I regret I didn’t try it sooner – I was so worried about how it was going to taste that it’s been sitting in my cupboard for a month! Silly!

I would like to move more toward these herbal helpers in the evenings – they make me feel so relaxed and good!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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4337 tasting notes

One of the last remaining I want to try from the HH teabox (that I’m not taking out completely). This was actually quite delicious for a herbal tea! First the dry leaves are amazingly pretty and fresh looking! A lot of pinks and greens. After steeping with boiling water for a few minutes, the flavor is sweet, minty, and a bit like the chrysanthemum tea I had the other day. I’m itching to keep the little bit left of this out of the teabox but I want to share it with others… maybe they will also see how nice herbal teas can be!


Yay! Me next :D

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615 tasting notes

Tea #3 from HHTTB2

Nettle is such a dinstinctive taste. It’s one of the ingredients in the Migraine Relief tea I drink too. And it has this kind of savory earthy flavor that almost overwhelms everything else here (and unfortunately not in my Migraine tea). There’s also a subtle sweetness here that peaks at the tail of the sip. And something in here that makes my tongue tingle — but only slightly.

A very solid herbal tea that definitely helped me wind down. Now all I need is a massage and things would be pretty awesome.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

I feel like I walked out in to my backyard and picked these myself! Well, not quite, but it’s very herbally and earthy to the eye! I was especially surprised by the Red Clover Buds/Blossoms! I don’t know if I have ever had a tea/tisane that features this ingredient!

It smells herbally and soupy. It looks, smells, and almost tastes like a broth.

As far as this being a full-out herbal tisane – this tastes quite good – in a more neutral type way, that is, it’s not overly herbally but it still serves a purpose. This really surprised me, actually. It’s pretty decent!

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523 tasting notes

Tea #2 from Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox

First, a little story:

I used to buy essential oils regularly from Mountain Rose Herbs. When I first started ordering from their website some, i dunno, 5 or 6 years ago maybe, I noticed the loose leaf tea section. At this time I was a heavy coffee drinker, though I did have the occasional bagged green tea. Mountain rose herbs was the company that put the first tea-spark in me. I thought, “wow, loose tea. . how natural and exotic!” But something about it also intimidated me, like I wasn’t good enough for that fancy realm. I frequently browsed the tea section on the website and even went so far as to purchase two tea infusers, but I never purchased tea.

Fast forward years later, I purchased my first loose tea, but not from Mountain rose herbs. I looked around frantically for the tea infusers that I knew I still had in their original packaging, but couldn’t find them. Incidentally, I found them, finally, a couple weeks ago ^^

So, anyway, here I am presented with a tea (or rather, tisane. .but lets not get all nit-picky now) from the company that should have been my first, so I had to try it (thanks Tea Sipper for leaving it in the box ;) )

I was skeptical because of the ginger root (strong ginger makes me nauseous, ironically enough), but I’ve come across several ginger-containing teas along the way that haven’t put me off. The ginger in this one is stronger than I’d like, but it’s alright. The tea as a whole is very soupy/broth-like as someone else already noted. And certainly herbaceous, with a slight sweetness on the way down.

I don’t know if I’ll order this specific blend, but it has inspired me consider checking out Mountain Rose’s tea collection again :)

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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672 tasting notes

So this is definitely the best tasting of the medicine teas, which explains why I ended up drinking it the most. I can’t tell that it’s had much effect on my cold, but it’s not really marketed as cold tea, more like just a general immune boost when you’re feeling run down. At least it’s been an easy way to get down hot fluids.

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3 tasting notes

This tea is a life savior for me. Anytime I start to feel like I am coming down with a cold or start to feel a sore throat coming on, I grab my 21st Century tea by Mountain Rose Herbs and I’ll be fine by the next day. This tea works better for me than the Echinacea and Roots tea by the same vendor. 21st Century tea is a lot of nettle leaf, red clover blossoms and elderberries. I love this tea!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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