Tea type
Yerba maté Tea
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Berries, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by JustJames
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlog as I had this earlier in the day but did not realize there was a page made up for this tea. JustJames was kind enough to share this with me and honestly it is delicious! I had no idea what...” Read full tasting note
  • “struck by the sheer terror of midterms after nearly 2 decades i behaved very badly and broke into my birthday tea with the intention of piping this mate directly into my brain if need be for my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good… morning? Between family stuff and (unrelated) SO stuff, I’m working off about 4 hours of sleep today. And I couldn’t sleep in because I have to go to the cemetery. Woohoo. So I needed to...” Read full tasting note

From Mariage Frères

Indulge my translation as there is no English on the website for this tea:

Tones of velvet round out gentle points of honey and vanilla… fruits and flowers of Tibet and the profusion of berries harmonize themselves to the notes of green stemmed mate which lend a strongly vegetal taste and amplify the other flavours.

This auspicious house varyition is astonishing and opens great new gastronomic horizons!

Antioxydant – Energisant – Detoxifiant

Les tonalités veloutées, à la douce pointe miellée et vanillée, des fleurs et fruits du Tibet et à la profusion de baies s’harmonisent aux notes de tige verte, au goût fortement végétal du maté qui leur apportent une ampleur nouvelle.

La variation de ce must maison est étonnante et ouvre grands les horizons gustatifs.
Le maté peut être dégusté avec une bombilla.

Boîte métallique laquée orange renfermant 80 g de maté vert parfumé.

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5 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Backlog as I had this earlier in the day but did not realize there was a page made up for this tea.

JustJames was kind enough to share this with me and honestly it is delicious! I had no idea what was in this tea other than mate but I decided to trust JustJames and try it blindly. My palette is not advanced enough to detect each note and every ingredient. What my unsophisticated palette could detect was some mate, but there is also a floral note which is enough to give the tea a nice flavor without being overwhelmingly perfume-y as many florals tend to be. Drinking this cup, I had a lot of fun trying to pick up on all the different subtleties and flavors and though I am not great at pin pointing the various components, I am certainly enjoying this cup nonetheless. Thank you very much for sharing it with me, JustJames!

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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390 tasting notes

struck by the sheer terror of midterms after nearly 2 decades i behaved very badly and broke into my birthday tea with the intention of piping this mate directly into my brain if need be for my exam yesterday.

the exam the night before had been a NIGHTMARE. because of the impairments i do my exams on a PC….. which halfway way through my psyche exam timed out, drop kicked me and ERASED all of my answers.

… …. …… they called a tech from the library and shuffled me to a different spot to keep working. they did not shuffle me far enough….. i heard every groan of despair.

‘the bad news is your work is gone and i can’t get it back…’ and thus a debate about what to do. i’ll admit it, i had a brief (although polite) moment where i lost my cool.

FOLKS! the option is exactly ONE! i need some quiet and i need to get the exam done. PERIOD.’ and i did, because there was no other choice. especially with an exam the next morning first thing.

thus, with the advent of a new exam and a palpable frisson of fear STOMPING through my heart, i broke into my birthday tea and grabbed this mate hoping it would turn me into a genius and that i wouldn’t have a repeat of the night before. it was a risk folks…. i have mentioned several times that i don’t tolerate mate well. it usually curdles my stomach and makes me jittery.

seeing as i’m sure you are all waiting with baited breath i will tell you about exam 2: my prof will hate me. i wrote and wrote and wrote. i am expecting an A, but i’ll settle for an A+, lol.

my glitches with mate? apparently only with ones from this continent.

this tea has marshmallow notes that soften a beautiful balance of fruit and flowers. very light in colour as well in taste. it is complex, but not complicated, and not the least bit imposing. beautiful, smooth, cleared the fuzz out of my head in record time. i will absolutely buy mate from mariage and dammann.

by far the best mate i have ever had. by leaps and bounds! and i will keep one in the house for as long as i’m a student.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Eek! Horrible to have to start all over again! Exams are stressful enough.


agreed! hopefully i’m not completely cracked though and i did as well as i think i did on exam #2!!!


Fingers crossed, at least you feel positive about it!


=0) true!


Oh god, reading this reminded me of all the horrors of writing adapted exams in the accessible tech labs at school. The computer would crash; the screenreading software would turn out to be a demo 40 minutes in; I’d lose my work and want to throw things. Good for you for keeping it together, because that’s legitimate melt down teratory. i’m glad the second one went better, but uggh ugggh ugh.


oh no! there’s this hope that someone gets what you’re saying when this junk happens, but then you feel bad when they really really get what you’re saying.

i have been talking back and forth with my prof, the disabled student resource center has yet to report anything to her. all i keep screaming in my head is ‘SERIOUSLY??? GET IT TOGETHER!!!!’


Oh geez. In my befuddled state I thought your terrible experience WAS a nightmare! Kudos for making it through. You might want to actually mention to the centre that your prof needs to know about this kind of thing ASAP. I would have thought they would have been phoning your prof and cancelling and rescheduling your exam for when they had their act together.


Well, and the suggested remedies are never anything you’d want to deal with. Re-write the exam? Are you effing kidding me? go through that again because they’re inept and don’t ensure a method to back up stuff?


my dear keychange…. we should discuss who the owner of the page that we are both on is, lol. shared custody do you think?


update! i got my A+ on the one exam, but the nightmare situation? i got an A on that too…. must have been the tea!

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1195 tasting notes

Good… morning? Between family stuff and (unrelated) SO stuff, I’m working off about 4 hours of sleep today. And I couldn’t sleep in because I have to go to the cemetery. Woohoo.

So I needed to start the day with a tea that can help kick me into gear. A mate should do the trick. This is my first Mariage Freres tea. I have such high expectations built up from their reputation that a) it feels indulgent in a good way to even make this tea and b) I’m afraid of being disappointed.

Wow. I’ve never had a mate like this. The flavor is fruity… blueberry? The scent is roasty, blueberry, strawberry, and vanilla (although that last one only became apparent after I looked at the Steepster page). The texture is smooth and creamy. Sooo surprisingly creamy for a mate. The vanilla notes really come to the fore as the tea cools and I reach the bottom of the cup.

I am so glad that my first MF tea didn’t disappoint. Many thanks to JustJames for sending me some of this!

Flavors: Berries, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

i think it’s quite distinctively different because it’s a green mate, not a roasted. i’ve never had another like it. so glad you like it!

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