Gold Peak Unsweetened

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Black Tea
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5 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

Oh, my aching (fill in a body part and it’ll probably be right)…day of hard labor ferrying father, walker, and medical appliances to Wal-Mart, then cleaning out a hall closet with shelves that haven’t been touched for years. Today’s treasures: old vaudeville showbill, a brand new rag throw rug, a black wool beret, and quite possibly every greeting card my mother ever received for the past 30 years. Oh, and a large milk glass creamer full of fresh lilacs (always her favorite this time of year).

Anyway, without a fresh Mason jar of homebrew in the fridge, I swiped a tumbler of this from my husband. This is a fair, unsweet, unsullied, non-citric iced tea if you need some ready-made in a pinch. Enjoying it along with the backyard theatrics—Tazo is mole hunting.

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K S 11 years ago

Gold Peak is a good no fuss choice. Our local Mexican restaurant brews it fresh. Not too shabby. Your day sounds a lot like my wife’s. Except it was me and the garage.

yyz 11 years ago

Nice bit of memories. I never really new my grandmother very well, she was quite sickly through most of my conscious memories of her and very frustrated and even my mom said she was a difficult person to get to really know, but I have her old autograph albums, letters, some pictures of her laughing with friends…

gmathis 11 years ago

Her greatest legacy was her quilts and sewing tackle; she made lap robes (small quilts) for nursing homes; baby quilts for practically every baby in Barton County; dresses by the case for mission boxes to Honduras. We have a shed full of fabric we’d like to bequeath to someone who would do similar good with it and haven’t found a donee yet.

ashmanra 11 years ago

Black beret! Milk glass creamer! Lilacs! Oh, what a wonderful day! (Hard, I know, but such finds! All of it. The playbill…wow.)

K S 11 years ago

Apologies for not recognizing the emotions attached to the closet. I guess I am not wired that way. My mom is not a keeper of stuff. The joke growing up was if anything was left on the table for 5 minutes, mom would throw it away.

gmathis 11 years ago

No apologies needed—we vacillate between “how sweet she kept it!” and “Good grief, why did she keep THAT?”

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1719 tasting notes

This is what they serve at the local Mexican Restaurant. It is kind of reminiscent of Snapple. Sure it could be more complex. Then again you could do a lot worse. Beats the heck out of the Con-Tea that Arbys sells.

Bonnie 13 years ago

Positive attitude!

Joshua Smith 13 years ago

My university got machines for this put in at every place that sells food on campus. I agree that it beats most restaurant teas, but it does leave a bit to be desired…

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17 tasting notes

whenever i don’t want to drink anything sweet i always drink this..

0 OZ / 0 ML

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115 tasting notes

This tea is not the best, but certainly tastes better than Lipton’s “teas”. At the store, I noticed that a white, slimy liquid formed at the bottom of most bottles. I grabbed the only one without the strange formation. The taste was over all good, however, it was not brewed to the strength I usually like. The tea could have been better, but it satisfied my thirst for the moment.


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