Peach Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C

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  • “This does not taste good. I wanted an iced latte, but I wanted to take a sip while it was hot. PURE CHEMICAL TASTE. Dumped it. Tried again, going all the way through for the latte this time…it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh dear… this one isn’t good. I’m sad, because I had wanted to try the Peach and Watermelon Matcha together as a combination, but, I do not want to try this in anything. This is very chemical...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a disaster yesterday, so I thought I would try again today. Made it cold yesterday, smelled delicious, tasted disgusting. It felt like I was drinking chemicals. At first I thought the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Millions of peaches…peaches for me! Millions of peaches….peaches for free! Yay! Flashback to the nineties, y’all. This time I’ve tried the Peach Matcha from Red leaf Tea (found here:...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Peach Matcha is a delicious fruity drink that has vibrant color and delectable aroma. This sweet unforgettable drink can be an excellent accompaniment in any social occasion where people need to sample nature’s delectable bounty. The tangy taste of peach matcha makes it a favorite for any hot afternoon when people are out swimming and need to relax with a unique blend of herbal drink that stands in its own class.

Since peach is well known forRead more

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14 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

This does not taste good. I wanted an iced latte, but I wanted to take a sip while it was hot. PURE CHEMICAL TASTE.
Dumped it. Tried again, going all the way through for the latte this time…it’s still there, although now it’s relegated to a strong aftertaste that still makes it hard to drink. My tongue hurts from it.
I guess that might be the last time I pick “distinctive” flavoring. I’m going to brush my teeth now.

And the worst part is I got the royal matcha for it and it’s entirely ruined by this horrific aftertaste.

I REALLY hope there is just something wrong with this, I’m gonna email them now.

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Azzrian 13 years ago

It was hard to “like” that comment! So sorry!!! I thought Red Leaf was good stuff! I would ABSOLUTELY ask for a refund or replacement! Its not cheap tea is it? I thought they were on the pricy end!

momo 13 years ago

I’ve been doing the free matcha thing, so I only paid about $4 but the other two I’ve gotten have been marvelous. I am worried maybe since it was hot today it made it go bad since I didn’t get to my mailbox until 6. But it just reminds me of the fruity tea version of this horrible white hot chocolate k-cup I had once. It tasted good…until you stopped drinking it. I hope it’s just a one off because I love peach so much D:

Kittenna 13 years ago

That’s awful! I hope they fix things for you :(

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Ugh… sorry to hear about your poor experience.. Red Leaf Tea is a good company, so, I think that they will work with you to get a happy end result to this experience.

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

I had some trouble with this one too, try using a lower temperature. It helped a lot. But if you didn’t care for this one, don’t try the lemon.

momo 13 years ago

It was much cooler the second time around, not sure how much cooler but I’d say definitely under 170 and it still had the taste. I can smell it in the matcha too :[ But no worries, they’ve already gotten back to me.

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

The Pina Colada sadly has this chemical taste too!
I’m going to review it as best I can though :B All the other flavours I’ve tried have been perfect and wonderful, so it must just be a few that have troubles

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4843 tasting notes

Oh dear… this one isn’t good. I’m sad, because I had wanted to try the Peach and Watermelon Matcha together as a combination, but, I do not want to try this in anything. This is very chemical tasting, just like the apricot. It is just not good. Horrible is more like it.

I’m sad … I really wanted to like the peach because I love peaches. But I don’t taste peaches. I taste icky chemical-y taste. Not good, not good at all.

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Sil 12 years ago

Makes me a little glad i changed my mind on this one. But at the same time i REALLY wanted a good peach matcha

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

sigh me too. It’s a little better as a latte, actually, compared to the traditionally prepared, the latte is much better, but, it is still not as good as it SHOULD be. Or as I wanted it to be.

Sil 12 years ago

Heh well I only do it latte or smoothie style so that’s good. Is it chemically like the pear is but isn’t?

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

I didn’t taste the chemical notes from the pear. This one, when prepared traditionally, tastes like soap.

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

(I actually enjoyed the pear very much!)

Sil 12 years ago

Haha. Fair enough! :)

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871 tasting notes

This was a disaster yesterday, so I thought I would try again today. Made it cold yesterday, smelled delicious, tasted disgusting. It felt like I was drinking chemicals. At first I thought the matcha may have somehow been contaminated from the time I got the scoop from the package to my cold shake tumbler. But on further thought, it really tasted like what I imagine perfume would taste like. So I thought maybe the robust flavouring was just too strong.

