Hazelnut Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Hazelnut, Nuts, Nutty
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 8 oz / 243 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “OH my! This is yummy! I was amazed at how fragrant it is. From the moment I opened the pouch, I could smell the aroma of the Matcha, it literally filled the kitchen. My mouth began to water. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh my goodness. Sil, you are magic. Really. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me! Mixed with 1/4 tsp of distinctively-flavored hazelnut matcha, 1/4 cup of whipping cream (I’m currently on an...” Read full tasting note
  • “I actually made this yesterday, but totally forgot about it! I ended up ordering this one because I was so enchanted with the Macadamia Nut Matcha (one of my favorites!) and needed to try out more...” Read full tasting note
  • “i need to have this one again. I’m not yet sure how i feel about this one as a latte. it wasn’t a bad cup of tea but i wasn’t quite sold on the whole hazelnut flavour. I’m wondering if that’s...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Hazelnut Matcha can hold its own among many sweet treats because of its wildly popular appeal among all age groups. It can be taken with many culinary desserts where an added taste of sweetness would make a lasting difference to the setting. This delicious treat can easily become a compelling delight for those people with a sweet tooth looking for variety in their daily sweet treats. Hazelnut Matcha can also be the perfect replacement for those who want to get the feel of chocolate on their palates complemented with the unique touch from Matcha, blending in to make it a feast for the senses. It is the perfect treat for all seasons.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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11 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

OH my! This is yummy!

I was amazed at how fragrant it is. From the moment I opened the pouch, I could smell the aroma of the Matcha, it literally filled the kitchen. My mouth began to water. I love hazelnuts – I live in the Pacific Northwest, after all! – but I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect to love this as much as I do. I figured I’d like it, but, this is really exceeding any expectations I may have had. Blowing them away with how delicious it is.

I ordered the starter Matcha with the distinctive level of flavoring which is my go-to specs on most Matcha. And it works very well for my personal tastes … however, I will say that usually I find that the distinctive level usually delivers a well-balanced Matcha that tastes pretty equally of Matcha and flavor … but here, the Hazelnut does win out over the Matcha.

That does not mean that the matcha is not tasted … it definitely is there, but the hazelnut does outshine the flavor of the matcha a bit, so if you want a more balanced bowl of Matcha, with this particular flavor I might recommend to try the delicate level of flavoring.

As it is though, I am very happy with the distinctive flavoring. This is deliciously hazelnut, with tasty notes of sweet, vegetative Matcha … and they meld together very nicely.

Very yummy … I’m wondering how it might taste with a pinch of salt, so this is hopefully something I’ll remember the next time I whisk up a bowl of this Matcha!

Terri HarpLady

Wow, that sounds amazing! And I bet it would be awesome to mix with the Carmel Matcha I ordered! Note to self….


Thanks for mentioning about how balanced or not the different flavors there are between distinctive and delicate. would the type of matcha (white, black,etc.) effect the flavoring?


@Lynxiegrl: I am sure it would. My go to is always the green Matcha and I think that has more to do with the fact that I am just “used” to Matcha being green. The other teas being used as Matcha … the ones I’ve tried … have been tasty, but they’re so different from what I know as Matcha.

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1501 tasting notes

Oh my goodness. Sil, you are magic. Really. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me!

Mixed with 1/4 tsp of distinctively-flavored hazelnut matcha, 1/4 cup of whipping cream (I’m currently on an extremely high fat diet for medical reasons) and the tiniest possible amount of pure stevia (maybe an eighth of a pinch, if that)… and this is hazelnut creamy deliciousness. I could drink this all day. It is perfect, and the only thing I can say I want more of is hazelnut flavoring – which came about in my next tasting note!


