Tiramisu Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Chocolate, Cream, Espresso, Coffee, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 15 sec 6 oz / 177 ml

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From Matcha Outlet

Tiramisu Matcha is a deliciously blended treat that exquisitely combines hints of chocolate, coffee and Matcha. This exotic drink with strongly oriental leanings is delectable in its ability to produce different sensations on the palate. With its chocolate hints of sweetness and distinct coffee appeal complemented by Matcha’s light presence, Tiramisu Matcha is an unforgettable drink. It is an exceptional addition to the refreshment offering for special occasions where people are willing to go out of their palate’s comfort zones to experience rare wonders.

This distinct tasting treat makes a wonderful addition in any kitchen where fine sophisticated drinks can be enjoyed and appreciated anytime of the day or night. Its well rounded and bold flavors make for exquisite entertainment on any adventurous palate. Tiramisu Matcha, is a sweetish treat that changes depending on the desires of its may takers. It can be an excellent acquired taste for any high tea gathering of like-minded adventurous people.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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34 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Just had this.
It was excellent.
I want to attribute my ability to correctly spell Tiramisu without having to use spell check to this matcha. Previously I always got it wrong even though it is one of my favorite desserts.
Thank you Red Leaf Tea.
The end.


Tea, it even improves one’s spelling! :P


I’m going to have to get a red leaf order out soon


T.C make sure you use the referral codes if you’ve never ordered before…will give you 50% off your first order. If you need one, give me a poke


Thanks Sil, I haven’t ordered from them yet so your referral code would be great :)


Hi, my father-in-law likes baklava and I usually have to look up how it is spelled as well. I can see misspelling tiramisu; since I hear a’s or such in the pronunciation. I am drinking matcha today as well. I will add this one to my wish list for a try. Thank you!


LOL Indigobloom!
Seule771 indeed that is one that also can be difficult to spell!


this sounds good i cant wait to get some money and be able to buy matcha My hubby got me a Bowl for Christmas but i have not used it yet still have to find a whisk lol

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4843 tasting notes

OhMyGawdOhMyGawdOhMyGawd! I figured I’d like this one but I was in no way prepared to like it this much. This is awesomeness. Pure awesomeness.

I can’t eat Tiramisu. Why? Because it’s made with coffee. Did I mention that I love tiramisu? It’s so yummy. One of my favorite desserts. But, in case you’ve already forgotten, I can’t eat it. Coffee is the evil of my life. It makes me sick. Even when I eat something with coffee in it. I can enjoy coffee flavors, no problem. But if a food or drink is made with actual coffee … I get sick. So, it’s hard to really enjoy tiramisu knowing that in about two hours or so I will begin to feel like my stomach is being turned inside out, wrung out, and ripped apart by Bruno the strong-handed Brut. It might taste delicious, but nothing is worth that feeling. Not even tiramisu.


So, I was excited when Red Leaf Tea announced its tiramisu (and now even more excited with the announcement of Creme Brulee & maple flavors … I think I might be in Matcha Paradise and Robert from Red Leaf Tea is the King of Matcha Paradise), and… this is EVEN BETTER than the dessert. Not only does the Matcha offer an exciting, dynamic layer of flavor to the exquisite dessert … but I can drink this without worrying that I am going to get sick in a couple of hours from it.

And this is so good! It’s creamy and decadent. I can taste the creamy, rich, sweet marscapone cheese – it tastes rich and custard-y. And I can taste the cocoa – deep, dark, rich cocoa! And I can taste the coffee too. Together with the sweet, creamy, thick Matcha it is absolutely sublime. A perfect dessert.

I prepared this traditionally, using hot water and whisking… but I added just a little less water than I normally would, and replaced that with the same amount of warmed milk to make a thinned latte. The addition of milk enhances the creaminess, making it so rich and decadent. Amazingly good.

I’d tell you just how good this is but I think I’m supposed to keep these tasting notes Rated G. Or at least PG-13.