To start today, I thoroughly cleaned my tumbler. I am very much a “rinser”. Since I drink cold matcha every morning, I mostly just rinse the tumbler and let it air dry in between. It gets washed maybe once or twice a week and when I change flavours I soak it with a denture tablet to make sure I get all the flavours out. So I did the whole denture tablet thing and let it air dry overnight. Then I blended equal arts of peach matcha with regular matcha and added a sprinkle of white sugar.

This is much more drinkable now. It still smells of delicious candied peaches. The taste is much more subtle. It tastes like matcha with slight artificial peach flavour. Slightly sweet. There is still a tiny chemical aftertaste but it is not burning the lining off of my mouth this time and I would describe it as more astringent. There is a bit of a waxy taste to it. At least I can drink up what I bought now.

I would suggest that this one would be best with a delicate flavouring vs the robust that I ordered.

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Sil 12 years ago

i found the same with the pear…robust is NOT a good idea for some of the fruits

Lala 12 years ago

I thought watermelon was good robust. Orange was just ok, I think it would have been better with a lighter flavour level though.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

I’ve been afraid of opening my robust Banana flavoured one for awhile now, for this very reason!!

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1473 tasting notes

Millions of peaches…peaches for me! Millions of peaches….peaches for free! Yay! Flashback to the nineties, y’all. This time I’ve tried the Peach Matcha from Red leaf Tea (found here:, and yum…it takes a bit of fiddling, but once you get it right, it is delicious. A welcome addition to any collection! And keep in mind that I’m still new to matcha and trying to figure it all out.

As any good Southern girl would, I have a deep love in my heart for peaches. Deep, deep love. That fruity sweetness…is there anything better? There are few things in this life better than a fresh, juicy peach. A close second is ice cold peach tea. Peach cobbler, peach pie…summer is a good time to be in the South!

I opened my package of this matcha and, my wife will back me up on this, my first words were “Whoa, momma!” It smells so good. Like juicy peach candy….nom. It smells painfully delicious.

The taste certainly follows up on that scent! It tastes like a big, juicy peach lollipop. It’s not a fresh peach, but it’s a peach candy. It reminds me of the peach soda I used to get in high school at the local Food Lion to take to our weekly slumber party with my best friend. So I’m grateful for those memories. Makes me want to pop a big bag of popcorn and dip it in nacho cheese. Oh yes, we were super healthy.

Anyway, this matcha has the same bitter kick as the lemon matcha, but a touch of sugar chased that away. I think that’s just a matcha thing. It’s definitely one I want to try again and see how it goes. Maybe cut it with a touch of the vanilla…peaches and cream! Yes please! This would be good in my smoothies this summer, maybe a peach raspberry smoothie dream…nom.

I made a second cup with different parameters (12 ounces of water instead of 8 to one half teaspoon of matcha, as well as a bit more sugar) and it is heavenly. Juicy enough to satisfy this Southern gal! Finishing off my sample of this will be no great hardship, I assure you. It tastes like a fuzzy navel without the alcoholic bite! Or those peach gummy candies…yum!

I let some of this chill and GAH. Cold, this is beyond amazing. This is what I needed, cold and fruity and peachy! It’s not too sweet, it’s not too bitter, it’s just a beautifully refreshing cold drink for summer…I have a feeling this will be a staple in my cupboard this summer.

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nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

Oh. Dear. This sounds INCREDIBLE. I’ve been eying a Red Leaf matcha order for months and months now, and you’re pushing me towards the edge! I won’t even know where to start. They all sound so good.

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

You know my cupboard is your cupboard. Feel free to let me know which ones you want to try that I have (Lemon, Madagascar Vanilla, Cinnamon, Bee Pollen, Peach, Goji Berry, and Mint) and I’ll bring some on the 20th!

nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

Ack! You are the best. Just a tiny bit of the peach and vanilla would be amazing. I need to stock up on things to offer in return! My cupboard has been so boring lately.

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

My pleasure! And please, you know our cupboard. Like I really need more teas to sample! I’m happy to share with friends.

Tina S. 13 years ago

I suspect there is a matcha party in our near future . . . I’m willing to host!

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

I’ll bring the matcha! We will all vibrate to bits! MATCHAAAAAAAAAA

Tina S. 13 years ago

My mind so went to an interesting place there. Don’t mind me . . .

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Behave, you. Also, I am cracking up at our names in this conversation.