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470 tasting notes

I actually made this yesterday, but totally forgot about it! I ended up ordering this one because I was so enchanted with the Macadamia Nut Matcha (one of my favorites!) and needed to try out more nutty flavors. Hazelnut isn’t a flavor I have often, but it’s so delicious, especially in tea. I was debating over getting this or Almond, but Hazelnut won out… mostly because of the possibility of making a Nutella Matcha Latte. Mmm! I ordered:

Size: Small
Base: Classic Matcha
Flavor: Distinctive

So, the same as usual! I almost went for a black base on this one, but I was so enchanted with the green macadamia matcha that I decided to just go for it. I’m not sure if I regret that decision or not… this really would be great with a black base, maybe even Nutella-tasting on its own! Since the black matcha has some chocolatey notes.

That’s not to say it’s not good with a green base! The hazelnut flavor is strong and nicely present, with rich nutty, almost buttery tones that do meld really well with the smooth and light green matcha. But it’s kind of… lighter than I was expecting. The Macadamia seemed to combine effortlessly with the matcha flavor, but the same thing isn’t happening here. Not entirely in a negative way: it’s still a perfectly tasty matcha, just not as totally amazing as macadamia nut. I think the green base competes a little bit with the hazelnut flavor, since they don’t exactly have similar profiles.

I may sound a bit negative, BUT I do love this matcha as I almost always do with Red Leaf Tea flavors. It’s just not quite what I was expecting, though I think my expectations were just too high! It’s still scrumptious and I think making it cold was a mistake: this just begs to be a hot, rich latte…. maybe with some actual Nutella mixed in? I think this one will be great for baking to! You can get some here:


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15267 tasting notes

i need to have this one again. I’m not yet sure how i feel about this one as a latte. it wasn’t a bad cup of tea but i wasn’t quite sold on the whole hazelnut flavour. I’m wondering if that’s because this would be better as a robust flavour. I’ll have to give it some more thought over another cup :)

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305 tasting notes

Once upon a time ago, I was away at a conference. I found myself in the elevator talking away to total strangers. I was the only person talking in the elevator. When it was apparent that no one was going to talk to me, I said, “oh well, just call me a nut.” Then I heard this lone voice say, “ Hello Hazel” as he exited the elevator. I died laughing and ever since that day Hazelnut has long been a favorite flavoring. I was thrilled to find it available in a matcha, I could hardly wait to get my order. Upon getting my order, I poured the bright green matcha powder into a tin. The smell from this endeavor almost took my breath away. This is one strong flavored matcha! Hazelnut is typically nutty and aromatic. This particular blend is extremely roasty. Perhaps a coffee drinker could more appreciate the roast on this blend.
To say the least, I was disappointed. I could certainly drink the tea and I did, but it was not as tasty as I had hoped. It was a bit too roasty for my taste and left an aftertaste in my mouth.
I contemplated this tea all week long. Every Matcha I have sampled from Red Leaf have been superb. I just could not stand to turn my back on this one. I searched recipe after recipe and finially decided upon making scones.
Today, I made a Hazelnut matcha scone from this tea from Red Leaf tea: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/hazelnut-matcha.html
My disappointment turned into elation! This strong flavored matcha is the perfect addition to a basic scone recipe. The scone is flaky, slightly sweet and is this beautiful pale green hue. I am drinking a Ceylon black tea with my Hazelnut Matcha scone and let me tell you I am in heaven. This is just what I was looking for, who knew that Matcha would be a great addition to baked recipes. Now, I can get all the health benefits of Matcha when I enjoy my black teas and not blow my diet on a cookie filled with fat. This is definitely a Win, Win for me in a tea ordering situation that I viewed as bleak. I am so thrilled that I took a chance and added that 1 tablespoon of matcha into my scone recipe. You read that right! Only 1 tablespoon was needed to bring out the nuttiness of the hazelnut and the smoothness of the matcha. Both are greatly enhanced in this flaky scone.

Daisy Chubb

What a perfect idea for a scone! Lovely!

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294 tasting notes

Thank you Dinosara for sending this to me. I love nuts, and I especially love hazelnuts. When I smelled this, I knew I was going to like it. It smell sweet and nutty and almost like a dessert. I made it up latte style with milk and a bit of sweetener, and it was delicious. Sweet and nutty and creamy and mouth watering.

The hazelnut is the star of the show here, but that doesn’t mean that the matcha doesn’t make an appearance.