If you’d like to experience your own rated R experience with Tiramisu Matcha, you can find it here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/tiramisu-matcha.html


Have you ever tried a tiramisu without coffee? I made this one for Thanksgiving a couple years ago and it was SO good. It still uses most of the usual tiramisu ingredients but also has pumpkin! http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Super-Simple-Pumpkin-Tiramisu-236541


No I haven’t tried it without coffee. this one sounds good. I might have to try it.


There’s also strawberry tiramisu(and probably other varieties, which I don’t know about either, though) ;)

Daisy Chubb

Why not make it with a strong brewed black tea o: This is definitely on my list of things to try :D

Daisy Chubb



@DaisyChubb – brilliant! The only thing is … that these require me MAKING the tiramisu. Guess who in this house likes tiramisu. Me. Just me. Which means I’ll be the only one eating the tiramisu. Which… would make my mouth happy but my thighs large.


I have a similar thwarted love of tiramisu. For vegan reasons,mostly, but coffee makes me feel like I have Crohn’s. Coffee extract/flavor doesn’t set me off, if that’s a possibility. It’s not cheap but a drop flavors a whole batch of cookies.
Although coconut creme is as close to mascarpone as I can make. The secret is tartaric acid, but it’s hard to find.

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1271 tasting notes

Today’s breakfast tea! Very deliciously chocolate and coffee taste to wake me up!
Geeze, I really need to drink down my matcha faster!




omg want…

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863 tasting notes

I’ve done it! The ultimate cold matcha recipe. In a mason jar add the following:
1 tsp matcha, 1 tbsp hot water, whisk.
Then add about 12 oz. milk and some creamer to sweeten, if desired.
Close the lid and shake to combine.

This was so good. The matcha is older but I still got a lot of coffee and chocolate and a cup that was empty far too fast. Next time I may make this a few hours before I want it to let it sit in the fridge and see what happens to the flavoring. But I’m pretty sure cold matcha lattes are my new favorite thing.

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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15588 tasting notes

oh man. i did NOT think that i was going to like this as much as i am. I pulled this together as a quick pick me up latte today as part of my “have a matcha latte every day until it’s gone” thing that i’m doing. No sugar needed. I’m using distinctive flavouring and because I want to make sure Cavocorax gets to try this, i only used 1 tsp for 2 cups of milk, when it’s usually 2-3 for 2 cups haha.

Not only does this smell heavenly but it tastes delicious. I actually dislike tiramisu, because of the texture…so i can usually only get through a few bites before i give up. This? i could drink often…. sooo yummy!

Roswell Strange

Sounds awesome! :)


Wow. So the flavor minus the texture?


exactly :) there is some of this coming out west for you guys to try


Awww. Thank you! I can’t wait to try this one!

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200 tasting notes

And now it’s time for yet another desert matcha. I’ve been craving a coffee-flavored matcha for a while, and luckily this Tiramisu went on sale, so I snatched it up. It’s been a while since I’ve had tiramisu, but I remember it was creamy, with coffee and chocolatey undertones.

I ordered the 30g, Starter (Basic Grade), Flavor: Robust. After trying all these robust flavors, I’m a little scared to scale back down to the lower flavoring levels. Maybe I might bite the bullet one day and do it.

I prepared this the traditional way using hot water and a whisk. When I took a sip of the matcha plain, it was of course too bitter and grassy for me, and I couldn’t really taste any tiramisu. I added some milk and it .. still seemed to just taste like regular matcha with water. I’m having a hard time picking up this flavor. Did I maybe add too much matcha?

Since my water bottle Boysenberry matcha experiment was such a success yesterday, I decided to repeat it and see if I could get the flavor better. I put some matcha in a water bottle, shook it up, and drank some. And still.. not really getting any flavor. Not like the Boysenberry the other day. I’m getting the matcha, but I was really hoping for coffee. Maybe this flavor is just too subtle?

