This tea came to me from a place far, far away, and from the lovely Anna. You know the one: great hair, ziplock university, secret millionaire, very dear…
The scent of the dry leaf smells kind of like the inside of your trick-or-treat bag from Halloween. Or, you know, maybe that’s the smell of lychee. I must admit that I don’t tend to gravitate towards things of the lychee persuasion, so I tried this tea a bit cautiously. And I think I either brewed it wrong or I simply don’t like lychee. I gave it a four minute steep because that’s what I’ve done with all my other oolongs and they’ve come out delectable, but somehow this had very little flavour to it. remarkably, however, I could taste lychee lingering for like an hour after I was done sipping, although the taste of lychee wasn’t in the sip itself. Isn’t that so odd? Anyway, a most unusual tea, that’s for sure. I have enough left to try it again, and I may try a shorter steep time, but perhaps it’s just that I’m not a big lychee fan.
Thanks, Anna!! I’m so glad you introduced me to lupicia, because now I feel compelled to try Lupicia everything.
I’m enjoying the Doctor Who marathon right now. Got a nice cup of the 10th Doctor here with me. New Who tonight!!!
Which episode are you on?