Tina S. 13 years ago

Behaving is no fun! And I know, right? I love our new mediocre tea bag handles!

Matcha Outlet 13 years ago

Thank you for the great review. I just wanted to add that we only use natural flavoring, and as such it’s more heat sensitive as opposed to its artificial counterpart. That is way fruit flavored Matcha tea will have more prominent flavor the closer they get to room temperature. We refused to use artificial flavoring since it would be like eating diet pills coated with chocolate :-)

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Awesome! I’ll definitely have to try this again at a lower temperature!

nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

That’s great to know! I was so thrilled to see it explicitly stated that these matchas aren’t sweetened. A lot of others seem to be, or it’s impossible to tell.

Bigelow and Red Rose: matcha party. Yes.

Missy 13 years ago

Moving to the country gonna eat a lot peaches, moving to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches…..

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Twinings: We were thinking May? We can have it here too, we’re kinda halfway between everybody.

Missy: <3!

Uniquity 13 years ago

I can’t stop singing the Presidents of the USA now!

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

That is my gift to you, m’dear <3

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807 tasting notes

MATCHA 1 of the TeaEqualsBliss Matcha Marathon!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Amanda for this sample! I am preparing for my first Red Leaf order – you would think I was preparing for prom lol. I want to do this right!
I agree with Amanda about the chemical flavor of this tea HOWEVER I made mine iced with milk and it sure helps a ton to cut down on that chemical taste. Hot, this is nasty!
With that said I am enjoying this iced matcha latte!
A little german rock sugar, a little milk, ice, and the peach matcha is goodness!
I would be upset if I were Amanda though and liked my matcha warm. I can’t handle warm matcha though so make lattes with all my samples.
There is still a slight chemical after taste here but the peach flavor is good. I hope that Red Leaf manages to fix this because their matchas are too expense not to be perfect in my opinion especially when you get the upper end matcha base like Amanda did!
Again thank you Amanda for sharing this with me!

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TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

This sounds pretty awesome :)

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

I just placed my second Matcha order with Red Leaf, and I was debating with myself pretty intensely on whether to get the peach or the pear. I ultimately went with the pear, just because I find so few pear teas out there in comparison to peach. Next time, I shall have to include the peach with my order.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Pear? LOVE it!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Great choice, I can’t wait to hear how it is!

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6768 tasting notes

Special Thanks to Amanda for this one.

This tastes like strong bitter leaf greens with peach and a bit of chemical taste that Amanda spoke of. I did get past the chemical flavor because of the dark leafy green type taste I got. The peach is subtle compared to Red Leaf’s other matcha offerings.

This one is not really my fave but sure glad I got to try it.

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772 tasting notes

So thanks momo for sending this. I don’t quite know what I did to this matcha, but it’s quite possibly the most bitter thing I’ve ever drunk in my life. Even sweetened it’s got such a bite to it. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish the cup.

So this is two matchas I’ve disliked to one I’ve liked. Green tea matchas anyway, I still haven’t tried my black matcha that’s waiting for me at home. I don’t quite know what happened between the baggie it was in and my mouth (I only added 185F water and some warmish milk and stirred) but I really can’t stand this.

185 °F / 85 °C
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Azzrian 12 years ago

Try cold water.

Azzrian 12 years ago

the peach by the way is one of the more “artificial” flavors from Red leaf although I still like it. I mix mine with milk, soy, almond, etc or non dairy creamer

Starfevre 12 years ago

It literally felt like it was burning my tongue so I’m not sure cold water would help with that. I only had the one sample anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Oh wow. Sometimes a tea just does not sit well with us for some reason. Good thing it was only a sample! :)

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117 tasting notes

I got this one from Lala, who warned me that she didn’t care for it, that it has a very chemical taste to it, and that it doesn’t taste like it smells. Which is unfortunate, because it smells pretty good! Like peach candy, kind of on the artificial end, which I happen to really like.

First tiny little sip: Wow, this is pretty chemical tasting. Not too bad, though. Oddly enough, it reminds me of the Harry Potter potions set that I had when I was little, although goodness knows what they put in those things.

Second, bigger sip: OH GOD YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT THE BURNING. I’m… not really sure I can drink this. I think I’m going to try it as a latte, with lots of sugar. … and then I’ll probably send it along to the next person crazy enough to try it. =]

Lala 12 years ago

Your post makes me laugh. It is exactly like the experience I had. I am happy you were at least willing to try it.

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