For the Brave

Tea type
Black Tea
Flavouring, Hibiscus, Lapsang Souchong, Marshmallow Leaf
Campfire, Citrus, Hibiscus, Smoke, Summer
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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  • “Here’s Hoping Teabox – Round Six – Tea #8 Another from Liquid Proust! The name of this one made me a little wary, but it wasn’t anything too bad. The smokiness was more woodsiness to me, so that...” Read full tasting note
  • “Holidays TTB #1: This may be a weird one to start with, but it just stood out so much. I really love lapsang souchong, and the thought of these other flavors mixed with it was really...” Read full tasting note
  • “Holidays TTB I’m going to guess that this was a donation to the box by Liquid Proust, so thank you! I’m not going to rate it, because I actually hate lapsang souchong and don’t want to give a bad...” Read full tasting note

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3 Tasting Notes

4339 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Teabox – Round Six – Tea #8
Another from Liquid Proust! The name of this one made me a little wary, but it wasn’t anything too bad. The smokiness was more woodsiness to me, so that wasn’t a problem. But any tea with hibiscus MIGHT be a problem for me. It wasn’t too overpowering here but it was an odd combination! Smoky hibiscus…. and then there was supposed to be marshmallow root but that was a little indistinguishable. At least LP’s going for some pretty unique blends. Plenty left to try in the teabox!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// 16 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 minute steep

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448 tasting notes

Holidays TTB #1: This may be a weird one to start with, but it just stood out so much. I really love lapsang souchong, and the thought of these other flavors mixed with it was really interesting.

The smokiness seemed to be covered up by the other flavors. The hibiscus was also mellowed out and not really tart at all. Maybe the marshmallow root just calmed everything else down? I wasn’t super into the flavor of this, but I’m happy I tried it.

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247 tasting notes

Holidays TTB
I’m going to guess that this was a donation to the box by Liquid Proust, so thank you!
I’m not going to rate it, because I actually hate lapsang souchong and don’t want to give a bad impression to those who enjoy it, but I feel it’s necessary to take notes on this one.

The lapsang is much less prominent than others I’ve had in the past, still smoky & campfirey, but it’s blended really really nicely. The hibiscus cuts the smoke really well and it tastes a bit citrus-y, also something I don’t enjoy typically, but this one is really good in my opinion, all things considered. I could actually grow to enjoy this one. It tastes like summertime in New York City.

Flavors: Campfire, Citrus, Hibiscus, Smoke, Summer

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