Fig Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “First and Foremost – Thanks Azzrian Figs are under rated in my opinion. I have been getting into them even more and think they are GRAND. This Fig Matcha does the fruit proud! This flavored...” Read full tasting note
  • “Fig Matcha Very sweet and delicious – rich and decedent – never new fig could be so wonderful! I had to make a second matcha because I drank it so darned fast! My family was laughing at me when I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Earlier today I made a iced matcha latte with this using some instructions I found in a discussion thread here, thanks to Stephanie. They were: 1/2 tsp matcha, 2 tsp sugar, 1 cup milk, shaken with...” Read full tasting note
  • “When I saw this Matcha on the homepage of Red Leaf Tea, I had to put it in my shopping cart. I love fig. It brings back happy memories from my childhood (much the same way that the mention of...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

The much loved fig fruit can be likened to eating a pear and an apple together. When it is combined with exotic Matcha, the resulting Fig Matcha treat makes a fruity sensation that can send the tastebuds reeling with delight. This delicious fruity treat can be part of the wide selection of treats within the tables of special occasions for young children. Its overall sweet fruity appeal would instantly make it likeable among the very young. It would also be a cool treat in hot weather when a person wants to relax with a trendy treat on hand. Fig Matcha is the perfect snack for all the right reasons.

This delectable treat is made more enticing because of its vibrant color that attracts takers from any age group. Since it has fruity undertones with a hint of Matcha spiciness, Fig Matcha is a great everyday snack to keep around the house for refreshment reasons. Its sweet taste and tart lingerings makes it a favorite for people who enjoy different sensations on their palates. Fig Matcha makes a great accompaniment to many desserts and snacks because of its fruity feel on the palate. It can also be an exceptional companion to many meals because of the tasty difference it brings onto any table.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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15 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

First and Foremost – Thanks Azzrian

Figs are under rated in my opinion. I have been getting into them even more and think they are GRAND. This Fig Matcha does the fruit proud!

This flavored matcha is sweet like candy. Smooth and creamy and malty and just the right amount of ‘green’ vegetal to go along with it. This is really something!

As it cools a bit I can pick up on the product descriptions claim of spice. This is surprising yet very much welcomed. It’s almost like a Fig-Spice type flavor on the tongue.

It makes me wonder what a Fig Chai (Tea or Matcha) would taste like.

I’m totally LOVING this matcha!


Is the fig flavour that of fresh figs, or dried figs?

Terri HarpLady

That’s exactly what I was wondering, Nik! I personally love fresh figs, but only really perfectly ripe ones.


I would answer but my experience with figs prior to tea and matcha is non existent for the most part. I have had fig jam but not sure what was used in that.

Terri HarpLady

My gramma used to make an amazing fig preserve! She had a fig tree in her yard, along with apricots, which she used to make spiced apricots (& they were to die for too), & other fruit trees. Her fig preserves were in a super thick sugary syrup, & spread on toast dripping with butter…well, what can I say? Heaven? They were also good in a bowl of oatmeal! Or straight from the jar. When gramma & gramps came to visit they always brought boxes full of canning jars, filled mostly with sweet jellies, preserves, etc.

Donna A

In my neck of the woods, figs are pretty trendy in the restaurants that like to emphasize local grown produce-I’m not big on eating them by themselves, mainly because they are sooo sweet, but have seen them incorporated into delicious recipes. This sounds like a matcha worth trying.


I would say partially dried…not fresh off the produce table but not completely dried to a leather…if that makes sense.


Thanks for the clarification! Terri, I love fresh figs, too. The other kind I really only like on occasion, and in Fig Newtons or some such.

Asaf Mazar

how is the tea flavored? with extract of real figs?


it says
Pure Matcha powder from green leaves, Fig Natural Flavor

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807 tasting notes

Fig Matcha

Very sweet and delicious – rich and decedent – never new fig could be so wonderful!
I had to make a second matcha because I drank it so darned fast! My family was laughing at me when I began to make the second latte! They have seen me down matcha before but never quite as fast as this one!
Its sweet but not cloying whatsoever, tastes like something one picked fresh from the tree or ummm garden? Do figs grow on trees? I need to look that up! I have had fig only in a few forms before – jams, canned which were whole figs, and in puddings, but I am positive this is the best tasting fig ever for me!

I got the robust flavoring which is my usual unless its a matcha flavor I have had before and I know it needs a little less flavor to let the base shine through. I feel that the robust was perfect for this matcha however.

I think this may become one I keep as a permanent selection in my stash. I am not sure I would say it is better than macadamia nut or butterscotch but its up there with them maybe number 3 or 4 in my favorites. I have been drinking so many new ones as I collect them that I need to go back and try some of my first matcha again.

I have also been sending out a ton of samples but its getting to that point I can’t share as much anymore because my stash is beginning to thin lol.

I’m at the place of deciding my favorites and keeping only those in stock. This will be one of those.

So I was surprised as I really did not expect to love this one quite so much, actually I thought I would probably not favor it but alas I do. Go fig!

You can get it here:


yes, figs grow on trees. :) I used to live for a short time on a farm that had a fig orchard when I was a small child. We would walk through the orchard and pick the figs, and eat them fresh off the tree. That is one of the very best ways to experience figs … this tea is another. :)


:) So yummy! I was really just astounded! I want another latte already lol


I’ve already had 2 bowls of Matcha and since it’s after 7 pm I don’t know if I can handle a third. LOL! I’ve got other teas to keep me busy though… I’ll probably just have to wait until tomorrow.


