Tea type
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Alcohol, Peat, Plum, Rum, Wet Wood, Earth, Muscatel, Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Mushrooms, Sweet, Wet Earth, Dirt, Smooth, Pastries, Bread, Wet wood, Cream, Drying, Caramel, Chocolate, Stonefruit, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Liquid Proust
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 45 sec 5 g 4 oz / 110 ml

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34 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

First Steep – 1 minute

Once steeped the tea liquid is dark brown/red with a damp and earthy scent with sweet and sharp rum taking centre stage.

The first few sips reveal a smooth and sweet combination with some damp earth and a touch of sourness, but the rum cuts through the earth and it’s taste lingers. While it’s hot it’s not as strong as the scent in terms of rum but it’s still very noticeable. It’s actually a nice combination, you have the smoothness of the golden tips with some earthiness but the rum brings sweetness but also a strength that matches the wood and damp elements from the Shu.

Half way down the cup and my mouth is completely coated with a soft and creamy rum flavour which just resembles rum ball sweets even more. Also the rum is more noticeable as the tea cools.

The raw leaves are still strong smelling, despite already having one steep.

Second Steep – 2 minutes

More rum in this steep but it remains as creamy as the first cup. The rum is not as medicinal as the first steep but it remains sweet. This cup is perhaps a little dry in comparison but it’s in a nice way.

This is a delicious steep, it has more body but the flavours remain the same.

The loose leaves still smell like rum but there is also a manure like sweetness to it now.

Third Steep – 3 minutes

This steep smells a lot less like rum, with sour earth notes now in control.

In flavour I also feel that the rum has toned down but it’s still there, just softer and less sweet among the thick cream of the golden tips.


This tea is rum-a-licious! A creamy base combined with sweet rum that resembles rum ball sweets brings back lots of nostalgia. The only time I would get rum balls or rum and raisin ice cream is when I went to the seaside, so for me it homes in on happy memories. Plus I like the balance between the two, being a Sheng fan over Shu I find myself enjoying this base quite a bit. The smoothness and cream reminds me of a nice Dian Hong golden tip but less malty and more earthy.

For pictures and more information please view my blog: http://www.kittylovestea.co.uk/2016/05/25/rummy-pu-rum-infused-pu-erh-adventure/

Flavors: Cream, Drying, Earth, Rum


Rum ball tea sounds super yummy!

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1705 tasting notes

As I’ve said in my other reviews, Liquid Proust’s Teas have the few Pu-Erhs that I fully enjoy. The Pu-Erh actually tasted like earthy, but lighter black tea with the Rum flavor being the most pronounced throughout. I brewed it up closer to western, but in a first steep starting at 45 seconds, then two minutes, 3, then 5. I’ll have to do it again Gong Fu…which will probably be the later note. This tea is for more experienced tea drinkers, but I think that a few newer drinkers might be converted to trying more Pu-Erh after having this. And it is a shame that this was limited edition because it was awesome.

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2145 tasting notes

There are plenty of people playing around with alcoholic tea, incorporating everything from wine to hops, but Rummy Pu is so far beyond what I’ve seen others working on. It’s safe to say that one sip and my mind was blown, I’ve never tasted anything quite like this. It was hands-down my favorite discovery at the Midwest Tea Festival. The depth of flavor the tea picked up during the aging process is astounding. Opening up a fresh package smelled as if I had popped open a bottle of spiced rum for a mid-day tipple. The flavor changes subtly each time it’s steeped, but even after using the same leaves for the third, fourth, and fifth time I was met with a distinct spiced rum flavor backed up with deeper notes of chocolate, earth, and eventually a slight sweetness. This is a truly remarkable tea!

You can read the full review on my blog:

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921 tasting notes

Well, I made the hard decision to reset my Nether on Ramble, this was a very hard decision but one I am glad I made! See when I switched my world from the Xbox 360 to the Xbone, all my existing Nether portals got messed up and no longer lined up, so most my Nether builds were kind of moot, and as I am sure you can guess this frustrated me. My only real complaint about doing this (other than rebuilding things, but that is no big problem, most my Nether builds were kinda old and needed redoing, except the Nether hub) with one of the recent updates you can’t get water in the Nether anymore. It used to be you could use melted iceblocks to bring water to the Nether, meaning my Nether villa had a bathroom and fountains, now not so much. I understand doing it in survival, but I wish in creative I could still get water in the Nether…so many building potentials! Especially for map makers, some of the old maps came up with really clever ways of using water in the Nether, and I will miss that.

Today I am looking at Liquid Proust’s Rummy Pu, a fancy Golden Needle Shou aged in a rum barrel and debuted at the Midwest Tea Festival, where I procured it. Before I get into huge depth on tasting, I want to give a little me backstory, I LOVE rum. In fact I love the taste of most alcohol, thanks to a quirk in my metabolism it took a lot to get me drunk and I never stayed drunk for long, in fact I was only a tiny bit hungover once and never made myself sick off of the stuff, well that was when I was younger. When I was 21 my gallbladder failed and pretty much ever since then my guts have been made of fail in one way or another, and anytime I try to drink I would curl up in a tiny ball of agony, so no more booze for me! I never really liked being tipsy, but man did I love the taste, especially of rum, so having things that taste like rum make me happy. One of the reasons I eat a lot of rum balls come Christmas…and speaking of rum balls this tea smells uncannily like them. It has a bit of a loamy earthy Shou quality, but really the showing point is a rich rum, chocolate, graham crackers, and a tiny distant spice. In short, it smells really amazing!

