Still puttering along, working my way through my sweet little Løv Organic sampler. I think I only have a few left to try! I felt like having a rooibos this evening and I was thinking about Lupicia’s Sweet Autumn, but decided to give this one a try instead. Inside the sachet is a mixture of red rooibos and citrus peel. I was surprised that the dry scent is mostly orange with very little cinnamon. Hooray, this won’t be one of those teas in which the cinnamon overpowers everything else! :)
In keeping with most of the teas I’ve tried from Løv Organic, this is quite subtly flavored. It’s mostly just red rooibos with a little bit of orange, which accents it beautifully. I can taste a little hint of cinnamon at the end of the sip, and I definitely appreciate that it has a very small role here. I do enjoy this one, since I’m a fan of red rooibos. I think the orange alongside the rooibos is a very tasty and autumnal combination. However, I can see others not liking this one because it focuses on the flavor of the rooibos base.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange, Rooibos