Meh who needs sleep. MUAAHHHHH


I want this one! And I need to ask my MIL if I can harvest her figs now that she doesn’t use them anymore.


Well, when I haven’t had sufficient sleep, I’m kind of like a zombie, except that I don’t go around with a desire to munch on people’s brains. I guess, what I should say is that I feel like what I think it would feel like to be zombie – but without their culinary preferences.


I know exactly how you feel as a matter of fact after a couple failed attempts to make any sense in replying to posts I am just going to go try to sleep. :)

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2201 tasting notes

Earlier today I made a iced matcha latte with this using some instructions I found in a discussion thread here, thanks to Stephanie. They were: 1/2 tsp matcha, 2 tsp sugar, 1 cup milk, shaken with ice. I don’t have a cocktail shaker (for some bizarre reason), but I did happen across a shaker bottle intended for making frappés (this particular frappé being a Greek instant coffee, milk and sugar drink that I grew fond of when studying abroad in Athens years ago), which works well.

It was super delicious! I will try it without sugar to see how it turns out as well, but the two teaspoons in this weren’t overly sweet. I need to get through some of my matcha because it is pretty old at this point, so this will be a great way to drink it up this summer.


Huh…so no boiling water for the matcha then?


Yeah even when made hot it should only be made with about 175F water, but you can shake it up with just cold water or milk and it works great!

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4843 tasting notes

When I saw this Matcha on the homepage of Red Leaf Tea, I had to put it in my shopping cart. I love fig. It brings back happy memories from my childhood (much the same way that the mention of boysenberry matcha did) – at one point when I was very small, I lived on a farm, and there was a fig orchard there. I don’t remember a whole lot about who it was that I lived there with, but I do remember spending lazy summer afternoons strolling through the fig orchard, picking the ripe figs and eating them right away, when they were still warm from the sun.

When I opened the pouch of tea, I could smell the figs. It almost smelled like a package of fig newtons. It smelled of figs but something a little more. Something sweet, something almost cake-y about it.

The flavor is amazing and quite unlike any matcha I’ve tried yet. There is a spiciness to this that I don’t think I’ve ever noticed in a matcha before. It is like the sweet flavor of the fig has brought this interesting note to the surface. It is a vegetative spicy tone … which is why I attribute it to the matcha. The matcha is, of course, smooth and creamy, but what I’m really finding most intriguing is this wonderful vegetal spice. The overall flavor is warm, autumnal, and really very good. Love this!


Another one for my list! I almost got this one. I am working on my french vanilla review and waiting on credit for two others. Been sick sleeping all day so behind on my endless matcha thon.


And the matcha list keeps growing. I will have to consult my finances and just see if I have enough to get a tin of some matcha. My birthday is going to be coming up in a few months.


This one is good. It’s weird because… I wouldn’t classify this as a favorite, however, this is one that I could see myself keeping on hand over the two that are my favorites (thus far): pear and caramel. I think it’s because I tend to go through phases when I want FIG and I think that this would satisfy that better than a fig newton would. :)


I liked your fig story.. love fig newtons too. This just may be a matcha flavor I would try.


This sounds so good right now! I am so tempted to get in on this matcha thing. I just had two bowls of matcha tonight and I am back on the train!

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516 tasting notes

mmm d-lish!
Super glad I jumped on the Large size for this matcha. I don’t have any milk right now, but I know it will make a kick butt latte when I get the chance.

The fig is sweet – closer to a fresh fig than a fig newton, in my opinion, so yay for that!

I’m reseraching LUSH like a mad woman – I have to say the smell does remind me of a Dorothy bubble bar. I think I have a new found love for fig-scented and flavoured things – bring on more fig tea please!

Hesper June

Ah, the days where I would bum around a LUSH store half the day…love it:)


Makes sense since it was made to smell like Figs ‘n’ Leaves! I just had a shower with it tonight. Such a classic.


Closer to fresh fig than a fig newton. Yay!

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1401 tasting notes

I’ve never actually had figs that I know off, save for Fig Newton cookies hah.

I’m not sure what to make of this one after a few sips. It’s certainly very flavourful, but I don’t think the flavour is necessarily for me. Although, I could see it possibly growing on me.

Thanks Jackie T for sharing!

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1137 tasting notes

This was from my tea swap with Dinosara.

My first Red Leaf Matcha! Ive been meaning to try these for a while =) Im impressed with how well they flavored it – tastes genuinely fig-like! This was robust flavoring, so there wasn’t much green tea taste and more of the fig taste. Definitely can see trying all the flavors addicting!!


Yes, this is one of my favorite fruity ones from them! The fig flavor is great.

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345 tasting notes

Marco Polo TTB

I never would have thought to try fig matcha but I figured why not. It has a candy fruity smell and taste. It reminds me of what I remember juicy fruit gum tasting like. I don’t know if this is what candy fig would taste like, never had it.


I have a thing for Juicy Fruit gum, but I very, very rarely have it.


I could be wrong on the Juicy Fruit reference, it has been so long since I’ve had it.

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95 tasting notes

Sipdown, but I’ll restock this again. Nice and fruity, strong smell but a more sedate taste.

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612 tasting notes

Had this one as a latte last night while randomly watching Golden Girls, ha. I was a little disappointed, but not too surprised given it seems figs are super hard to do well in tea. Dry it smells super sweet, almost chemical-y, like pink bubble gum. Once in the cup a more genuine specifically fig flavor comes out, dried only, but that distracting chemicaly sweet smell never completely dissipates. It wasn’t undrinkable or anything—I reckon I will use it to make protein shakes—but so far I like Caramel Popcorn much more.

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