Holiday Tea

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Black Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 15 oz / 443 ml

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From Market Spice

Popular all year round, this Chinese Hunan black tea combines the flavorings of Chocolate, Mint and Raspberry. A tea that truly satisfies your sweet tooth!

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11 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

I think this is my fave of Marketspice’s teas thus far…see previous notes…


I really want to try their Northwest Breakfast tea. :)

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639 tasting notes

Man, my kitty is really getting to me today. I’m allergic, you see. I build up an immunity to him when I’m with him every day. He’ll only rarely get to me. But since I just went on my mini-moon and was away from him for 9 days, my defenses have disintegrated. I am a sneezy, runny-nosed weakling this morning. Ugh.

I had a cup of chai tea earlier, which seemed to open my nasal passages with its spiciness. But now the cat is getting to me again, so I’m back to being stuffed up. Time for something else spicy and caffeinated! Oh, this isn’t spicy. For some reason I remember it as “Holiday Spice” not “Holiday Tea.” It’s probably because the company’s name is “Marketspice.” Oh well. I’m drinking it anyway! LOL!

This is a sample from LiberTEAS. Thanks, girly! Oh yeah, and this is a SIPDOWN!!! Wow, the aroma off this cup is great! It smells like fruity mint chocolate tea. YUM! Sadly, my nose seems to be getting worse. I can really only taste peppermint. I’m sure age also has something to do with it, as I’ve left this sample lying in my cupboard untouched for over a year. I imagine it’s divine when fresh and consumed by someone not afflicted by allergies.

Cocoa does show up in the aftertaste. And there’s maybe a hint of something fruity and berry-like. Overall, this is a good tea! It’s held up a lot better than some of these other old samples too. The mint is really helping to assuage my kitty-induced discomfort. Plus, mint and chocolate has always been a winning combo in my book. Thanks LiberTEAS!!!

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Next time you go away, take a bunch of car fur with you and sleep on it like a pillow. I have no idea if it will help, and I’m often told that I have redicilous ideas. But maybe :)


I meant cat fur not car fur. And ridiculous. I don’t know where that other word came from.


Hahahahaha!!! I think that could have disastrous results, LOL!

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4843 tasting notes


I recommend allowing this tea to cool slightly before drinking (I waited about 10 minutes after pouring), because it takes a little while for the flavors to really pop. I taste the chocolate, raspberry and mint, and they are all really well-integrated. Not too minty, not too much raspberry, and while there can never be too much chocolate, here, it is pretty evenly matched with the levels of strength of the mint and raspberry.

A wonderful tea to enjoy during the holiday … or any time!


I have requested a free sampler for a Holiday Tea, can’t recall vendor. Anyhow I will keep your review in mind for comparison when mine arrives. Thank you.

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12 tasting notes

The smell is strong delicious raspberry (it is described on the site as chocolate mint raspberry) and the taste is not bitter but also not sweet. I’m a fan of MarketSpice Cinnamon Orange, which is a very sweet tea, and bought some other flavors to sample. This one is really nice despite not being sweet.

Ingredients: Black tea, Red Raspberries, Mint Leaves and Chocolate-Mint flavoring.

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188 tasting notes

I was hunting for something black this morning, as per usual, and wanted something different/new. Found this one in my sample stash from EvaGrimm.. you must have thought I’d enjoy this one since you sent two sample bags.. Thanks! I had held off tryig this one because I keep thinking Spring will be here any day, Holiday Tea just doesn’t fit.. I want warm weather, no more cold.. Yet we woke up to snow this morning. Hopefully the last of the season! I decided to look up the blend and see what was in it and was surprised to see it wasn’t a spicy blend but a chocolate raspberry mint.. Hmmm..

While hot I get mostly raspberry black tea. As it cools I find the raspberry still very present, but the mint and chocolate are finding their way into the mix. Quite nice. I imagine this would be great iced. My sister often orders raspberry iced tea at restaurants when they offer it, I imagine this would be much superior! I think I would simply tell her it was raspberry chocolate mint tea instead of “holiday tea”… Since “holiday” in the states refers to Christmas, now if it meant vacation.. That might fit. :)

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1404 tasting notes

Today I required approval for two things. One for a social psych presentation, and one from the biology department to take a spring course. They’re offering another histology in spring and I was fully prepared to be denied, because first priority goes to health science students and the cap on the class is only 10 students. But my request was approved!

This tea is a delight. I’ve been impressed with the three Market Spice teas I’ve had so far. This one had mint leaves clearly throughout the dry tea, but I was hoping they wouldn’t be too prominent. The main flavours here are raspberry, followed by more subtle chocolate. The mint is barely there at all. I find I absolutely love raspberry teas when they are well done.

Thanks EvaGrimm for sending some my way!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

That sounds cool. :) It’s always so exciting to get into a super interesting course, especially one taught by an awesome prof!


It is! She teaches only 2-3 courses because she is near-constantly publishing. By far one of the best profs I’ve ever had. :)


That is still a lot of courses. Most profs at my uni only teach one per year.


What?! I’m not at a big university, and I was speaking to another prof the other day and she’s supposed to teach 4 courses with labs per term. There are less than 20 full-time bio profs though.


I think they’re supposed to teach two classes, but most profs buy themselves out and only teach one. We have lecturers who might teach 3-4 courses per semester tho. Which is RIDICULOUS.


Congrats! Histology is tough! I know it’s definitely an upper level biomed class where I did my undergrad. Even better that it’s a great professor. I find that can make all the difference.

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37 tasting notes

Tasty! The smell of the loose leaf and after it’s been brewed is heavenly. Raspberry is what I taste immediately, followed by the chocolate. I can’t seem to find the taste of the mint. Still pretty yummy, though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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