Løv Organic

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Flavors: Apricot, Berries, Black Currant, Peach

170 °F / 76 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Løv in Mind by Løv Organic
2611 tasting notes

Arby Advent Day 15
I’m not a fan of turmeric in tea, but I was happy to try it. The main flavor is the turmeric – warming and dirty. A bit of gingery spice in there as well. It tastes how I expected. I don’t need to try this one again.

Cameron B.

Rofl “warming and dirty”. Love it.

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drank Løvely Break by Løv Organic
6444 tasting notes

Thank you Cameron B for sharing this tea. Alas, this was not the lovely break I hoped for. It was meant to be wild berries and cookies but instead I mostly got hibiscus and generic berry flavor. Still fun to try though.

Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2019/03/27/lovely-break-lov-organic/

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
6444 tasting notes

Iced Tea Sipdown (210)

Thank you for sharing CameronB but this was a big ole nope for me. It sounded super interesting but as soon as it hit my mouth I got a weird sweet vegetal waxiness that was just not okay.

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Sipdown (625)!

Thank you for sharing this tea VariaTEA! I’ve tried a few offerings from this company, and I’m curious about trying more – but they seem to only sell in large, prepacked tins and I’m not enthused about the idea of buying a large tin without prior sampling, so I really appreciate the share!

Unfortunately I can’t really remember much of what I thought of the tea – it just didn’t make an impression with me at all! I suppose that’s an indicator that it wasn’t a great tea, though. Really the only thing I recall was that the colour of the infusion was a very pigmented “hibiscus red”. I guess it was probably tart, in that case!? I’m just not sure…

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drank Summer in Løv by Løv Organic
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (229)

This was a share from Cameron B. Thank you!!

I cold brewed it for hours though I am not exactly sure how many since I looked at the time when I prepped this but didn’t actually register what I was looking at. It would have to be at least 5-6 hours I would say.

I definitely get peach and watermelon but there is a flatness here I don’t like combined with an artificial/waxiness. Like the weird Tim Hortons peach drink with a void in the middle of flavor and then a watermelon aftertaste. I can’t determine if this would benefit from being a teapop to give it some effervescence or from being sweetened but something is definitely missing and I just can’t put my finger on it.

It is not bad per se but it is not my favorite either. It is an unusual combination of flavors which I enjoy and it is now drowned by hibiscus but something is definitely missing.

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Drank this on the commute home from work yesterday.

It’s weird how it tasted so familiar, even though I’m almost positive I’ve never tried it before. I definitely liked aspects of it a lot, but there were qualities I was equally unfond of as well. The base was really nice, but adding licorice root and chamomile created this super unpleasant sweet, cloying floral top note that was grating on my palate. The lemon verbena/pear combo was quite interesting to me as it did taste distinctly like pear to me but a rather unique sort of pear flavour I haven’t had in many blends – and that’s the sort of citrus-y, tart pear note that comes from “pear concentrate” – the kind often mixed with apple juice and white grape juice in fruit juices, for extra sweetness/body/as a filler. Not a bad pear, just a pear that has a specific connotation to it, for me.

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Thanks Cameron B. :D

This was my choice of my all day sipper. I put 4.5g in 12 oz 175°F and I drink it throughout the day, in between gongfu sessions. It’s interesting it’s made of green rooibos, green tea, and white tea. It works, it’s pretty good.

All these years, I always drink, for example, my matcha with 1-2 tsp in 2-4oz water so I’m used to strong flavors. I am really having fun with these flavored samples because I could put them in the thermos and let them sit without timing and still enjoy the flavor throughout the day since they are pretty mild in general. So please take that in consideration when I review flavored teas. My ti-ti-ti-MING, timing, is off. lol

Stonefruits, peach and more apricot goodness in this, some sweetness but not a lot (I like it that way). I can’t taste the cucumber notes as Cameron did hehe, but there were other flavors too that I’m sure I can’t detect lol or mint that some others tasted but I enjoyed it though. I’ve refilled my thermos three times so far and there is still flavor.

Flavors: Apricot, Peach, Stonefruit

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Sipdown! (7)

Well now that I know these white teas from Lov Organic are going away, I have to try the three that I have and decide whether I should order some in sachets…

This is tasty, but for me it’s too close to the Blackcurrant-Peach version. The mango here is quite peachy in flavor in my opinion. It does have an extra little tropical hit to it because of the passion fruit. The white tea is mellow and pleasant, with notes of hay and oats.

