Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cornflower Petals, Natural Flavours
Cream, Floral, Fruity, Astringent, Bergamot, Bitter, Caramel, Sweet, Vanilla, Almond, Honey
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Anlina
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 404 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Iced tea of the day….. Yep, this one is losing its luster for me. I have given some away and am trying it out iced to see if it has any value for me to keep it. Not bad. I can taste the bergamot...” Read full tasting note
  • “Trying this out today courtesy of SimplyJenW. Dry, this is a very appealing black tea with blue flowers mixed in. Steeped it delivers as promised. A fair balance of Bergamot and cream. I really...” Read full tasting note
  • “For technicalities, this came from EnglishTeaStore.com, and is called Earl Grey Cream – Metro (Metropolitan) Blend. Recommended by SimplyJenW (thank you!). This is the 3rd or 4th testing of this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m an EG newbie, so I don’t feel right rating these just yet. This one from Metro Tea smelled delicious – citrusy and bright – but the taste! Lots of fruit loopy and manly. This next sentence will...” Read full tasting note

From Metropolitan Tea Company

Premium Ceylon Flavored Black Tea
Origin: Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Region: Dimbula
Grade: OP

A must have for the avid Earl Grey drinker! Our best Earl Grey mellowed with a creamy taste unmatched by any other.

About Metropolitan Tea Company View company

Company description not available.

16 Tasting Notes

985 tasting notes

Iced tea of the day…..

Yep, this one is losing its luster for me. I have given some away and am trying it out iced to see if it has any value for me to keep it. Not bad. I can taste the bergamot and the cream adds kind of a weird but interesting aftertaste. I don’t sweeten my iced tea, so teas do taste vastly different iced than when I drink them hot.

I am in the midst of a good sized edit of my tea cupboard. I do like this one hot well enough, but I am kind of over having 80 teas to choose from on a daily basis. I think I could be happy with about 1 quarter of that. This one is not going to be replaced, even though I did enjoy it while i had it.

Usual iced tea method.


I think you should make some Earl grey chocolate truffles… :)


Those sound good!

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120 tasting notes

Trying this out today courtesy of SimplyJenW. Dry, this is a very appealing black tea with blue flowers mixed in. Steeped it delivers as promised. A fair balance of Bergamot and cream. I really like the combination. For me, the Bergamot is there at the beginning and end of the sip with the cream in the center, like an Oreo cookie. It is an interesting affect.
Thanks SimplyJenW, I am very glad to have tried this.


I really like this one, too. I wonder if Harney would consider an Earl Grey Cream?


I would vote for it, and knowing H&S, they would do it right.


By the way, I guess I should repent for the grammar police out there…
“the Oreo effect affected me interestingly”


I will ask Mike to consider it! Dashing over to their facebook page now!


I forgot we had our own H&S agent!


Maybe it is time to try a blend of Earl Grey Supreme and Vanilla Black. 3:1 or 2:1?


Great idea!

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136 tasting notes

For technicalities, this came from EnglishTeaStore.com, and is called Earl Grey Cream – Metro (Metropolitan) Blend. Recommended by SimplyJenW (thank you!).

This is the 3rd or 4th testing of this tea, and this morning I decided to go back to the basics of only using a T. of honey to properly test. I find that most Earl Grey’s benefit from some cream/milk and will add that shortly : )

There is a slight (only slight) bitterness to this tea, when only sweetened. That should disappear with added cream. The bergamot is on the light side of my preferences, but I like a lot to give it a creamsicle effect. There is a creamy feeling to the tea, but not overly so. Overall a very good Earl Grey Cream (but still prefer Upton’s). I’m off to add some cream now : )

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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576 tasting notes

I’m an EG newbie, so I don’t feel right rating these just yet. This one from Metro Tea smelled delicious – citrusy and bright – but the taste! Lots of fruit loopy and manly. This next sentence will make me sound like a weirdo, I know, but the EG Cream smelled like a man – like cologne. And very much not in a good way. I don’t like heavy cologne on men; I call it “Pimp Diesel.” So while this one is tasty and hearty, it has a certain Pimp Diesel quality to it.

Maybe I oversteeped. Maybe I’m completely ignorant about EG. OK, actually I am. But I need to conquer this taste. Help me out, teasters!

Follow my EG adventures:

ColumbiaKate Maybe you are right about the cologne quality. The aroma of this tea makes so many sales. People love it and come back for more. Most women, on smelling it practically melt. I call it “catnip for women” at the shop. I never thought of it as a Men’s cologne, but I can imagine that if men would carry a sachet of this tea with them they could probably create a following.

You may not be ale to find an EG that you like. Did you try this one with milk?

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33 tasting notes

Definitely not for purists of the Earl, this one gets the “Royal” pardon. A time-tested favorite mellowed to a creamy afternoon echo. While on the softer side, it still holds up pretty well. I would recommend brewing just a smidge longer, or using more than one heaping teaspoon per cup when brewing to punch up the strength. To me the cream guides this flavor more into the “dessert teas” even without any cream or sugar.

5 min, 30 sec

It just hit me that your review style totally makes me think of Andrews & Dunham.