Gaiwan time for the golden needles, and for the first time in I can’t even remember how long, I drank the rinse. Usually I never drink the rinse on a Shou, but this one smelled so tantalizing that I had to. The leaves smell sweet, like rum and molasses, with chocolate and earthy wet loam. The rum is super strong and very sweet, and it still reminds me of rum balls. The aroma of the tea is equally rummy and sweet, with strong notes of chocolate and graham crackers, wet wood and forest floor. It smells like what I imagine a wet rum barrel would smell like on a hot day.

The first several steeps are super rummy and sweet, and yes they taste like rum balls! Smooth and sweet with a gentle distant spice (allspice reminiscent) with rich chocolate notes and sweet graham crackers. There is an earthiness to the tea as well, like clean wet soil after rain in a deep forest, lush and loamy. I was expecting this tea to lull me into sleep, as many thick Shous tend to do, but nope this one had me lost in nostalgia and wide awake. Oops.

The middle steeps took on a surprising creaminess and fruity tone, now this tea no longer tastes like rum balls but tastes like rum raisin ice cream. The sweet rum and raisin mixed with rich vanilla and cream is pretty decadent, thickly sweet and with a solid mouthfeel, I don’t even care that I was up til five in the morning drinking this stuff. Though hilariously the taste at the beginning reminding me Christmas rum balls, now the taste reminds me of rich bowls of ice cream on a summer day…clearly this tea has range.

Not wanting the tea to ever end, I took to grandpa-ish style steeping the final steeps, going for at times 20 minute long steeps as I drank around the leaves. As one imagines the liquid gets a bit chilled at this point, and usually I LOATHE cold Shou, but it was delightfully sweet and creamy, the rum notes still strong. By this point there are none of the familiar earthy notes of Shou (which is what I dislike about cold Shou, those notes are wonderful warm but a big nope when cold) just creamy vanilla and chocolate, rum, and a gentle spice that lingers. I got nine steeps out of this tea before it quit, and enjoyed every one of them…even Ben who is not a fan of any alcohol (he won’t even eat my famous rum balls) and who only moderately likes Shou loved this stuff, he fussed at me for only getting one bag and he wants to turn some into a Masala Chai! I really do regret only getting one bag, this tea is wonderful and I will mourn it when it is gone.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2016/05/liquid-proust-teas-rummy-pu-tea-review.html


That sounds so good. I gotta get some of this before it’s all gone.

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306 tasting notes

Props to Andrew for this awesome idea. And it was a pleasure to meet you at the tea fest!

I had to buy a pack. Struggled not to buy more than one, trying to save spending money for other items at the festival. Now I’ve decided I’ll be ordering more. Haha.

Right out of the bag this smells heavily of spiced rum. I could be wrong. It may not have been spiced rum that was in that barrel, but it at least is the aroma of aged or spiced rum, the amber colored drink, not clear rum.

After the first infusion in my gaiwan, the big fuzzy golden needle puer leaves let out a really great aroma. There’s must and chocolate intermingled with caramel and rum. On the scent of the tea liquid I get more of the “raw dough” kind of smell that I usually associate with ripe Puer, and the scent of rum is distant.

Tasting the tea, I decided to forego my usual shou Puer rinse and drink the first infusion of this one. Didn’t want to risk washing away some of that wonderful rum taste. The flavor of rum is definitely the main presence, but it is supported by woody and musty undertones from the tea, and the taste of cinnamon roll dough.

By the third infusion this tea is really rich and sweet, very well blending the rum flavor, which has declined over the first few infusions, with the golden needle puer flavor, which has broadened with each infusion. There are some dark stonefruit notes and a lingering sweetness on the tongue. Some unique notes of cucumber pop in as well.

This tea infuses very well with gongfu style brewing, and you get a rich flavor for many infusions. At some point in late infusions (5 or 6 and beyond), the tea taste starts to gradually subside while the rum taste and the sweetness of the rum stay consistent.

This tea is a victorious experiment, and I applaud Andrew for the audacity and cleverness to do it! I honestly don’t like the idea of alcohol scented teas or tea paired with alcohol as my thought tends to be that it will muddle the tea, or overpower its nuances, but this tea showcases the tea well, despite the rum being the more evident presence. I think on some infusions the two are really balanced, so I’m actually more into this than I expected I’d be.

Up next, green tea stored in a gin barrel! Please? ;P

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Pastries, Rum, Stonefruit, Sweet, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C

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1113 tasting notes

Releasing this tea and sampling it at the Midwest Tea Fest really just… blew all my expectations away. Not only is it absolutely amazing, easy to steep, exactly how you imagine a rum tea tasting, but it grabbed the attention of so many people.

Between the comments of ‘I don’t drink tea, but I can drink that rum!’ to other vendors telling people to come to me… I haven’t felt that amazing in awhile. I didn’t even know that I had given samples to other tea shop owners because I don’t know faces or anything, which is the way to go aka treat everyone the same, but it made my day 10x better to hear people who have been in the tea business for a long time to say what I did was a success.

This tea carries the rum taste for quite a few steeps, more then what I projected. Very smooth and delicious :)

(Quite interested on how the online sales of this will go as I just put it online)


Sounds awesome, definitely looking forward to trying it! :)


That sounds like an awesome day! Congratulations! :)

Evol Ving Ness

Well-deserved after all of your concerted efforts in the tea world. Well done!


i may have read this as runny poo…. initially. whoops.


Good job!

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