Everyday Genmai-cha Roasted Rice Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Sakura Sushi
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 20 oz / 591 ml

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  • “Picked up a bag of this at HMart for when I get a hankering for genmaicha since I don’t tend to keep it in my stash. Maeda-en had such a great matcha for the price, I thought I’d try this. Meh....” Read full tasting note

From Maeda-en

Maeda-en Everyday Genmai-cha Roasted Rice Green Tea is made with sen-cha with roasted rice. Its taste is mellow with a nutty aroma. This all-time popular blend contains minerals to keep your healthy daily diet.

About Maeda-en View company

Maeda-En has been in business for the last 25 years as an importer, manufacturer and wholesaler of green tea & green tea desserts. Our Japanese grown, fresh quality green teas are shipped directly from our production factory in Japan to the states and then world-wide.

1 Tasting Note

185 tasting notes

Picked up a bag of this at HMart for when I get a hankering for genmaicha since I don’t tend to keep it in my stash. Maeda-en had such a great matcha for the price, I thought I’d try this. Meh. It’s OK. Not enough flavor of either the green tea or the toasted rice. And it takes a LOT of leaf: 1 tablespoon for 12 oz. Luckily it wasn’t very expensive, so no harm. Just a little disappointing. I’ll have to play with the steeping parameters to see if I can produce a better brew.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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