This is a new favorite flavor for matchas, and I can only imagine how decadent this would be blended with a bit of cocoa powder, or even chocolate chip ice cream.

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

FYI, this is actually on their black matcha base!


That explains so much! xD

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673 tasting notes

Not too good of a tea, :( it is kind of bitter. could use some sugar :)

Flavors: Hazelnut, Nuts, Nutty

190 °F / 87 °C 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

Try using cooler water, and whisking for longer. Sometimes bitterness is caused by not enough mixing!


Oh, ok. I will keep that in mind. Maybe I should use less tea?


That is another option to try as well. I’d go with whisking more first. Like when you whisk eggs, you know it is almost ready when the foam starts to build


i don’t have a whisker so i have to use a spoon lol. i live in a lodging home :P


Ohhhh I see. In that case, do you have a mesh sieve that you can filter the matcha through? this will help reduce clumps and bitterness


Also, try putting the matcha into a waterbottle with just a little water in it, and shake. Then add more water (as much as you need for it to taste good, so add a little at a time)


thankyou for the advice :)


Good luck!

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761 tasting notes

I tried making this pretty much the same way I did it yesterday for the amaretto, with the exception that I heated the milk a little in the microwave before adding it to the cup to froth. I’m not sure if that made a difference or not, but I had a hard time picking the hazelnut out in this one. Yesterday I could clearly taste the amaretto. So I might try the cold milk again and see what happens with another flavour.

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1792 tasting notes

Continuing on with the matcha adventures, thanks to the wonderful Sil. As soon as I opened the massive box of matcha, I was hit with a cloud of nuts, above everything else in there. I thought, “Wait, is there macadamia in here?” I have that one in the highest flavouring level and it’s damn potent, so I was amazed to discover that a) it’s hazelnut and b) she ordered it in “only” (big quotation marks there) distinctive. It was even wrapped in an additional layer of aluminum!

But that said, it smells almost the same as the macadamia. I wonder what RLT is using as the flavourings for these then, a generic nut flavouring? Or they’re two different flavourings which so happen to have a generic nut scent in the background? Or I’m just losing my mind, as per usual?

Hot latte, here I come. I combined around half a measuring tsp of matcha with almost a cup of water, half a regular tsp of brown sugar, and a tablespoon or so of half and half.

Yep, tastes like a slightly calmed down version of my “There’s Matcha in There?!” macadamia. I honestly don’t get a distinct hazelnut flavour from this.

Another sip. And another. Nope. Nada. Maybe some weird genetics are at play here and these simulated nut flavourings are far too chemical for me because I seem to be one of the odd ones out.

I’ll try it as a cold latte next, and will probably stick to that. I think it would go better/well with banana and honey. I’m sure it would be great with hazelnut butter, which I’ve yet to try but heard it’s a billion times better/more flavourful than Nutella because you don’t get all that sugar and chemicals in it.

Thanks for the opportunity, Sil! :)


this DID taste like the macademia praline one i tried before..


A-ha, there you go! And I wouldn’t be surprised if the “praline” aspect would really make much of a difference compared to the regular macadamia.


That would make SUCH a good smoothie. I do one that’s almond butter, “milk”, frozen bananas, vanilla, and then I throw in a few chocolate chips once it’s all blended, and blend a bit just to chop them up enough to make it through a straw. It was really great with the caramel matcha, but a nutty matcha? Hmm…


I did get hazelnut from mine but I think this was mostly partially from nutella I added :P


Yeah, I think the only way you can truly judge the flavouring is if you don’t have it with all these extra flavourful add-ins like fruit and nut butters and stuff.

And OMG, I was totally thinking about almond butter too. That would be so, so good.

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1442 tasting notes

Take some plain almond milk, half a banana, half a spoonful of Nutella, and a 1.5 servings of this matcha, and you have one nutty beverage. Indulgent but not as sweet as I thought, which is nice.

Thanks, Sil, for making my day a little richer!




Wow, Nutella in a smoothie? That’s dangerous. I refuse to have that dangerous stuff around. :)


Your smoothie sounds amazing!

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