Tea type
Black Tea
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Malt, Tea, Vanilla
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 17 oz / 493 ml

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From Mahamosa Gourmet Teas, Spices & Herbs

An intense vanilla taste blends harmoniously with a select black tea blend, to produce a creamy heavenly tea. Ingredients: Black tea, flavoring, vanilla pieces.


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11 Tasting Notes

15606 tasting notes

totally not sure why i called this a sipdown the other day, but uh it wasn’t. now it is. hahaha either way, good times to be had with this tea :)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

LOL, I called a sipdown on something that wasn’t yesterday. Also, I took a sipdown on a tea, then I realized it wasn’t even on my inventory list, so it didn’t count in the numbers.

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6768 tasting notes

Dry this smells pretty awesome…a really wonderful vanilla aroma. Once I started infusing it morphed a little. It was like a vanilla/cream combo with a bit of fragrant aroma sort of like a body spray or perfume type smell.

The taste is vanilla/cream and a little floral – almost like a jasmine-type taste eventho I really doubt there is any jasmine in this flavor but I’m picking up a little ‘sumpin’-sumpin’

After really trying to ‘think’ about the after taste of this I finally realized what it was…it was the black tea base – it’s strong and malty with hints of cocoa powder almost…which linger. There is a mysterious spec of smokiness, too, in the black tea base. With all of these tasting-features it makes for a unique combo – one that I doubt I have ever had in a vanilla flavored black tea before. That, in itself, I appreciate.

This is pretty good. Different than I was expecting, but good.

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790 tasting notes

This is a decent vanilla black tea. Almost caramelly in smell and with a sweetish taste.

For the price and taste I think I’d probably keep Harney & Son’s Vanilla Black in the cupboard over this one, but if one were making an order from Mahamosa and wanted something to round it out, this is a good tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Ysaurella 12 years ago

you should try the Mariage Frère one : Vanille des îles
It’s a very natural one and the base is fantastic

Sil 12 years ago

hmm good to know lol

Nicole 12 years ago

I’ll have to try the MF one, Ysaurella. Sounds good!

Sil – I hesitate to recommend a company to someone who has over 200 teas at the moment, but Mahamosa is good to deal with and has generous sample sizes. :)

Sil 12 years ago

nicole – lol oh there will be an order one of these days. I’ll have to try the MF one but i for sure have mahamosa on my list of tea places to try eventually. just need to get my cupboard back under control.

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772 tasting notes

Enjoying this tea again tonight though it is possible that my tastebuds are even more sensitive than normal today for some reason. Since I’m normally on supertaster level, this isn’t really a good thing. Especially since I taste things really strongly but I’m not good at identifying what I am tasting if I’m not very familiar with it in other contexts.

In this case, I still enjoy this tea but it tastes very ‘dark’ tonight, with a bit of an unpleasant aftertaste. It’s not quite perfect and definitely not my preference for vanilla tea, which is normally my favourite type of tea. Ah, well. This is a sipdown anyway.

ETA: second cup of the pot, added granulated sugar instead of rock sugar (because I was lazy and didn’t want to wait for it to melt) and more milk and it came out really much tastier. Very tasty actually. Much better. Now I’m sad that it’s a sipdown :(

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 25 OZ / 750 ML

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4343 tasting notes

Lewis & Clark Traveling Teabox – Tea #21
I feel like I’ve had this tea before under a different name… a few times. However, I don’t see the vanilla pieces I usually see. The vanilla is the same color as black tea though! A nice sweet pastry vanilla smoothness. It’s like Della Terra’s Cafe Vanille.
Steep #1 // 1 tsp // just boiled // 4 min

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4336 tasting notes

Lewis & Clarke TTB

Vanilla is one of my favorite flavors, so I had to try this one. :D The leaves are pretty generic-looking black tea leaves. It smells very sweet and vanilla custardy, but there’s also another smell that I’m having a hard time placing. I know, it reminds me of those vanilla-flavored calcium chews! Lol…

Brewed, it smells like vanilla custard, om nom nom! To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed by the lack of vanilla flavor in my cup. I’m not sure whether I didn’t get any vanilla bean or what, but it pretty much tastes like a mediocre black tea with a hint of vanilla at the end. :( Sad day.

Flavors: Malt, Tea, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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518 tasting notes


This is a nice vanilla black tea. The base tea has a good amount of maltiness which goes very well with the vanilla. I have other teas that fall into this category right now in my cupboard so I don’t need it now, but I will keep it in mind for in the future.

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294 tasting notes


I kept a sample of this to try from the TTB to try, and found a little piece of vanilla bean in it. I love it when that happens! This smells so yummy, vanilla and creamy.
Taste wise, its nice and vanilla-y and creamy. I don’t remember much else, I seemed to have drank it all without realizing it while doing my homework. It’s good, but doesnt replace my favorite vanilla teas. A good contender though.

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