Unsweetened MatchaBooster

Tea type
Green Matcha Blend
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  • “Backlog: This stuff is great! It’s a really economical way to enjoy Matcha (to go!) every day. It’s a very versatile product. You can add it to juice, coconut water, smoothies, or anything that...” Read full tasting note

From Maeda-en

MatchaBooster is a ready-to-use matcha-based powder. It mixes easily in your favorite drink and can used as a cooking ingredient.

Boost up your lifestyle with Maeda-en MatchaBooster♪

Green tea’s smooth and fresh green flavor. Enjoy traditional Japanese green tea!

About Maeda-en View company

Maeda-En has been in business for the last 25 years as an importer, manufacturer and wholesaler of green tea & green tea desserts. Our Japanese grown, fresh quality green teas are shipped directly from our productionRead more

1 Tasting Note

4843 tasting notes


This stuff is great! It’s a really economical way to enjoy Matcha (to go!) every day. It’s a very versatile product. You can add it to juice, coconut water, smoothies, or anything that you want to “boost” with Matcha.

When I first tried it, I went simply and added a teaspoon of the powder to my 16.9 ounce water bottle and gave it a shake. It mixes completely with no lumps and no sediment and makes a perfectly tasty “tea to go” without any sweetener.

I’ve since added it to a bottle of pomegranate juice (Yum) but when adding it to juice, if you want to taste a stronger impact of Matcha, add maybe an extra half a teaspoon. When I added a 1/2 a teaspoon to 8 ounces of juice, the juice overpowered the matcha a little. A little more Matcha and it is better.

Here’s my full-length article: http://sororiteasisters.com/2014/10/24/product-review-unsweetened-matchabooster-from-maeda-en/

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