It’s yummy! But I don’t need both this one and the Blackcurrant-Peach white tea, and I prefer the latter.

Flavors: Creamy, Hay, Mango, Oats, Passion Fruit, Peach, Smooth, Sweet, Tropical

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Løv in Mind by Løv Organic
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (254)

My day of sipdowns took a detour when I got talked into going to see Mary Poppins Returns with my mom and sister. We went to a VIP cinema and I was not paying attention and ended up ordering a fishbowl to drink. A giant fishbowl of alcohol, juice, and soda.

Now I am back home and my guess is the whole lot of sugars and alcohol didn’t sit well because I am a bit nauseous. I looked for a tea with ginger and this was the first I found. It came to me courtesy of Cameron B. Thank you!

This tea has a slight ginger burn when it hits the back of the throat which is nice for the nausea. Other than that, I am not loving this all that much. I think the dragon fruit is what appealed to me about this one but I don’t get much, if any, dragon fruit. I get ginger. Some turmeric. And something a little musty. It’s different but different isn’t always good. And to me at least, this is not good. Still grateful to Cameron B for the chance to try it and at the very least the ginger is calming the slight nausea from before.

Cameron B.

I’m not a fan of this one either – too much ginger/turmeric and not enough dragonfruit.

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drank Summer in Løv by Løv Organic
4343 tasting notes

Home – 11:00 PM

The Great Cupboard Excavation
Untasted teas remaining: 21

I believe I bought this one to use for cold brew, as this is not something I would generally drink hot. I’m not a great lover of fruit tisanes when they have hibiscus included.

Luckily there’s not a lot of hibiscus here, so it’s not overly sour. It’s very peachy – the flavor reminds me of peach gummy rings. The hibiscus adds some needed tartness, although they could have accomplished the same thing with lemon. There’s a bit of apple as well.

It’s actually quite good for a fruit tisane. I’m not sure I feel the need to keep it around, as fruit tisanes are not something I ever reach for. As herbals go, I would rather have a mint or chamomile blend, or a nice green rooibos.

So with no hard feelings, I’ll likely pass this one along. But it is solidly in the “good” category for a fruit tisane.

Flavors: Apple, Artificial, Candy, Hibiscus, Peach, Sweet, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Citrus Fruit Tea by Løv Organic
4343 tasting notes

Home – 10:30 PM

The Great Cupboard Excavation
Untasted teas remaining: 36

I must have bought this one during the summer to use for cold brewing. But since that’s not something I’m doing anymore since the weather is cooler, I’m trying it hot.

This is quite tart, but that’s actually not a bad thing in this case since there’s so much citrus. There’s also a bit of balancing sweetness somehow. I can taste orange, lemon, and a bit of grapefruit here, and perhaps even a sweeter citrus like a mandarin. Plus obviously, the hibiscus, which I think adds a nice bit of floral. There’s also a bit of more zingy artificial orange flavor, like Tang or vitamin C chewables.

It’s not amazing or anything, but it’s much better than I expected it would be as a hot beverage. Especially since in all fairness, it’s likely meant to be an iced tea.

Flavors: Citrus, Grapefruit, Hibiscus, Lemon, Orange, Sweet, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Summer in Løv by Løv Organic
2611 tasting notes

I steeped this in hot water for probably too long, then I put it in the fridge for later. What a nice, complex flavor! It tastes like apricot, but it also has depth. I wish I had more of this so I could try a cold brew. This isn’t the sort of tea you’d drink hot (I tried a sip – too weird) but it’s very refreshing cold. Thanks Cameron B!

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drank Løv in Mind by Løv Organic
4343 tasting notes

Home – 11:00 PM

I fully expect to not enjoy this one, in fact I haven’t the slightest idea why I bought a tin of it… It’s a sort of wellness blend with turmeric, moringa, ginger, dragonfruit, and some other stuff. Maybe I bought it because of the dragonfruit? Who knows… But the dry leaf smells distinctly wellness-y.

Nope, not a fan of this. There’s a little bit of fruitiness, but mostly it tastes of healthful herbs with a bit of lemon, turmeric, and either black pepper or chili.

Into the re-homing box it goes.

Flavors: Fruity, Ginger, Herbs, Lemon, Musty, Pepper, Spices

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Haha, I like the use of “wellness-y.” I can smell it already!