LOL. really? I can’t help putting on a slightly British hat when talking about tea – although I’m as far from British as one can get. Actually I do a great cockney accent with very little falter – although I’m a bit droopy on the vowels. Last week I kept going around to my friends saying in my finest british cockney accent, “Would you like something from the snack trolley dears?”

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168 tasting notes

It is creamy and it has a good taste of bergamot orange in it…not my favourite, but I enjoy it with breakfast…it is strong enough to taste when eating a hearty breakfast.

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40 tasting notes

This was one of the first flavoured teas I ever tried as a teenager. There were no looseleaf tea shops around, and I really didn’t know there was much else out there yet beyond Orange Pekoe, Earl Grey, English Breakfast or Peppermint tea. At a market downtown I saw the little wooden cartons of these and thought, “Hmm. I like Earl Grey. But I also like delicious things. Like cream. Is this something I’d like?” I might’ve asked the shop keeper what it meant that it said “cream” on it (oh, I was so young!) and, from what I took away, I remember she told me it was sweeter and creamier tasting than a typical earl grey. Well, okay, I was sold. I think I also bought a carton of Irish Cream Tea that day.

I quickly fell in love with it. It was the first time I’d ever tried buying myself a box of any tea, and I was, mercifully, not disappointed. But eventually it became difficult for me to find it anymore – this Christmas my mum was putting in an order from a British Imports shop and they happened to carry it. I mentioned to her how I used to love that tea, and, lo and behold, a little wooden carton appeared at my door soon after.

Opening it for the first time in what must be close to ten years or more was quite an experience, as you may imagine. It was such a blast of memories and nostalgia to my teenage years. It was also much more aromatic than I remembered. In the years since that first purchase, I’ve tried a number of Earl Grey Cream teas, and all of them have been so different. I worried, before it arrived, that this would taste just like one of the others and I wouldn’t even be able to tell it apart from, say, a Tetley or a Twinings or even a David’s Tea version. But this was different as could be.

In some ways I can understand those who say it’s too perfumey. I kind of agree. I can usually let a tea bag sit in my cup until I get to the bottom, but I’ve been mindful to pull this one out. Even so, sometimes I think to myself that I’ve overdone it. It’s so strongly… floral? Sweet? Whatever the “cream” flavouring is, it might be just a titch too strong for me sometimes in a way my teenage self really didn’t notice. I occasionally have to wince after a particularly concentrated sip. But even so, I still love it.

I think if one controls the strength of one’s steep, it might be manageable. Maybe I just need to add more milk- I used to take more when I was younger and never found fault with it. I haven’t quite been able to bring myself to bother yet, however. I kind of keep convincing myself that even when it’s a bit too strong, it’s just right. It kicks me back to the past, to a time where I was just beginning to “experiment” with tea and venture out beyond my mum’s tea cupboard of 200% Earl Grey, when venturing “downtown” was a pretty big deal. (Ironically, now in 2021, venturing out just about anywhere kind of feels similarly significant!)

In summary, this is a fun, aromatic tea that will fill your mouth with scent and flavour. Sometimes maybe too much, with too much gusto and teenage enthusiasm. It’s a little floral, a little fruity, a lot of energy, and I think somewhere in there there’s Earl Grey too. It’s like an excited puppy, jumping up to lick your face the second you walk in the door. It comes on a little too strongly sometimes, but it’s sweet, endearing, and familiar, too. With a little training, I feel certain I can get it to behave – but sometimes I’d rather not.

Flavors: Cream, Floral, Fruity

Boiling 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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16975 tasting notes

Stole some of this from my mom’s stash tonight since I just needed something without any frills to it; no point wasting good tea when I can’t taste it/fully appreciate it. In an attempt to bring some character to this one I added coconut milk and chocolate agave. I tasted none of the additions, nor really the tea itself. I just feel frustrated with how sick I am and my inability to taste anything right now; it’s just disheartening making a tea and having it literally taste like water. Or, in this case, astringent water.

I just want to not be sick.


I feel you. The sad thing is other than a lingering cough and a crackle in my chest, I feel fine. Regardless of that, my taste is still off. It’s like there is a void in the flavors :(

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1 tasting notes

I like a sweet tea (iced). This is the best Earl Grey I have had. My favorite so far

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894 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure I have a straight Earl Grey in mu cupboard, but I couldn’t find it, so I grabbed this to make a latte, and it’s delicious.

2tsp steeped in 8oz of water for 4 minutes, added to maybe 4oz of hot milk, 1.5 tsp of sugar and 1tsp of matcha powder. The flavours of this come through really nicely and are complimented well by the matcha. Nice and decadent.

Flavors: Bergamot, Vanilla


Oh, does that sound SO incredibly delicious!!!


My bag of kitchen grade matcha is very close to its best before date, so I’m looking for stuff I can add it to, to use it up :) I think I’m going to make matcha & white chocolate scones soon. There was a recipe on Yunomi that I will adapt.


EGC + matcha sounds lovely.


Those scones sound wonderful!



I’m going to do them from scratch rather than with a pancake mix, but scones are super easy. I love the idea of matcha and white chocolate.

Leah Naomi

You inspired me to make matcha scones tomorrow. I’ve never made them before!!

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