It’s possible that I may be burned out on my desert matchas and they are all blending together. I think I was hoping for more coffee and chocolate notes, but I’m really just getting creaminess. I probably should just order a straight-up coffee flavored one the next time around if that’s what I want. Your experience may differ, though.

As a reminder, you can buy this matcha here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/tiramisu-matcha.html

Still debating if I want to order that pumpkin pie matcha that will inevitably be on sale this week. Decisions, decisions…

Oolong Owl

I’m totally the same way, addicted to the robust flavoring and a little tentative to step down to distinctive.

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412 tasting notes

Mmmm tiramisu matcha. I suppose I should branch out into the fruit or plain matchas eventually, but I’ve been having a lot of fun with the desserts so far. Opening the package today, this smelled creamy, chocolatey, and there was a little fruity sharpness to it also.

I prepared this the traditional way at first: 1 gram of matcha to about 4oz water – at this level I have enough matcha to get a decent froth and enough water that it doesn’t taste too thick and powdery for me to drink. I’ve given up on my chashaku, by the way, and just use a 1/2 tsp now because that is very close to 1 gram. The chashaku, once I measured, was giving me anywhere from .55 to 1.2 grams, depending on the angle I held it at and how the matcha piled.

Anyway, it tasted good just like that! I could have drunk the whole bowl straight, but I couldn’t resist adding a little milk – still good, but different! Much creamier, and the flavor got muted a bit. With just water, I could taste the flavors better – there’s so many that they’re hard to pull out, but the overall impression definitely aligns with tiramisu: cream, chocolate, sharpness that could come from coffee or cheese, fruitiness that I’ll attribute to rum :) I suspect this will be even better cold!

The was the starter grade of green matcha with delicate flavoring, and you can buy it at: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/tiramisu-matcha.html

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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52 tasting notes

I went for another matcha latte this morning and wow, something has really changed since the last time I attempted this!

I think I’m getting how to prepare this stuff a little better now. This time my matcha wasn’t grainey, but thick and smooth instead. I don’t think I was taking enough time whisking in the past and I would end up with a grainey, funky texture and would even have some green globs at the bottom of my cup.

Mmm this time it’s much more enjoyable! I can see what all the fuss is about. Here is a picture of my matcha latte this morning:


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15 tasting notes

This was a swap from Rachel. It’s been awhile but I have not had a chance to drink this matcha. Finally today, I sat down to try this matcha.

First of all, I do not know how to properly brew matcha.. I don’t really know how much water or oz to put so I just put 1tsp of matcha and put a bit of water, and when color looked fine… just drank it. I was expecting somewhat of bitterness, however it did not taste bitter at all. However, I couldn’t really tell the taste of tiramisu – except creamy flavor at the end. Maybe that was it..?

I guess I’m still at experimental stage of matcha. :)

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63 tasting notes

I’ll start off by saying that tiramisu is one of my favourite desserts, and I am (a little bit) happy that it isn’t something I can have often, because I’d weigh as much as three elephants. I’m not sure I would ever add matcha to my homemade tiramisu – no one else would even try it – but I was intrigued and decided to add it to my order.

This is the best flavoured matcha I have ever tried. It is leaps ahead of everything else. I was worried it wouldn’t mix well with the matcha flavour, but it did. I had another tiramisu tea (not matcha, I think it was a rooibos) and it wasn’t authentic at all with the flavour. Everything about it is perfect. I’ve tried it both iced as a latte and hot. I’d give the edge to the iced version; the flavour just really seemed to pop. Hot it was still amazing – it had a solid tiramisu flavour that was decadent and creamy and I just can’t find any fault with it at all! The only bad thing about this tea is how fast I’m going to need to buy more of it! I think at some point I will try putting this in the blender and making a frappucino style drink! If only I had ordered it at the beginning of the summer….now I am always cold and looking for a hot drink. If you are trying to pick a sweet dessert flavour this is definitely the one I would go with. Just writing this review makes me want to go make more – but I am so torn because I don’t want it to be gone too quickly!! Check it out here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/tiramisu-matcha.html

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