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drank Løv is Beautiful by Løv Organic
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (344)

I like this. Apricot and some papaya now that it cools. Some hay as well. When it was hotter, there was mango and more tropical vibes as well. I actually really like this, most when it is hot but it is still lovely as it cools. Thank you for sharing, Cameron B!

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
640 tasting notes

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
640 tasting notes

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
640 tasting notes

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
640 tasting notes

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drank Citrus Fruit Tea by Løv Organic
2611 tasting notes

Pretty unremarkable. A pleasant citrus tea. Light, not sour or bitter. I would drink it again. From Cameron B.

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drank Løv is Green by Løv Organic
4343 tasting notes

Home – 10:00 PM

So this is an odd tisane that I bought on a whim because it sounded interesting and ooh, pretty tin… It’s a mixture of dried fruits and vegetables – apple, pear, spinach, and carrot.

It’s actually much sweeter than I expected, and much lighter. The apple and pear are the strongest flavors here, with some sweet carrot knocking around as well. I don’t get much spinach, though there is a bit in the aftertaste.

Overall, it’s not what I expected. It’s mostly a fruit tisane with a bit of carrot in there. I do like it, and I think it would make a very interesting cold brew. Will have to try that next time.

Flavors: Apple, Carrot, Pear, Spinach, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Vegetal

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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365 Days of Tea Challenge – Day 21

Sipdown! (6)

Somehow, I always forget how much I enjoy these fruity white teas from Lov Organic. Although, I’m a bit worried they’re being discontinued as we speak, because all three flavors are 40% off and a lot of the package options (including the tins) are out of stock… :( I’ve asked about it on Instagram, but who knows whether I’ll get a response.

Mine is in sachet form, as it’s from a white tea sachet sampler pack.

It’s really good… The white tea base is fairly generic, with a soft, mellow hat & oats sort of flavor. But the fruits! The peach is juicy and sweet, and creamy when combined with the white tea. As for the blackcurrant, I’m not sure I would pick it out specifically if I didn’t know it was there. I might guess it was blackberry. But either way, it does add a lovely depth and slight jammy richness to the blend, and accents the peach perfectly.

Now I’m annoyed because I want a tin of this, and I’m very worried it won’t be available anymore. At least there are still some sachets in stock, maybe I should order a bunch…



Flavors: Berry, Black Currant, Blackberry, Hay, Jam, Oats, Peach, Smooth, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML
Cameron B.

They just got back to me on Instagram. They are discontinuing their white teas as they want to focus more on herbals. QQ!

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Work – 2:30 PM

I have a little white tea gift pack (that I undoubtedly got on sale) from Løv Organic. It has six sachets each of Blueberry-Coconut, Mango-Passion Fruit, and this tea, all in cute little colorful cardboard boxes.

I used two sachets for my 18-ounce teapot (filled to the brim) and let them steep for 2.5 minutes. It came out perfect!

I can taste the white tea base with its lovely creamy hay and oat notes. Good white teas have a tendency to remind me a bit of muesli or granola, in the best way possible. There’s a hint of bitterness as well.

The flavoring is a combination of peach and apricot, with a touch of astringency mimicking their fuzzy skins. Because this is such a light tea, the blackcurrant lacks the syrupy, jammy quality that really makes me think “blackcurrant”. So to me, it’s closer to blackberry, but equally yummy. It plays second fiddle to the stonefruit either way, and is a nice supporting flavor.

Really digging this one as an afternoon tea. It’s light but flavorful. I might have to consider ordering a tin of it if I ever allow myself to buy tea again… ;)

Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Black Currant, Blackberry, Creamy, Hay, Oats, Peach, Smooth

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec 18 OZ / 532 ML

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drank Løvely Break by Løv Organic
4343 tasting notes

Home – 10:00 PM

So this tisane is inspired by the Swedish fika, or tea/coffee break with baked goods. Sounds like an excellent practice to me! ❤

It’s actually quite good, considering I’m not the biggest fan of hibiscus. It tends to overpower all other flavors when it’s present in a tea. I will say, I do feel there is a bit too much here, it’s quite tart. But the tartness does pair nicely with the red fruits – cranberry, raspberry, a touch of sour cherry. However, it somewhat masks the lovely buttery biscuit flavor.

I’m sure it would help to add a bit of sweetener – brown sugar, perhaps. I may try that next time.

Flavors: Apple, Berry, Butter, Cherry, Cookie, Cranberry, Hibiscus, Pastries, Raspberry, Red Fruits, Sweet, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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