
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Apple, Apricot, Candy, Hibiscus, Peach, Tart
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “Whoops, I totally oversteeped this while accidentally eating way too much ice cream. Luckily, it turned out perfectly okay. I’m drinking it cold. The flavor is mild and peachy and not too tart at...” Read full tasting note
  • “Adventaggedon Day 20: Tea 4/8 Cold Brew! This sort of feels like a weird advent inclusion because the ‘summery’ quality of the blend is literally built right into the name. Thankfully, unlike the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Advent Day 21 This is tart. I can taste peach beyond that, but the tartness really distracting. I’m hoping it backs off as it cools. I should have cold steeped this when I saw hibiscus. I know...” Read full tasting note
  • “Kusmi Advent Calendar – Day 21 What a pretty wrapper! It’s a lovely coral color. It’s actually quite a bit blander than I expected, given that I used a small amount of water. It does have a nice...” Read full tasting note

From Kusmi Tea


Enjoy summer all year round with this organic peach-apricot herbal tea!

Guess what! It’s summer all year round with AquaSummer! Your summer fling is the real thing. As the seasons pass, you’ll always have a taste of summer on your lips as you relish in utter relaxation and sun-ripened fruits. Tart hibiscus notes, the velvety, fleshy peach and apricot flavors…it’s just like being there allRead more

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4 Tasting Notes

2606 tasting notes

Whoops, I totally oversteeped this while accidentally eating way too much ice cream. Luckily, it turned out perfectly okay. I’m drinking it cold. The flavor is mild and peachy and not too tart at all. It’s subtle, and it’s another one from Kusmi that I’d consider ordering despite being generally tired of peach teas. I appreciate that it goes in a slightly different direction than others.

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17027 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 20: Tea 4/8

Cold Brew!

This sort of feels like a weird advent inclusion because the ‘summery’ quality of the blend is literally built right into the name. Thankfully, unlike the other ‘AquaINSERT WORD’ tea we’ve already seen in the advent, this one does actually have a clear flavour direction. The dry leaf aroma was pretty floral peach though steeped up it’s closer to just being a sweet peach candy type of flavour with only a hint of a floral undertone. Definitely a bit tart and bright, but not as hibiscus dominated as it could have easily been.

I enjoyed it but I also felt like it was a little generic as a peach herbal tea and a bit more forgettable that the peach tisanes that have already popped up from other companies.

Song Pairing:

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1783 tasting notes

Advent Day 21

This is tart. I can taste peach beyond that, but the tartness really distracting. I’m hoping it backs off as it cools. I should have cold steeped this when I saw hibiscus. I know better. :/ It’s cooling slowly and I am impatient. The tart has mellowed out a bit, but not as much as I’d like. The finish is all peachy, which is nice. I’m giving up on this cup for the night. Maybe it will taste a little better in the morning.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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4336 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Calendar – Day 21

What a pretty wrapper! It’s a lovely coral color.

It’s actually quite a bit blander than I expected, given that I used a small amount of water. It does have a nice peach candy flavor with a bit of tartness, it reminds me of slightly sour Peachie-Os. I can taste some apple as well, and a bit of apricot. There wasn’t a ton of hibiscus in my sachet, so it’s tart but not sour.

I do like the combination of peach and hibiscus here, so I’m happy to finish the cup.

(today’s advent teas:

Flavors: Apple, Apricot, Candy, Hibiscus, Peach, Tart

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Mastress Alita 4 years ago

Sour Peachie-O’s sound amazing. I wonder if anyone makes a Peachie-O with like, the sweet’n’sour sugary stuff that is on other candies, like Sourpatch Kids…

Cameron B. 4 years ago

Yummm I would so eat those. My husband and I ordered a bunch of sour gummy candies a couple of months ago and we’re still making our way through them. XD

Mastress Alita 4 years ago

Probably as a surprise to no one, I absolutely love sour/tart gummy candies! (Gummy Worms, Sourpatch Kids…)

Cameron B. 4 years ago

I can’t say I’m shocked by that… ;)

I think Sour Punch Straws might be my favorite? But I also had some Sour Patch Strawberries recently that were amazing.

Mastress Alita 4 years ago

Man, I need to up my candy game and get some of these in my house!

tea-sipper 4 years ago

Yep, I’ve always been a fan of sour candy too, especially Sourpatch Kids. :D

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